Tete a Tete

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10/22/2277 08:30 AM

From: Cpt. Lisa Hart, Head of Institute Security

To: Dr. Pedro Ramirez, Institute Head of Projects
Dr. Harold Sykes, Interim Director "Project Joyeuse"

Re: Interaction between Lt. Williams & E1-337

*Audio surveillance transcribed to text.*

Lt. Allison Williams: All right, you! If I'm gonna work with you, I might as know as much as I can. Why did the Institute put you in with us?

E1-337: I am the second prototype of a new model of combat synth designed to survive in the harsh environment of the Wastes in order to capture or terminate rogue synths who have escaped the Institute. However, proper field testing is required and supervision is a necessity.

Williams: So I'm your supervisor?

E1-337: In a sense. Your purpose is to monitor my combat performance and interaction with my teammates. After every mission my data will be retrieved and analyze by the engineers here.

Williams: How lovely. I'm a f****** babysitter, now.

E1-337: I assure you, Lieutenant. That level of supervision is isn't... oh! You were being sarcastic. I got the impression you have a problem with synths back in Cpt. Carver's office.

Williams: You're damn right I do! I don't like the idea of having a robot guarding my back only to find out it decided to run away!

E1-337: I understand your concerns Lieutenant, but those that ran away had been operative for a considerable amount of time. I, on the other hand, have been operating for only a few weeks.

Williams: *sigh* Very well! So which one of the eggheads built you?

E1-337: That would be Dr. Emmerich, the former director of the project that built me.

Williams: You mean the guy that was sent to the loony bin?

E1-337: *giggles* That would be him. The reason for that is because he became obsessed with an old anime holodisk title "Magical Girl Woof Woof", which is why I look the way that I...

Williams: "Magical Girl" WHAT!?

E1-337: "Woof Woof". He was committed to psychiatric care after he made me with fully functioning dog ears and...

Williams: Okay, I think I've heard enough! Let's get to work.


  1. BlackRampage
    • premium
    • 142 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    hehe, this is getting funnier every time.
    Guess Williams might have to be careful that she won't get replaced in the long run...
  2. LostRider
    • supporter
    • 116 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Excellent work as always, Mate!!!
  3. Spaceritual
    • premium
    • 515 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    very nice scene
  4. CARTlike
    • supporter
    • 85 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Very nice
  5. Druuler
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    Roflmao! Ok, now I really have to read this all the way through <img class=">
  6. juderodney
    • supporter
    • 19 kudos
    Her next word was going to be "Tail"
  7. Druuler
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Fully functioning dog ears? Lol!
  8. juderodney
    • supporter
    • 19 kudos
    The suit came from here:

    The extra stuff from here:
  9. azrael502
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    nice pic where did the armor come from ?