About this mod
Restores the cut content Paintball Guns and Mortar Guns added by the Contraptions Workshop DLC.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

The Contraptions Workshop DLC contained several cut content weapon versions of both the Paintball gun and Mortar stationary workshop traps. This mod restores them and makes them readily accessible (all the ammo was marked as "unplayable"), as well as craftable, and also fixes various minor bugs with the guns and ammo.
I also included an optional version that has [Ammo] prefix tags for use with various item sorting mods. Use only one version!
Either install using a mod manager (I recommend Mod Organizer, but Nexus Mod Manager would work as well) or manually extract the contents of the included archive into your Fallout4/Data folder.
If you wish to use the optional version that has [Ammo] prefix tags on the ammunition items (for use with item sorting mods), then you DO NOT need to main version!
[How to Get]:
All of the weapons and their respective ammo can be crafted at the Chemistry Station under the "Paintballs and Mortars" section I added to it.
The recipes seem pretty "balanced" to me, and I don't really think they need changing (see the FAQ section for more details).
[Known Bugs/Issues]:
- The inventory view model for the mortar ammo types looks a bit weird. Bethesda never made a proper one for it, and just used the projectile model. Because of this, the spinning animation that plays on every inventory model preview spins it in a very large circle that tilts and pivots, and it also displays the projectile "trail" effect. This is a minor thing, and I doubt I will attempt to fix it.
- Paintballs seem to use the decal system. Thus, they are incapable of overwriting each other (you cannot get a new one to show up on top of one that is already present). Additionally, whatever your maximum decal limit is set to will dictate how many paint splatters can show up at any one time before they start to get overwritten.
- Contrary to what the name may imply, the "Glow" version of the paintballs does not actually glow in the dark, as it does not posses a glow map (Bethesda probably didn't get around to making one before it was cut).
I may fix this at some point *if I feel like it*, as I have some experience with making things in Fallout 4 glow.
- Both of these weapons use an exisitng vanilla weapon as their base, and thus they can and will be altered by any mod that alters their base weapon (pipe bolt action rifle for the paintball guns and broadsider for the mortars).
*This can, however, introduce beneficial side effects as well, such as the paintball guns being natively compatible with the mod See-Through Combat Scopes.
Q: Can you port this mod to the consoles (please)?
A: I haven't tried to use Bethesda.net yet, but I can if you ask me nicely. However, I have a suspicion that the paintguns at least may have been cut due to console limitations on the game's decal system, and I cannot guarantee how well it would work as I have not tried playing Fallout 4 on a console. You may (or may not) have significantly less paint splatters that can display at a time. I jacked my maximum decals up very high a long time ago by manually editing the game's .ini files, so...
Q: Why did you make these recipes to be created at the Chemistry Station rather than using the new machines that this very DLC added...?
A: Mainly because I wanted to finish this mod quickly before someone else released a similar mod and all of my time was wasted. :P
...But also because I did not want to try and figure out the new system at the moment. I may get around to adding them to a new custom crafting machine later, but I did not want to simply add them to an existing crafting machine as well for compatibility purposes with other mods.
Q: The recipes are unbalanced because of X, can you change Y about them?
A: I don't plan on altering them honestly. They seem fine to me, and these guns are mostly more for "messing around" with than anything serious like combat.
Furthermore, I made the mortar recipes mirror the machine crafted versions used with the stationary settlement mortar launcher, and I used the same materials that Armorsmith Extended does for it's Pipe Gun recipes for the paintball gun.
I did improvise the paintball recipes, but I basically just picked the "best" existing item I could come up with that could reasonably be used to make the paint of that color.
[Future Plans]:
Nothing really apart from the things I mentioned above. I may make a patch that moved them to the Armorsmith workbench at some point, and possibly add support for AWKCR, but that's about it.
Let me know if there are any issues with the mod, though!
My Other Mods:
Dogmeat - Doors are NOT for Dogs (No Door Opening)
Nuka Cola Cherry GLOW
Salvaged Assaultron Head - No Self-Radiation
Wearable Small Satchel - Black Retexture
Pain Train - No Power Armor
Power Armor X-01 to T-60 or T-51 Model Swap
Splinterz - Breakable Wooden Doors