About this mod
A better, shinier, glowier, awesomer (yes I know that's not a word), badassier version of my "Victus Tactical Armor". Now with authentic glowing lights!!
- Permissions and credits
REGARDING NEXUS MOD MANAGER: I apologize to those of you who have had trouble using NMM to install this mod. With my latest update, I decided to include all files (including the optional ones) in one archive, and set it up so that you would have to manually choose an .esp. I've never used Nexus Mod Manager to download mods in my entire life, as I prefer to do things manually, and I didn't realize what a big deal it is to people. Now I see I was wrong, and I apologize for the inconvenience. So, I've changed the main file so that you should be able to use NMM to download the mod and install it, including the optional .esp as a separate file. Again, I apologize, and I hope this resolves any issues, but please let me know if there are still problems, as I am still not familiar with NMM and how the downloading/installing process works.
Thank you all!
This is the major update to my Victus Tactical Armor mod. At it's core, this mod is essentially a heavy retexture of the leather armor, plus some modified synth helmets.
The armor and extra pieces are located in a number of metal boxes next to the large crates right outside of Vault 111.
Big thanks to ZAYNORI for including my armor in his video! You should also check out the other terrific mods shown here. :)
What this mod includes:
-Chest piece, both arms, both legs, and a shoulder belt as separate pieces
-3 helmets, with 2 styles each (with hair, and with hood covering hair)
-8 different armor colors to choose from: Standard (grayish blue), Black, Blue, Gold, Gray, Green, Red, and White.
-Equipable glowing lights for chest, arms, and legs, with 5 color options: Blue, Green, Orange, Red, and White.
(Note: these can be equipped separately from the armor, which might look weird with anything else. In future updates, these will be integrated as crafting modifications, not separate items to be equipped)
-CBBE/Bodyslide support (theoretically): for the body armor, the mod uses the vanilla leather armor meshes, with the textures/materials swapped via the Creation Kit. This means that whatever shape your leather armor is in (whether vanilla or altered through Bodyslide), this armor will take on that same shape. If you haven't already, you should head on over to Vanilla Outfits for CBBE Bodyslide, as the leather armor in that will make this mod compatible with CBBE/Bodyslide.
What this mod does NOT CURRENTLY include, but will be in FUTURE UPDATES:
-Upgrades and customization via crafting menu
-MOAR colors, skins, and glowy thingies!!
"But Vic, is it lore-friendly?"
I'm glad you asked, my flesh-rotten friend! The short answer is: undecided. In future updates I'd like to implement this into the game in a lore-friendly way, but I'm still figuring that particular part out.
I created this mod because I love sci-fi games, and I wish Bethesda would make one in a universe similar to Halo or Mass Effect. So you could say this is my meager attempt at doing it myself.
"Is there a slooty version?"
NO!! And there NEVER WILL BE!! I have the utmost respect for the talented modders of this community who have brought us some amazing outfits, both skimpy and not, but the intent of this armor is to provide something a little more practical-looking for combat situations, for those of us who aren't into the skimpy look. If you really want to, you can probably just wear the armor with nothing underneath. XD
However, the physical shape of this armor depends on what's in the Leather Armor meshes folder, so if you have a slooty version of that, then this armor will take on that shape.
"Is it compatible with (insert body mod)?"
I will answer this with a really big MAYBE? As mentioned above, I've changed the mod to just use the vanilla leather armor meshes with the materials swapped out via Creation Kit, so whatever shape your Heavy Leather Armor and Medium Leather Arms and Legs are in, that is what this armor is going to look like now. But you'll have to experiment with different underarmors. The BOS Uniform generally seems to work with it best.
"Okay Vic, but here's the big one: is it REALLY tactical??"
Eh, probably not. I only called it "Victus Tactical Armor" because I thought it sounded cool. If someone wore this in a real life combat situation, they'd probably be spotted and shot instantly. :P
FORTUNATELY, I've given the armor, helmets, and even the glowing parts major stat upgrades, which are listed as follows:
Armor Stats:
-Helmets: Armor Rating = 50; Energy Damage Resistance = 25; Perception +2
-Chest Piece: Armor Rating = 100; Energy Damage Resistance = 50
-Arms: Armor Rating = 40; Energy Damage Resistance = 25
-Legs: Armor Rating = 40; Energy Damage Resistance = 20
Each equippable glowing light (chest, arms x2, legs x2) has 20 resistance (for a potential total of 100 resistance) on the following damage types:
-Blue = Cryo Damage
-Green = Radiation Exposure
-Orange = Fire Damage
-Red = Energy Damage
-White = Electrical Damage
In closing:
Now that I've uploaded the current version and explained what it is, I am not at all sad to announce that I am going to be taking a temporary break from updating this mod. I've dedicated most of my waking hours for the past week to working on this mod (and it's previous version). I've been up til the wee hours of the morning staring at my computer screen and nailing down all the little details until my EYES BLED!!

Look at that. Just look! I hope you're happy with yourselves...
Okay, that was an exaggeration. But you get the idea. I've been working on this mod non-stop for several days, and I need to take a while to relax, get my irl problems in order, and recharge. The next version will include implementation into the crafting menu, and extra skins, but this might take a while. Please be patient, as I'm still learning how to use the Creation Kit. For right now, this is a very basic armor mod with LOTS of options, so have fun, dammit!!
I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me out with feedback, tips, and endoresements since I released the original version, which was my first mod ever. You guys are amazing, and really motivated me to make this armor the best version that I was capable of creating. I hope y'all enjoy it. Look forward to seeing more updates in the future.
While I'm taking my break, please feel free to provide more feedback and harsh criticisms, and let me know if there are any bugs/problems. I'll be watching. >:)
Now, go forth, my minions. Invade the Commonwealth with your shiny new armor, endorse this mod, and have joy therein!