About this mod
This retexture works for vanilla Chinese Stealth armor, Gaijune\'s Reinforced CSA and the Red Eye mask and goggles modification. (You must download and install them first.)
- Permissions and credits
ACU Chinese Stealth Armor retex v1.0
by theLeeHarvey
This is a high resolution retexture (4096x4096) for all variations of Chinese Stealth Armor (CSA). This retexture works perfectly with the vanilla CSA as well as Gaijune's reinforced CSA and the Red Eye mask and goggles.
I composed this texture by starting with eidospsogos' HiRes Chinese Stealth Armor texture and overlaying a digital camo texture that I got from nfebuary on the armor plates and select areas of the suit. The retexture still uses eidospsogo's awesome normal maps, I have not altered them at all since they are perfect to begin with. Look in the images section of this file's download page to see this retex on the different variations of the CSA.
** 22 Oct 2009 **
Due to multiple requests I have just uploaded a lower resolution version (2048x2048) of these textures as an optional file. It does not require you to download the Hi-Res version first, but you will need to download the "Bloodless Mask" separately if you want to use it. Note that if you had previously installed the "Bloodless Mask" textures this will overwrite them and they will need to be reinstalled.
This new set should be more friendly for more moderate PC builds.
** 17 Oct 2009 **
I have just added an optional texture for the Red Eye Mask & Goggles that does not have the blood streaks on it.
Here is the original and very awesome HiRes Chinese Stealth Armor retexture by eidospsogos. Please endorse his file if you endorse mine, because mine wouldn't exist without his.
I would not recommend using this file on a low-end PC gaming system as the textures are quite large. I run a Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 processor at 2.13Ghz with 2Gb RAM and a GeForce 260GTX 896Mb SC and it displays perfectly for me with all the settings turned up and tweaked past max with FO3 Configator.
That's the only requirement.
If you want to use this with the Reinforced Chinese Stealth Armor and/or the Red Eye mask and goggles, you will need to download them seperately and install them first. You can find them here:
Reinforced CSA:
Red Eye mod:
Unpack the 7zip file to your desktop and place the contained "textures" folder into your Fallout3/data directory. Click yes to overwrite if necessary.
Thanks to Eidospsogos for his inspiring HiRes CSA.
Thanks to nfebuary for supplying me with the digital camo texture.
Thanks to Bethesda for Fallout 3 and it's expansions.
And - though this file doesn't actually contain any of their work -
Thanks to Gaijune for the spectacular Reinforced CSA mod.
Thanks to Igby for the Red Eye mask and goggles modification.
Also, thanks to Fallout 3 Nexus for hosting this file and maintaining this wonderful community.
I think that's it....if I forgot you please let me know and I'll make sure you get credit for your work.
If you are going to do anything with this mod other than just play, ASK MY PERMISSION FIRST! I'm a nice guy, chances are I will not tell you no, but it is courteous to ask so make the effort or I will be royally pissed off and you will get reported for stealing.
I have a bit of bad news. I was yesterday laid off from my job which was my main access to the internet. I will no longer be able to check in on my files every day as I used to. I will make every effort to get on here at least once a week in order to provide support for my mods. If you have any problems or questions please PM me with them and I will reply as soon as I am able. Thanks for your patience.