About this mod

You are now entering Experiment DCM: Shadow… This is a sequel to the previous Experiment DCM and a continuation of what the good doctor has been up to. Kicked out of Commonwealth Institute of Technology for practicing and studying the after death. The area between life and death, this place is usually referred to us as “Purgatory”.

Permissions and credits
You are now entering Experiment DCM: Shadow… This is a sequel to the previous Experiment DCM and a continuation of what the good doctor has been up to.  Kicked out of Commonwealth Institute of Technology for practicing and studying the after death. The area between life and death, this place is usually referred to us as “Purgatory”.  And what’s in this purgatory you ask? You’re the adventurer with a keen intellect and a knack for getting hit in the face, you tell me! So you should check it out and unfold the mystery that is Experiment DCM: Shadow.

Important note: This adventure is meant for high level players and requires you to have at least 7-8 in your special stats. This adventure is hard and you’ll learn through experience, all those not wanting a challenge and like shooting at butterflies then please do not attempt. Inspiration for this adventure: Dante's Inferno, Dark Souls, Diablo and Dead space. (Just now figuring out I like games with the letter “D”) Please do enjoy this as this took an incredible amount of time to build as I am a one man army.

Side note: Trying playing in the dark with no pipboy light. Recommended sound settings: Sound effects should be louder than music.
Load Order: This mod requires Far Harbor DLC, please do NOT have the original Experiment DCM active as this has been merged into DCM Shadow!

-Creatures/monsters will have special abilities and variance to keep you on your toes, you will have to decide on which target will have kill priority. 
-Giant level for you to explore.
-Currency for you to gather based from your decisions.
-Boss encounter with mechanics that will be fun and very challenging.
-Good and evil choices based on your desire and skill level.
-Perks based on your morality.
-Weapon and armor
-Scripted events.
-Fun puzzle mechanics with some collection of clues.
-Music and sounds to set the mood.
-More narration.
-More skill/perk checks.
-and as always  more when you discover them 
Introducing: The bad guys!

The “Blighted”: Creatures that are afflicted will try to get up close and personal. When they do, you suffer increased damage from all sources.

The “Cursed”: The guys don’t place nice, most of which you won’t see coming.  The afflicted will constantly drain your health when near melee range and best picked off from afar.

The “Envious”: Only a very small percentage of ghouls and in their society are effected by this affliction but are very highly respected. These envious ghouls heal and restore damaged tissue to those around over time and prevent surrounding ally’s limbs from being damaged. A must kill for any adventurer who doesn’t enjoy pain.

The Gluttonous one! This ghoul is a big one and can absorb almost all damage you throw at it! So how do you kill it you ask? Not sure, but there will most likely be a clue of some sort for you to find out.

Some of these afflictions can spread to nearby creatures creating very killer combinations that any seasoned adventurer would have a hard time with. So grab you best gear and a ton of radaway and get exploring!

Introducing: The good guys!

The Soul Keeper (aka Keeper of Souls)
This entity has useful blessings and trinkets if you decide to deal with it. It can be found through a portal that DCM inadvertently opened.

Music and Sound references
Slowdown_Short_Up | Slowdown_Short_Up
10-11-14_the-middle-realm | 10-11-15_gates-of-heaven
Action Cue
Haunting Music 1
remix of59182__knarmahfox__the_edge_of_death | loud remix of 157170__danipenet__action-line | timbre__v-processesed-versions-of-jimimod-1 |
Dark Ambient Music 1: TheOriginal | Dark Ambient Music 3: Hunted | Dark Ambient Music 4: Submerged Nightmare
01526 swoosh 2
Big stereo metal hit
Door Bang 1
"Behind you"whisper
Whispers Loop Mix 1

(Creative Commons) Attribution-NonCommercial