About this image
While preferable these two are sold, their real purpose is much more sinister: If the caravan is attacked by something big, hungry, and undefeatable; shoot one of them in the legs and let him become the dinner instead of the more valuable slaves.
Geezer (left)
Age: 58
Geezer had lived as a hermit for most of his life, showing an amazing skill at survival. Unfortunately, he was caught stealing by Seamus.
Age: 36
Believing himself the reincarnation of Pancho Villa, Miguel led a band of raiders to much loot and slaughter. However, he decided to keep the plunder for himself, which did not sit well with his minions. He was given over to Seamus as payment to operate in his territory.
Geezer looks scared out of his mind. He's got a lot of reasons to be, poor guy.
Quote: "Isn't that what they do in Canada?
-bring a friend and wear good sneakers.
When a bear or cougar attacks, kick your friend in the groin or knee, then run for your life, while the predator enjoy its fastfood. >:]"
Actually no, we Canadians don't do that to our friends. We only do that to ignorant, rude, smart-assed tourists. And then we have to avoid the Game Wardens because we poisoned the animals.
Shoot him in the leg, aye.
Isn't that what they do in Canada?
-bring a friend and wear good sneakers.
When a bear or cougar attacks, kick your friend in the groin or knee, then run for your life, while the predator enjoy its fastfood. >:]
Sinister or not, it is, in my opinion, the wisest thing to do in the event they are indeed attacked.
I'd shoot the old geezer in the leg by the way.
Survival of the fittest after all...