About this mod

Adds a few items from ONE PUNCH MAN, such as some new clothing, and two new weapons (Saitama's fist and Genos's Arms)

Permissions and credits
Saitama's Clothes (ONE PUNCH MAN) by Tazzdevil27

This mod adds a few new items into the game and more to come. it also does a quick re-texture of the Red Rocket mechanics jumpsuit to be a bit more like the anime, i will fix this soon and have the clothes have a different texture than the mechanics jumpsuit I'm still learning how modding works after all.

Where to find the items

to find the clothes you just need to get to diamond city, talk to Moe (Swatters vendor guy) he will have all three items for sale (prices are weird so its not hard to buy right away).

Items are now crafted through workbenches, to do so, while editing a settlement, in the Crafting tab you can find a workbench called Saitama's Clothes - Workbench, place it down (it costs 5 cloth currently) then to craft the items just use it and you can craft all 3 current items with their new stats

Satama's fist now uses the "grand slam" effect (found on the 2076 World Series baseball bat) to add a little extra fun to it.
The clothes have also got an added bit of energy resist now just to be sure

Do keep in mind that using these items makes your character EXTREMELY OP

What does the clothes do?

Saitama's clothes are simple, you put them on and your basically invincible... they give you a +200 STR stat and +20 to both AGI and END. (this is op i know but come on, one punch is all it should take)
Along with the super OP stats of the clothes the two melee weapons have some special stats to them as well, Genos's Arms don't do as much as Saitama's fist but still pack quite a punch, however because I'm still new to modding both look like normal brass knuckles and can even have the same mods as brass knuckles, however doing this can be kinda pointless if you want one punch kills (i will fix this in a later version).


Remove items from Moe and make them craftable - UPDATE 1.1
New Models for everything - Working on that
add some variant types of clothes for more "balanced" play through's - debating on when to do this (it is supposed to be OP after all)
more fun stuff from the anime?
Suggestions? please give suggestions i do my best to know what people want and add it in.