About this mod
This mod rebalances the weight of junk items by making junk weigh the sum of its raw material.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Have you ever wondered to yourself why some items have fairly different weights even though they are made of the same components? Well, I certainly have! Logical Junk Weight aims to resolve this oddity by making most junk weigh the sum of its components. No longer do you need to feel punished for picking up inefficient junk that doesn't break down very well for how much it weighs. The majority of the junk in Fallout 4 gets broken down and repurposed, so it doesn't make sense for most of it to drastically change in weight if it is basically the same thing.

Logical Junk Weight modifies the weight of over 430 junk items in the post-apocalyptic wasteland! Most junk weighs less now, I did not increase the weight of any junk item. For example, a Metal Bucket gives 2 steel and weighs 3.0 in vanilla, this mod rebalances things so now the Metal Bucket only weighs 0.4. Each one was manually modified in FO4Edit based off of the components junk breaks down into. There are a few exceptions to this, so the mod might not live up to its name for every single thing.
- 400+ unique edits to junk weight that is hopefully more logical
- Lead Weights are redone to hopefully make a little more sense
- Corvega Auto Parts have been given some additional steel due to their size
- Raw bone ( component ) weight has been reduced from 1.0 to 0.1. All bone junk is now based this new value.
- Raw concrete ( component ) weight has been reduced 3.0 to 1.6. I did this instead of changing the bag of cement. Still not sure if this was the right thing, but it makes more sense than vanilla at least.
- Some of your favorite junk is left untouched as it already weighed too little to begin with, and I'm not exactly aiming to make good junk weigh even more than it did. The default values were pretty close to what I would of put anyway. An example of this would be the battered clipboard.
- I tweaked the value ( caps ) of a few of the rarer types of pre-war variants of junk to make the weight to value ratios at the very least on par with their post-war variants. Some of that stuff is pretty rare!
- Changed the weight of burnt textbooks and burnt books to 0, those things are damned useless!
I have not finished Fallout 4 yet, so there may be some modifications that don't make a lot of sense, but most of it is based off of raw values anyway so it is not very likely. I don't think I missed anything but if theres something you want me to add/change feel free to provide feedback and I'll see what I can do.
Compatability: Compatible with Better Item Sorting. This mod is not likely to be compatible with any other mods that change the values of junk type items. Every other type of mod should be fine.
Issues/Known Bugs: This mod will override your language for any item it modifies. Alternate languages are available in the misc section. Mod was created in F04Edit so it will be safe to use.
Future Plans:
I hope to overhaul most junk with a little more thought and detail than I currently have, the initial version was basically a straight conversion of component to weight, but not all things are created equal so I will eventually change this when I have time.
Some of the components items break down into don't make a whole lot of sense, or seem to be missing something, so I may be changing some of them in the future. Any component changes I do will be listed, so don't worry about adding something you don't want.
I am a person who loves customization, so hopefully I will be adding a little more options for you to choose in the future.
Manual Installation:
- Go to ...\Documents\My Games\Fallout 4\ (typically found in C:\Users\<YourName>\My Documents\My Games\Fallout 4)
- In your Fallout4Prefs.ini, add the following line under [Launcher]:
- bEnableFileSelection=1
- Extract the included .esp into your Data folder ( usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data )
NMM Installation: Click Download with NMM
FO4Edit Team
- V1.3.1 - Rebuilt Mod using the latest FO4Edit which has fixed a few minor material swap bugs.
- V1.3 - Added Lead Weights
- 10lb weight now gives 4 lead instead of lead 3
- 20lb weight now gives 1 steel and 8 lead instead of 9 lead ( wait, why was this giving 9 in the first place? look at the 25lb weight! )
- 25lb weight now gives 10 lead instead of 5 lead
- 40lb weight now gives 1 steel and 16 lead instead of 10 lead
- 80lb weight now gives 2 steel and 31 lead instead of 20 lead
- 160lb weight now gives 2 steel and 62 lead instead of 40 lead
- V1.2 - Changed auto parts to weigh and give more
- Changed Connecting Rodfrom 0.4 weight / 2 steel to 1.2 weight / 6 steel ( default 5.0 / 2 )
- Changed Torque Rod End from 0.2 weight / 1 steel to 0.8 weight / 4 steel ( default 3.0 / 1 )
- Changed Gear from 0.2 weight / 1 steel to 0.6 weight / 3 steel ( default 1.0 / 1 )
- Changed Coolant Cap from 0.2 weight / 2 aluminum to 0.5 weight / 5 aluminum ( default 1.0 / 2 )
- V1.1 - Fixed naming issue
- V1.0 - Initial Release