About this mod
The \"Cube Experimental\" is a Questmod for Fallout 3. This project places a hidden entrance, of an forgotten cube complex, to the wasteland of Washington D. C.. To explore it, you only need your current Fallout 3 character.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors


English, German Version by SureAI
The German version - 78 MB http://www.cube-experimental.de
The English version - 78 MB http://www.cube-experimental.de
Russian Version by Bethplanet
The Russian version - 174 MB http://www.bethplanet.ru
French Version by Doezer, Sylom, Podeste & Edouardsie
The French version - 100 MB http://www.confrerie-des-traducteurs.fr
Italian Version by Ciccigomma - Half translated (You need the English version to play)
The Italian version - 2 MB
Spanish Version by ironhandjustice - Half translated (You need the English version to play)
The Spanish version - 2 MB
ATTENTION: This modification is heavily scripted to make it more intense.
Don't use cheats in this mod to avoide breaking the scripts and the game. Thanks!
The "Cube Experimental" is a questmod for Fallout 3. This project places a hidden entrance, of an forgotten cube complex, to the wasteland of Washington D. C.. To explore it, you only need your current Fallout 3 character.
After 5 months of development and thousands of tests, the German version of the Cube Experimental is finally released. We have also tested it with the English version of Fallout 3, and it also works with this version.
What you can expect
13 big levels full of hard work
2+ hours gameplay
New Soundtrack
Full professional voice acting
A confusing time.
78 MB | 65000+ Objects | 500+ Scripts
- Neotorious made an video how to get in
- Doezerxs Full Video Walkthrough
- Walkthrough (German Version)
- Walkthrough (English Version)
At the end we want thank:
John Izzard for Proofreading
Hans Eckel & Benni Arlet translation work
and of course the following voice actors:
English Version
Tronos & Tronos System by Joseph Plachno
Service System by Crystal Lonnquist
Hacker by Stig Finsen Sydtangen
German Version
Tronns & Tronoos System by Andi Krösing
Service System by Inga Interwies
Hacker by Martin Sabel
Chakys Update for 1.0.4:
Here's a short list of what I've done
- fixed the potentially problematic lightning (increased the range to minimum of 20 of those lights that were set below that)
- removed all few dirty edits, all the unused edits, scripts, NPCs, worldspaces, cells, etc. Thus the filesize reduction.
- reduced amount of persistent objects
- rewrote the messages
- added names to activators and containers that didn't have names
- removed 3 unnecessary rocks from wasteland
- switched the German version of Fallout 3 leftovers with English version (names "Wasteland" and "Hand grenade")
- some other changes, none of which are visible from within the game
If you have problems with the terminals ingame, it looks like nordmarv found a way:
At beginning I had the terminals bug (no option to open doors) but I moved the cube.esm and now works. I put it just down the fallout.esm in FOMM list. Fallout.esm must to be the first in fomm list (00) and cube.esm the second (01)
If you have problems unequip stuff:
For console commands press "^"-Key and type:
Energy Melter code: Player.RemoveItem 01084460 1 press ENTER
Experimental Suit: Player.RemoveItem 01046F2A 1 press ENTER
Plasma Grenade code: Player.RemoveItem 01097e2a 1 press ENTER
You can also try:
Energy Melter code: Player.UnequipItem 01084460 1 Press ENTER
Experimental Suit: Player.UnequipItem 01046F2A 1 Press ENTER
Plasma Grenade code: Player.RemoveItem 01097e2a 1 press ENTER