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About this mod

Steel starts you on the stages leading to trigger the Enclave and finally at the Brotherhood Citadel ready for revenge, all at the very edge of level 3. You choose where you want to begin your Wasteland journeys.

Permissions and credits
Adventure Starts Steel Version 1 December 5, 2012
Break the pattern of leaving the Vault and leveling in the area near Megaton.
Steel starts on the stages leading to trigger the Enclave and finally at the
Brotherhood Citadel ready for revenge, all at the very edge of level 3.
You choose where you want to begin your Wasteland journeys.

There's two parts to the project.
Main file is Steel_SteelStarts_Start.fos
It starts at the Brotherhood of Steel Citadel after saving Li and getting Power Armor training.
All the items looted from Jefferson and the Taft Tunnles are still down in the Taft Tunnels.
Good luck getting them.

The optional file includes that main file and is a directory of twenty eight files its called StepsToSteel.
It includes all of the direct steps leading to getting Power Armor training and activating the Enclave.

These are the files without their extra label padding:
DadsRivetRun, EscapePurity, Failsafe, IntakeRepair, IntenseTrained, Level2VaultDoor, MainframeMutants, MutantFreePurity, MutantFuseFight, ProjectPurityPart, PurityControl, PurityFuse, RivetingScience, SafeScientist, SmithCaseyPostPod, SmithCaseyRats, SmithCaseys01, TaftExit, TaftGhouls, TaftTunnelTeam, TranquiltyLane, Vault112DadChat, Vault112Dad, Vault112Jumpsuit, Vault112Pods_Start

Requires: Fallout 3.esm
Conflicts with: nothing?

To Install:
Extract the file
Drag the Fallout 3 Folder to your /My Documents/My Games/ folder
It should merge with your Fallout 3/Saves/ folder there

To Uninstall: remove all files starting with Steel_ from your /My Documents/My Games/Fallout 3/Saves/ folder.

Lets discuss