About this mod
incoming data..." The gun is evil I tell you...it doesn't stop burning"..data corrupted..new data stream
////" they want to take Anchorage from us we will show them what we are made of"...incoming data.."The ship sank sir...the weapons are gone... into the sea"..data corrupted..new data stream " maybe those gun
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October 1st, 2026////transcript of secret meeting held in Boston, Massachusetts
Today, before your eyes you will see a weapon made from the very agony of others. Here at the Black site, as
most of you know, is not a place for weakness. We are strong but first, we are American, The enemy thinks we
only have power armor to fight back. No, the continued development of state of the art weaponry started with
the AA12 MX Shotgun in Langley, Virgina. Allen ALbright, one of the greatest weapon designers of our secretive
entity could never imagine the strides we have taken to create the weapon that is here before you today.
we call it: The Diablo
The weapon is also adaptive to your military needs. It converts into 4 different combat styles. If you would look at
page 6 in your guide...
- Standard: The version that we will introduce the begin the phase 1. All around version tuned for everyday combat

- Tactical: As all of you know, military operations require precise infiltration. The special suppressor is intended
for use with this version but can be adapted to others.

- Close range: When covert is not the intention then this version will suite your needs as a plain and simple tool
for mass damage in close quarters situations.

- Marksman: This is for the long range out of site operations that require distance. Attach the long scope to
maximize your range and effectiveness.

These 4 conversions will be cultivated with the ability to fire 5.56mm rounds and the bigger and more
powerful .308 rounds. Automatic or Full Auto. If you need some sighted help, the reflex sight is also

If you turn the page &%..you will see the newest invention, The CX-Mag which gives you a massive ammo

The weapon will be the most innovative rifle ever created. Some might not know what to make of the continuous
fire within the weapons chamber. We have managed to Scientifically infuse Thermite into every shot
/////end of transcript//// property of The Enclave.////
Welcome to my second mod for Fallout 4. This is a special and innovative look at the ACR assault rifle. The goal
was to create a weapon that looks organic but was not a copy of the real Bushmaster/Remington rifle. You can see
the soul of the real weapon in mine but I made sure to add some major differences.
This is version 1.0. I will be working on a different color schemes and a couple more wild attachments and another
weapon set soon. With any mod there is could be some bugs. If you see anything please let me know so I can add
it to the list for 1.1. I worked very hard and put in lots of hours to create this. This weapon has been in the works
since March. I just didn't have the time to fully work on it daily.
currently knows issue is the CX drum mag is bugged and I'm working on a fix
if you are playing and the reload animation for the drum mag is SUPER slow let me know
Main parts
-Weapons sets: Standard,Close Range, Tactical and Marksman
-Mods include: Suppressor, Long Range Scope, Dual Magpul sights,Reflex sight(with red dot) Extended Mag and CX-Drum Mag
-Firing modes: 5.56mm in single shot and Full Auto
.308 in single shot and Full auto
Main Features
-Thermite rounds that ignite your enemy upon death
-Criticle hits cause instant combustion upon death
-Fiery melee
-Continuous stream of fire that lifts from the weapons
Chamber vents.
I hope you enjoy using my weapon!
Thanks for downloading!!
My other mod