About this mod
V1 - the original log cabin
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Spanish
Built with the lore-friendly wanderer in mind who likes their place realistically sized, outfitted and immersive, I welcome you back home to Hunters Ridge.

Location and Key:
* Map marked in your pipboy just to the east of Oasis in the far north - almost straight up from Megaton as far as you can go.
* A couple of lockers are key-locked as is the front door. Use the house key which is to the lower right of the door or the extra on the table once inside.
Odds and Ends:
* Lamps for the most part are individually activated though a couple are grouped. You can effectively bring the place to life upon arrival and shut it down when you leave.
* I placed no ownership on the cabin. This fact allows your companions to partake of the drink and food stored there - and they will gladly do so. The bed with the pillow on it, however, is player-owned for well-rested.
* Two of the top bunks are also sleepable for a total of six functioning beds - not including the swing outside.
* This version has no animals to watch over but does have a potato field your companions can and probably will work.
* Hunters Ridge has been carefully navmeshed for companions and wasteland critters.
* Unzip and place meshes and sound folders along with the esp file into your FO3/data folder. There is no texture file.
* Checkmark and validate in FOMM.
Possible Issues:
* I use FO3Edit so this file has been cleaned and mastered. The resultant file will ALWAYS give you a warning in FOMM should you click on it (about really being an "esm" though labelled as an "esp" file). Ignore it and make no attempt to change the file. It's just part of how FO3Edit works. Now if you wish to make changes to this mod for yourself you can certainly do so, but you have to use FO3Edit first. (1)Use the "MasterRestore" feature to get this file back to esp status. (2)Make your changes in the GECK. (3)Finish by running FO3Edit's "MasterUpdate". You must follow these steps if you want your changes to succeed. I recommend you also do a cleaning before the final step but that part isn't mandatory.
* If you already possess Hunters Ridge in any version or form remove it entirely before installing this version preferably by using a clean save. The versions are quite different and not to be considered updates from one to the other.
Thank you's and credit go to:
* Bethesda
* fallout3nexus
* The GECK
* FO3Edit and
* Loxy38 for the Kelsey and Jessi companions which I use extensively in my screenshots and to game-test my navmesh and idle markers...and use regularly in my game of course. Thank you.
Btw - comments and/or endorsements are still very much appreciated by modders in case you thought otherwise. We do check back - guaranteed - and rely on your feedback for mod improvements and, in some cases, the desire to continue modding.
April 21, 2012 - Thank you for sending "Hunters Ridge" to the thousand download mark! I'll drink to that.
Take care,
Mods by gary62 for Bethesda/Obsidian games:
On the Fallout4nexus -
On the skyrimnexus -
- The Cabin
- Providence _ A Settlement Near Ivarstead
- Skyview
- The Snowline
- Hindalok - Grandfather's Farm
- A Night On the Rift
- Legends Presets _ Famous Heroes and Heroines _ ECE CME saves
- Red Sonja _ Origins
On the newvegasnexus -
- Rancho Villa - (Mod of the Month for May 2012)
- Phoenix Point
- Ravens Nest
- Rathers Camp
- Legends Presets
- gary62 version of Fees Realistic Portable Tent
On the tesnexus -
On the fallout3nexus -
- Megaton Return - (Mod of the Month for Aug 2012)
- Camp Meridian
- Hunters Ridge
- The Dockside Inn_v1b_Redux
- The g62 Housing Compilation
- Legends Presets