About this mod
Have you ever wanted to play a DLC but your not a high enough level. With this mod you can play any DLC whenever you want at the cost of all the DLC NPC's being 1.2x your level. (Did this to make the DLC Somewhat challenging no matter your level)
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
*Testing version 1.25, Check the latest sticky comment from me for more info
Have you ever wanted to play a DLC but your not a high enough level. With this mod you can play any DLC whenever you want at the cost of all the DLC NPC's being 1.2x your level. (Did this to make the DLC Somewhat challenging no matter your level)
*IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT Clean these with FO4 Edit. I have already checked each plugin in FO4 Edit for cleanliness and they are all clean.
[Authors Notes]
I tried archiving the files together into a bA2 but it wouldn't work for some reason in game and wouldn't use the files from the archive. So for now it only supports Loose Files :(
[Mod Features]
-Scaled DLC NPC's to 1.2x the players level so no matter what level you are the DLC will still be a challenge and scales to your levels.
-DLC can be started instantly
-Full FOMOD Installer
[Supported DLC]
-Far Harbor
-Vault Tec
-Nuka World
-The respective DLC for the plugins you selected.
NOTE* If using the merged version it will require Far Harbor, Nuka World, Vault Tec, and Automatron to work.
[What this mod will do]
-Makes you able to do the DLC's at a any level (Far harbor has some other requirements to be able to start See Below)
[What this mod will NOT do]
-Makes the DLC easier
-Scale DLC Weapon damage down
[Requirements to start DLC]
-Character level 1
[Vault Tec]
-Character level 1
[Far Harbor]
-Character level 1
-Unlucky Valentine Quest completed
[Nuka World]
-Character level 1
Q: Will this mod get support for consoles?
A: No it will not, Because this mod needs scripts to function properly therfore needs F4SE, and consoles can not run F4SE
Q: How do I start Nuka World?
A: I had to do some testing and in the end I had to add the "Nuka Transit Center" map marker to the player on startup as it wasn't working from the radio station. How you start nuka world is just go to the "Nuka Transit Center" and it will continue the quest to start the DLC.
Q: How do I start Automatron?
A: Same as you always would with the radio station.
Q: How do I start Far Harbor?
A: You have to complete the quest "Unlucky Valentine" to be able to start the get the Quest to Start the DLC.
Q: How do I start Vault Tec?
A: Same as you always would with the Radio station.
Q: What level do I have to be to be able to get the starting DLC Quest?
A: You can start them at level 1
Q: What about the enemies on the DLC?
A: The enemies are now dynamically scaled to your level. All DLC NPC are 1.2x your level so the DLC is always sorta difficult no matter your level. So for example If I'm level 12 the enemies should be level 14.
Q: Did you change the Legendary Enemies levels?
A: Legendary Enemies are the same level scaling as normal enemies.
