About this mod
The name says it all. An ENB setup designed to give the best visual enhancements it can, while putting as little load on your computer and video card as humanly possible. I lose 2-3 FPS with this setup at 1920x1200! Get the biggest bang for you bucks... err... Caps!
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== Forward ==
I love ENB but have a 2 year old, $85 video card. Typically $85 video cards and ENB setups don't mix. However, it is possible to get amazing results that won't hinder the performance of your game.
That was the aim with this ENB setup. I wanted to leave in the effects that give the most eye-popping enhancements to my game without dropping my frame rate.
This ENB setup does just that. It adds an ENB Bloom, Sunglare, and a very nice Dynamic Depth of Field to the game with next to no performance hit what-so-ever. All SSAO, Adaptation, and ENB shadow work has been disabled as it hits performance far too hard for the increase in visual enhancement.
The palate used in this ENB setup gives the sunlight a very orange hue. This makes for a perfect apocalyptic atmosphere. The wastes look dead and burnt by the sun. The nights are very dark. Not pitch black, but very dark. You'll be able to see, but you'll be left wanting some night vision goggles. This was perfect for me as I plan to add Gopher's "Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision" modifications. (http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/15653)
Currently I am running Fallout 3 with several high resolution texture packs and a few other mods for stability. I have my resolution set at my monitors maximum of 1920x1200 and get around 26 FPS without ENB. Once this ENB is installed I only loose about 3 FPS!!!
I hope you enjoy!
== Recommendations ==
I recommend that you set your monitors brightness to 100% and it's contrast to around 80%. I am running this on an Acer P243w monitor.
== Installation Instructions (Step By Step) ==
1 - Download the ENB files themselves. (This setup runs with Version 0.150 of ENB for Fallout New Vegas, but works great in Fallout 3) You can download "enbseries_falloutnv_v0150.zip" here ==> http://www.enbdev.com/mod_falloutnv_v0150.htm
2 - Install the "Wrapper" version of ENB 0.150 by extracting "enbseries_falloutnv_v0150.zip" to a temporary location of your choice. Then copy the contents of the "WrapperVersion" folder to your main Fallout 3 installation directory. (NOT your Data folder)
3 - Now copy the contents of "Super-Fly_Performance_ENB_FO3.zip" into your main Fallout 3 installation directory. (NOT your Data folder)
4 - Make sure Anti-Aliasing is turned OFF in your Fallout 3 Options. Then make sure HDR is turned ON. (Set Anisotropic Filtering to whatever you want as it's turned off in this ENB setup.)
5 - You're done. Run the game as you normally would.
Once the game is launched you should see a small ENB text splash in the upper left corner of Fallout 3's main menu.
== FYI / Optional ==
-- This ENB setup can also be used with the Injector version included in the "enbseries_falloutnv_0150.zip" file. However, I recommend the Wrapper Version unless you encounter problems.
-- To use the Injector version of ENB 0.150 simply install the Injector with the instructions included, and then skip to step three of the installation Instructions listed here. Simple.
-- If you find the nights in this setup a little too dark for your liking they can easily be brightened. First, start Fallout 3 and load any save game. Then, hold shift and hit enter to open the ENB setup menu. Then scroll down to the "Environment" section. Look for "LightingIntensityNight" and "AmbientLightingIntensityNight" and slowly raise both those values until you reach your desired brightness. Don't forget to scroll back to the top of this menu and click the save configuration button.
-- Fallout 3 can be very tricky to get working on Windows 7 and 8. Especially x64 bit versions of the operating systems. If you encounter crashing or have problems running Fallout 3 at all, please refer to the following YouTube video for a fix. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0yOSKZKT8E
Sometimes Fallout 3 will still crash on Windows 7 even with the above fix. If this is the case for you, use the Game Companion to enable "Fake Fullscreen Mode". This program makes many games a lot more stable and typically grants an enormous performance boost too. You can download Game Companion here ==> http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/16478