About this mod
FOLLOWERS FIXER 3.3 is released ! (look at the new video , it work realy perfect now due to a complete script modification And the customs followers will be supported too !!!!) Fixing followers \"weapons on wrist\" issue of vanilla game, they teleport automaticaly next to you wen lost ... (need fose 1.2 to work )
- Permissions and credits
(NEED FOSE 1.2 to work ).
Log :
3.3: The script can now be triggered manually even if a controller is plugged in ( thanks to Gets Shot ).
Fixing followers issues.
-follower stop wearing sometimes weapon on his wrist.
-follower follow you in every places ( because for some peoples followers don't follow you in history museum for exemple )
-follower don't get lost , when the follower is far as 30 units ( unfortunatly i don't know what is a "unit" in metres or feet .. ) , he will respawn next to you.
-If the follower get lost or have the wirst bug again ( it seems to be completly fixed but .. in case of .. ) press O to teleport and reset your followers next to you !
Since the release 3.2 , this mod support also the customs followers that you add to the game.
How it work :
-When you launch the game for the first time , wait about ~ 5 sec and the mod will add to you 10 "Follower fixer unit".
-Go in your custom follower inventory and simply add 1 ( AND ONLY 1 ! ) follower fixer unit.
-Now your follower is fixed for all the bugs tolds before ( watch the video ), and if you press "o" he will spawn and reset next to you !
DON'T USE THE FOLLOWER FIXER UNIT WITH THE VANILLA FOLLOWERS !!! (they are all already fixed by this mod ^^.)
For next version :
-Control if the follower already have a follower fixer unit (in this case , prevent the player to put more than 1 follower unit in the custom follower inventory ).
-Control if the follower is vanilla follower (in this case , prevent the player to put 1 follower unit in the vanilla follower inventory )
Please :
Don't be rude but if you see issues , tell me in the comments.
Thanks to endorse my mod if you like it , to give me motivation to keep working on it.
Credits :
Hereticus : codding and research.
Gets Shot : For good advices and testing / and made my mod usable with controllers.
}{ellKnight : Autor of garu ( GARU - Gnome Ammo Refill Unit ) , he give me the idea of using the follower like a container and hollowed me to use a part of his code.