About this mod
Chain Railgun developed by WestTek as an Anti-Tank Weapon.
Railgun can destroy Tanks, Power Armor any other Armored Vehicle in 1 to 5 hits.
Fires 8mm EC AP projectiles (0.2kg)(0.45pound) at 4450m/s
can fire 75 rounds per minute.
Note: Chain Railgun MK2 is in BETA Stage I dont know modelling
I will add a m
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Version 1.1 Released Changes
- Lowered Weight For Weapon
- Now it functions like Autocanon Full Auto Fire
- Chain Railgun now very accurate as good as Sniper Rifle
- Both of Weapons now comes with Reflex Sight installed
- Mk2 Fires Larger projectile 8mm, 500 base damage in Full Auto
- Mk2 has Fire Rate of 120 and Ammo Capacity 100
- Mk1 Fires Smaller projectile 4mm, 200 base damage in Full Auto
- Mk1 has Fire Rate of 240 and Ammo Capacity 200
- Both of Mk1 and Mk2 in game functional on Level List spawns after Level 50
- This weapon as rare as Fatman or Missile Launcher only spawns on high level enemies.
- You can mod this weapon sorry because no model for the gun.
A Small Showcase Video Made By Me Showing My Mods
Use With MY POWER ARMOR Durability and Resistance Mod which makes Power Armor better and you will not get 1 shot killed.
Here Durable And Realistic Power Armor V2
SuperMutant Will Use This Gun If Load This mod
More Super Mutant Weapon Animations
Stats of Chain Railgun Mk2
Value : 10000 caps
Weight : 100 pounds (Power Armor with Leg Carry Modification Required)
Range : 8000+ m
Fire Mode : Full Auto
Rate of Fire : 240 Rounds per Minute (Approx)
Base Damage : 200 DMG ( Heavy Gunner 5 can increase it to 400 DMG )
Ammo Capacity : 200 Rounds
Ammo : 4mm DU Electromagnetic Armor Piercing Projectile
Ammo Weight : 0.229 pounds
Ammo Value : 25 caps for each
Muzzle Velocity : 4450 m/s
Destructive Force for each Projectile = 2.5 Times More Powerful Than 40mm APDSF-T .
Stagger : Very High Chance
Cripple Limbs of Enemy ALWAYS
Stats of Chain Railgun Mk2
Value : 15000 caps
Weight : 150 pounds (Power Armor with Leg Carry Modification Required)
Range : 8000+ m
Fire Mode : Full Auto
Rate of Fire : 120 Rounds per Minute (Approx) (It was 60 before)
Base Damage : 500 DMG ( Heavy Gunner 5 can increase it to 1000 DMG )
Ammo Capacity : 100 Rounds
Ammo : 8mm DU Electromagnetic Armor Piercing Projectile
Ammo Weight : 0.45 pounds
Ammo Value : 50 caps for each
Muzzle Velocity : 4450 m/s
Destructive Force for each Projectile = HEAT Missle (RPG) : eats Armor like a cake.
Stagger : Very High Chance
Cripple Limbs of Enemy ALWAYS
Note: Chain Railgun MK2 is in BETA Stage I dont know modelling
I will add a model later.
I need find a modeller I want to make a unique model based of Gatling Laser, Ability to multiple sights/scopes, Camo/Skin Options for Weapon, Silencer/Bayonet
I added this gun to leveled list but spawns enemies, vendors etc. after LEVEL 50 and only high level enemies use this and most of them will not get this.
I will make a Turret Version for Settlement Defence Later.
This gun is placed on Red Rocket in a Container you can see it with 10000 Bullets for testing.
You can use help chain 4 , to console and Player.additem CODE 1 to spawn it also
Here Some Consept Image what i think about This Chain Railgun.
This Chain Railgun will be made by Gatling Laser Barrel Modified to Gauss Rifle Barrel and Reload for this will be like Minigun a small Clip will be loaded, I'm still working on this I need help of a Modeller.
Chain Railgun was too heavy WestTek used this gun with Power Armor Troops and on top of Armored Vehicles.
Chain Railgun fires 8mm EC AP projectiles (0.45 pound) (0.2kg) at 4450m/s
Each bullet cause :1980250 Joule Damage, It can destroy 600mm Thick Steel Plate at 1000m
Each bullet has destructive force of a RPG-7 projectile it can destroy a Tank in 3 to 10 hits depending on
where it hits. There's no Tank enemy in FO4 but it is very effective against Power Armor, Vertibirds, Robots, Monsters etc.
95% of enemies will die to 1 bullet, others 2-10 bullets at best