About this mod
A simple Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini editing program to easily tweak your Fallout 4 settings.
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This program is a simple user interface app so that you can edit your Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini files easily without having to use a text editor.
When you start the program for the first time, it will ask you to locate your Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini file locations. After that, whenever you start Fallout4UltimateTweakTool.exe it shouldn't ask you for a new Fallout4.ini or Fallout4Prefs.ini location (unless its a new release of my program).
Current Features
Latest release: 11/25/2015 - v 3.0.0
- FOV settings
- Workshop settings like rotation speed, snapping-to-grid
- .ini setting image previews for a few settings.
- Fast game start up! Skip movie intro and disable the waiting period before you can press a button to see the main menu screen.
- Easily enable mod support
- Adjust the delay for how long you need to hold down the key to throw an item or for exiting powerarmor
- Disable DoF, radial blur, bloodsplatter on screen, and more
- PipBoy tweaks - remove flicker, shudder, UI color on PipBoy light
- Color pickers for HUD/UI and PipBoy
- Reset feature - this button resets the specified.ini file back to it's defaults.
- Create .ini backups
And many more planned features are on the way! (I need time to play the game too!) Mainly this is restricted by not knowing about certain settings. If you know one please comment.
Planned Features
Here are some planned features for updates to the Fallout 4 Ultimate Tweak Tool.
They are sort of in a order of priority:
- Rekeybinding (such as rekeybinding the Throw Grenade action to a seperate key)
- All graphics options that are available in the Launcher.exe for Fallout4 will be implemented in my app
- optimization of a user's .ini files for performance or graphics (this will be based on the user's CPU and GPU)
- Fallout4ScriptExtender shortcut (when it's released)
Installation Instructions
Simply download the archive, extract the contents to a location of your choice, and run the app - Fallout4UltimateTweakTool.exe
The program will ask you to browse to your Fallout4.ini then your Fallout4Prefs.ini. Once you've done that once, the app won't ask again!
The program also creates a file named Fallout4UltimateTweakTool.ini - this is used by the app to store user preferences and other metadata. Please don't delete it.
Uninstalling Instructions
Just delete the Fallout4IniEditor.exe and the Fallout4IniEditorSettings.ini (this file is used by the app for user preferences and other metadata).
Known Issues
- Display bug on Windows 7 - right edges/bottom of the main window are slightly wider than left side.
Submitting a Bug Report
If you encounter a bug, try deleting the "Fallout4UltimateTweakTool.ini" file which is in the same folder as the Fallout4UltimateTweakTool.exe
Please use the "Bug Report" option/tab that the NexusMods provides.
Anyways, copy paste the following section into your bug report:
Operating System:
Version of the Fallout4IniEditor:
Description of your issue:
Steps to reproduce it:
If you don't follow this bug report format, don't expect a timely response.
Want to Donate or Support This Project?
This started as a fun side project to develop a more advanced desktop app.
At anyrate, if you want to support this project check out my YouTube channel
I mainly make videos on Skyrim and Fallout 4 mods.
I might put up donation details later.
About Fallout 4 Ini Editor
This app is built with Windows Presentation Framework (WPF) for .NET Framework 4.0+
Also, I can't believe how many features are not in WPF that are standard in WinForms (like color pickers).
Copyright (C) 2015 by svaalbard
Official, supported, and maintained versions of this file are hosted on the
Fallout 4 NexusMods website: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/190/
Do not copy and distribute to and/or on other websites.
Thanks for RTFM'ing.