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About this mod

You can easily recreate lost characters or use this as a home base with many features, or use it to make any aspect of the game a bit easier. Is it a utility or a cheat? You decide.

Permissions and credits
Leveler's Chamber
A Utility or a Cheat, you decide

A Home Base with several game cheats
by WillieSea
version 4.6 - 04/15/2023

Requires all 5 DLC

* * * N O T I C E * * *

- Fallout 3
- Anchorage
- Broken Steel
- Point Lookout
- The Pitt
- Zeta

Please read it before asking questions...

Known Issues and Caution
Tested with Steam game version

1. Download the 7z file.
2. Unpack the 7z file to your game folder \steam\Fallout 3 goty\Data\*.esp
That means you copy everything in this archive into your \steam\Fallout 3 goty\data\ folder.
3. Copy the \textures\ folder to your game's \Data\ folder. Since this replaces NONE of the vanilla textures, you can over-write if asked.
\steam\Fallout 3 goty\data\textures\williesea\*
4. Copy the \Meshes\ folder to your game's \Data\ folder. Since this replaces NONE of the vanilla meshes, you can over-write if asked.
\steam\Fallout 3 goty\data\meshes\williesea\*
5. Activate the mod from the 'Data Files' list on your start menu.
6. Play the game. Find the Sewer entrance SW of vault 101.

UPDATING from a previous version in an existing save game?
Same instruction as for installation noted above, but you will overwrite all files.
In game some things have moved, you can fix that by clicking the button that is next to the clock where you upgrade the alien blaster weapon.
That button will reset all activators that have moved to their correct positions.
Turn off then on the power breaker in the generator room to reset all lights.
You may have to open/close/unlock all doors again to get them in the proper open/close state.

Starting the Mod
Head "South-south East" from the entrance of Vault 101 up the road towards the broken bridge. The sewer entrance is just below you.

The Special benefits of this mod for you!


Ham Radio Summoner
- Summon specific Creatures 1 & 2, Ghouls, Raiders, Mutants and Robots
- Summon groups of enemies. Four of the selected group will appear.
- All summoned creatures will be west towards the barn. There is a red light on the ground where they spawn.
- There are two 'disintegration' buttons that can be used to clear the dead bodies and collect the loot which is put into the container.


Static Bobbles of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and Skills
- SPECIAL attributes up to 10 pts, down to 3 pts. Gives once per click.
- Skills up to 200 pts, down to 10 pts. Gives 5 points per click until skill is over 194 or less than 15, then gives 1 point per click.
- Click the Bobblehead switch to DECREASE the points instead. Click again to change back to ADDing points.

Equipment Sorters
- Switches sort different types of equipment into various containers
- Ammo option switch allows you to choose which ammo types to keep some of in your inventory
- Some items are not sorted. There are 'Unique' lockers where you can manually store that stuff

Water Fountain
- Take a drink of fresh water
- Get a purified water added to your inventory

- Sleep the days and nights away in comfort (better than the hard ground)

Perk Terminal
- Select the perks you want!
- Includes 'Mastery' perks, which grant bonus based on skills over 100.
-- Need "Darnified UI" mod to get skills over 100, must be activated in the Darnified UI modd settings to use.
-- For Darnified to work on skills over 100, you must keep one skill well under 100, or the game will not grant you any skill points to use.
-- If you get 20 skill points to use a turn, make sure you keep that one skill at 80. 
-- If you bring it up to 90, you will only get 10 points to use (game function).
- Warning Use at your Own risk!

Safe that will Spawn Bottle Caps
- +5000 Bottle Caps every time you use it
- This safe will retain its previous contents

Ammo presses that will create Ammo
- Select your ammo type and find it in the safe
- All crate's will retain their previous contents
- Free of charge

ToolBox that will Summon Bobby Pins
- +25 Bobby Pins every time you use it
- This box will retain its previous contents
- Free of charge

- Build all your Schematic items.

Toolbox of Schematic Parts
- Select your Schematic and the four necessary parts will be in the toolbox
- Will retain its previous contents

- Put items in the receptacle and press the button. All gone!

Good/Bad Karma Sets
- Use this laboratory set and increase or decrease your Karma by 50 points for each usage
- Two sets available. One for positive, the other for negative.

Electrical Switch
- Switch to turn all the lights on/off in the area
- In generator room on right wall as you enter.

NOTE: No locations were changed, I used existing teleport markers at each location.
- Equip to activate it.
-- Go Home to levelers chamber
-- Resume after using 'Go Home', this sends you back to where you were when you selected the 'Go Home' option above.
-- Mark your current location, up to 8 slots
-- Recall yourself to a Marked location
-- North West map locations
-- North East map locations
-- South West map locations
-- South East map locations
-- Downtown City locations
- Back button added to go back to the previous menu

First Aid Kit
- Heal all of your wounds instantly

Rad Away Kit
- Remove all radiation damage instantly

Special Armors
- Armors all have the same special abilities attached
- Helmets have built in Night Vision ability
-- XL Combat Armor/Helmet
-- XL Metal Armor/Helmet
-- T-51XL Power Armor/Helmet
-- XL Recon Armor/Helmet
-- XL Leather Duster/Hat (Hat does not have night vision, use glasses instead)

Night vision Helmets/Glasses
- Wear any of the helmets to help you see in the dark
- Four Power levels to choose from: Darker -.25 to Brighter +2.5, +5.0, +7.5
- Automatic setting turns on indoors and at night outdoors. Darkens around midday outside

Special Weapons
- Several types of unique weapons
- You can build these from the manufacturing terminal
-- XL Power Fist - EMP - Does massive damage to robots
-- XL 10mm Pistol - EMP - Does extra damage to robots
-- XL 44 Magnum - DU - Extra Hard hitting bullets
-- XL Shotgun - Explosive - Each pellet explodes on contact
-- XL Assault Rifle - Flame - Extra incendiary damage
-- XL Sniper - High Exp - Extra explosive damage on contact

Experience Mainframe
- Gain a leveled amount of XP every time you use it
- Button that will decrease your level by 1 down to 2.

A Portable Turret
- Once a day, for 1000 caps, you can manufacture a portable turret that you can take with you

A Working Clock
- So you always know what time it is
- Another clock on fireplace

Relocate Activators
- Switch next to clock that resets the location of the Date dials, and the targets. Only need to use if you updated to V4.5 in an existing save game.

Schematics Printer
- Print out any schematic you want and as many of them as you want
There are 4 transmitters that you can drop, or 'reverse pickpocket' an NPC to place it on them.
If you activate the transmitter, it will show up on your map as a moving marker.

- Repair items up to 100%
- Trade with a never-ending supply of Bottle Caps
- When activated, if the merchant is short on caps, she will get more
- Get a Haircut
- Get Plastic Surgery
- Key can be found on shelf with caps.

Switch to change Merchant clothing
- Click to switch between revealing and non-revealing outfit.

Create-It Terminal
- Options to create many DLC items delivered to the basket.

Living room
- Living area with a working fireplace that you can turn on and off
- Sniper weapon that uses special ammo. Explodes when it hits anything
- Night Vision glasses

Shooting Range
- Shoot the targets for experience. After each hit, the targets will automatically reset
- At long range, you can get 2-3 exp for each hit
- At medium range, you can get 1-2 exp for his hit
- Remember, there are perks that effect how much exp you gain
- If you use explosives, they will not register as a hit and will not reset themselves
- A switch is provided to reset the targets if you knocked them out of place.

Solar Blaster (Alien)
- Find the dead alien and find its weapon
- The weapon recharges slowly when outside in the daylight and when equipped
- It will recharge very slowly if it is not equipped
- Once a day you can fully recharge the weapon by plugging it into the aliens suit
- There are 10 levels of this weapon so you can upgrade it as you level up on the workbench near the clock
- Percentage change of upgrading the weapon is your (((Repair * 2) + (Energy / 2)) / 2)
- If you have advanced enough in levels, you can attempt to upgrade it once a day

Perk 'Rad Healing'
- Different from the one you can get from Moria during the radiation quest.
- Radiation level of 200 will repair all critical body parts.
- Radiation lowered as health is increased.
- If health cannot be increased, radiation will no longer lower. You can now 'Bank' radiation for future healing.
- Go into the radiation surrounding the alien corpse.

Gas Trap 'Valve'
- Fills lower room with gas which you can explode which can be used to kill the radroaches
- A grenade appears on the valve.
- Radroaches find their way into the lower room daily.

- Automatically pick carrot, apple, pear, and potato. You-pick punga plants.
- Healing arch.

Bobblehead Display Holograph
- Will display every bobblehead you have found, whether you have it in your inventory or not.
- Will not look for or remove bobbleheads from your inventory.

Moonshine Still
- Activating will give you 1 moonshine.

Quest display shelves - Button
- Click button to update shelves with some quests you have completed.

Poster Display - Button
- Button in Bathtub room that enables or disables posters on the walls.