About this mod
Re-Textures for chems and meds, all packed in a convinient mod!
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

This is a pack of the re-textures I made for chems and meds.
If you just want some of the re-textures, you can find individual links for each of them at the end of this readme.
This mod re-textures the following chems and meds:
- Buffout
- Blood Packs (slighty darker)
- Jet
- Ultrajet new!
- Med-X
- Mentats
- Berry Mentats new!
- Grape Mentats new!
- Orange Mentats new!
- Psycho
- Rad-X
- RadAway
- Stimpaks
- Super Stimpaks (in case you use them in your game)
Two alternatives, choose one:

1st. Click the DOWNLOAD WITH MANAGER button. Then activate with the NMM, and enjoy. :)
2nd. Manual installation:
1) Download manually.
2) Copy the "Chems and Meds Re-Textures Pack.esp" file to your \Fallout 3\Data directory.
3) Copy the "Meshes" and "Textures" folders to your \Fallout 3\Data directory.
4) Activate the .esp files using the NMM.
5) Enjoy :)
You'll need ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated installed.
Should be compatible with everything since it's just a re-texture mod.
The .esp only changes the paths for the nif models used by Ultrajet, and the Berry / Grape / Orange Mentats.
If you use Advanced Chems - Mentats just use the .esp from that mod, and replace those textures with the ones provided in Chems and Meds.
Credits / Thanks
- Bethesda: for creating Fallout 3.
- Fallout 3 Nexus for creating a place to share our mods.
- LockdownZero for letting me use resources from his mod.
Individual re-textures
- Buffout Re-Texture
- BloodPacks Re-Texture
- Jet Ultrajet Re-Textures
- Med-X Morphine Re-Texture
- Mentats Re-Textures
- Psycho Re-Texture
- Rad-X RadAway Re-Textures
- Stimpaks Re-Texture
My other mods