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About this mod

Fix to make the sustained abilities in the 2 handed and sword and shield versions of rebel5555\'s mods for Arcane warriors work properly.

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Sustained Abilities fix for rebel5555's 2 Handed Weapon and Weapon and Shield Abilities for Arcane Warriors

Author: lucaslotr (AKA Lucas Carvalho)

It's been a while since rebel5555 updated his mod and although i find it almost indispensable to my DAO playthroughs one
thing that always bothered me was that the sustained abilities do not work (Shield Wall, Powerful Swings, etc), so I decided
to see if I could do something about it. Please keep in mind that this is my first mod.

Unfortunately for now all i can provide in the mod is the fix for the sustained abilities for 2 handed weapons and weapon and shield, dual wielding is NOT included, also the active ablities have not been changed. Also it works with the vanilla version
of the mod, not the Combat Tweaks version.

As a bonus, i included a script to respec the mod's abilities, just use "runscript aw_respec" without quotes on the console.
This script also works for the dual wielding version of rebel5555's mod.

Installation Instrustions:

-Extract the contents of the .zip file;
-Copy the contents of the mod's override folder to your game's override folder.


Same as rebel5555's mods so I'll just quote his readme here:

This mod is compatible with my other Arcane Warrior mods.

This mod will NOT work with any mod that modifies the following scripts or GDA Files:

This mod will also NOT work if a mod uses any of the Following GDA Ability Base ID's 300000-300047


Thanks to rebel5555 of course for his awesome mods and for sharing their source.