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About this mod

Adds 20 new pieces outfits to Fallout 3

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Knightmare's Pre-War Clothing Mod 2

Here it is at long last. This mod adds 10 new outfits to the Capital Wasteland. Clean and dirty variants of each
outfit for a grand total 20 new items. I've used some of the textures from my previous Pre-war clothing mod, but
have created a lot of new textures for this. Some NPCs wear the new clothing and it has been added to Moira, Bannon,
Crow, Tulip and Anthony Ling/Belle Bonny's shops.

Since I couldn't get the codes for the items I put all of items into a metal box in Megaton (mens room) and Tenpenny tower, for those of you who want to see them right away. Sorry for the inconvenience.

A big thank you goes out to Skree000 and Baelkin. Skree was right there when I needed help and Baelkin (indirectly) showed me how to add the new clothes. Without their help this release would have taken a hell of a lot longer to finish.

*Note, may conflict with mods that add items to above shops. I haven't seen any myself but it a possibility
so leave a comment or send me a message if it does and I'll try to do what I can to fix it up.

Of course, as with anything and everything I make available to the public, use this however you see fit. If you do use it for something let me know, I love to see what people do with my work.

Stretching does occur on the front of some of the dress meshes.
Some minor clipping occurs with the Pip-boy. Nothing major.

To do:
Add the new items to containers so they feel like they're there naturally.

Thanks everyone for your support (and your patience, haha) I hope you all enjoy this. A wasteland clothing mod is in the works too. Cheers.