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About this mod

This adds a medium sized personal base with a enclave theme near jury street. suggestions & critism always welcome

Permissions and credits
This is my second mod it adds a medium base plz pace comments suggestions and critism.



Operation: anchorage


Bugs and issues:
none at the moment plz pm me for bug report


Base includes
Your room
A dinner
a infirmy
The barracks
A storage for your armor weapons and rare items
And a shooting range for trying your new guns out & for the melee users an other target
some radios
and a nuka machine

future updates
maybe A working bobblehead stand if you explain how


add some decor
fixed some bugs

location you can see a american flag from the camping ground near jury street.

license of agreement
i am not responsible for game and computer craches and other problems.
pm me if you want to use my mod