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Created by

Imp of the Perverse

Uploaded by

Imp of the Perverse

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About this mod

Because only the bionic man (and people wearing power armor) can zoom without a scope. This mod removes the zoom effect from all scopeless weapons. Compatible with all vanilla and modded weapons.

Permissions and credits
This mod removes any zoom effect from weapons without telescopic scopes. I created it because I use a narrow field of view, so most pistols and some rifles and shotguns resulted in my zooming out when holding the aim button. This fixes that, and also adds some realism, though it will make aiming more difficult with most scopeless weapons. It works regardless of your personal field of view setting (setting SightFOV to 2, 3, or 4 in the GECK will disable zooming without disabling iron sight animations, while setting it to 0 disables iron sight animations as well. 3 was used for this mod).

As of version 1.2, there are three version of the .esp. In the 60% and 80% versions, power armor helmets have the ability to zoom to 60% and 80% of the player's default field of view, respectively. All non-scoped weapons get the same zoom factor - so if your default field of view is 75 degrees, your helmet field of view will be 45 degrees with the 60% .esp, and 60 degrees with the 80% .esp. The third version does not include any power armor helmet zoom.

I'll probably make a compatibility patch for another of my mods, Powered Power Armor. With the patch, zooming would require both a power armor helmet and charged power armor. Zoom upgrades would also be available.


This mod is 100% compatible with all weapons from all mods, but it may conflict with other mods that alter the zoomed field of view of non-scoped weapons via script. The FOV change is applied once each time you equip a weapon or change helmet, so it may not conflict with mods that change the field of view after that. Try it out and let me know (but create a backup save first).


This mod requires FOSE. Download it here:


The changes are made entirely via script, so load order is unimportant. Use either the 60%, 80%, or no helmet zoom version of the .esp.


IMPORTANT: Before uninstalling this mod, load each of your important saves, unequip your weapon and lower your fists (or equip a scoped weapon) and resave. This will prevent a permanent change to your weapon's zoomed FOV.

Once you've performed the step above, just uncheck the .esp and delete.