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About this mod

A new retexture for Lincoln\'s Repeater.

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Hi people, my name is Kaique, i'm from brazil and this is my firsty mod.

Well, let's talk about the mod.

I don't like the original texture of Lincoln's rifle, so i'am made a retexture, and now
instead of golden and red wood, now is silver and black wood.

How install it:

Just Put the "Texture" Folder in in your data directory.

How uninstall it:

Delete everything what come with the mod.

Thanks to all! Enjoy!

Hey First i want to thanks who put the screenshots, it helped me so much because, i don't have much time to put some ones, so i want to thank you everybody who put the screenshots.

Goodbye! or how we say here in brazil: Valeu galera! or Falou!