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About this mod

A retexture of the great M45A1-Mod by Ghost8919

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This is a retexture of the M45A1 mod by Ghost8919.
That means you need to download the original mod first.

M45A1 Standalone

After that, make sure these texture files overwrite the ones from the original mod.


I loved the model and all the options to customize the grip and body of the gun, though i wasn't quite fond of the original textures.
This retexture makes the gun a slightly more weathered and changes some grips to be a little less eye-popping. All special effects on the grips are still the same as Ghost8919 intented.
Also the winterized-, woodland- and desertbody are now changed to appropiate camouflage.


Just like the original mod, you can mix and match the bodies and grips of the gun.


This is the first time i did a retexture or any kind of mod, so please be a little considered and let me know if I did something wrong when submitting this ;)
Hope you enjoy it.


Adobe Photoshop
Nvidia DDs Tool for PS