About this mod
Most of Vanilla textures were optimized and resized to 512px to increase performance. Some textures are resized in a range from 128px to 1024px. The packages also cover the DLC Automatron, Wasteland Workshop and Far Harbor.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Donations
June 1, 2016
Far Harbor DLC re-textures package is available now.
May 11, 2016
Updated packages that now include Decals, Effects, Gore and Shared texture categories. Also the glowmaps, environment masks, space normal maps and haze maps are included.
Mey 7, 2016
Each new re-texture package represents every Vanilla Texture Package. The re-textures packages are organized in other manner now with the purpose to repack the Vanilla files with these retextures in order to save quite much HDD space in the future.
These new packages are loose files, so there are not complicated methods involved.
The re-texture packages for the DLC, Automatron and Wasteland Workshop, are available now aswell.
Most of Vanilla textures were optimized and resized to 512 pixels to increase performance. The texture categories that were optimized and resized are:
- Actors.
- Ammo.
- Architectures.
- Armor.
- Blood.
- Clothes.
- Critters.
- Gobo.
- Interiors.
- Landscape.
- Props.
- Setdressing
- Sky.
- Traps
- Vehicles.
- Water.
- Weapons.
Instead to play at low settings or use and try several other people's ini files. I prefered to keep some settings at high settings like Texture Quality, Lighting, Godrays, Lens Flare and DoF. So, I downgrade the shadows to 512 as also I resized, already mentioned, the textures to increase the performance without sacrificing too much. Personally, worked for me and I guess that I could share this that might help to those that can't run this game at the highest settings.
Architecture handles airports, buildings, bankers, capsules, cities, shacks and warehouses. Interiors handle buildings, caves, hightech and industrial facilities, institute. submarine and vaults. Landscape hanldes: cliffs, grass, ground, plants, roads, rocks, trees and water (some). Props handles junk and some furnitures. Sky handles clouds, moon and sun. Vehicles handles cars, motocycles, planes, trains and vertibirds. Water hanldes lakes and rivers as also water contained in other places. Weapons, melee and ranged weapons.
The uploaded screenshots are images that were converted to JPG format at a 90% quality in order to reach the required upload size. Trhought this IMGUR link it is possible to check out the screenshots with their original quality, The screenshots were taking with:
- Texture: Ultra.
- Lighting: High.
- Godsray: Medium.
- Depth of Field: Standart.
- SSOA: Disabled.
- Anisotropic: x8.
- Antialiasing: FXAA.
- Lens Flare: Active.
- Wetress: Active.
- Motion Blur: Disable.
- Rain Occlussion: Disable.
- Shadows: 512px and Medium distance.
- SweetFX 1.51: LumaSharpen and Curves.
Recently, the member timmieNL asked me for my ini tweaks. Too many lines to post them here. So, my personal INI Tweaks can be checked out in here.
Along side with these re-textures, I suggest to use CleanMem software as also Game Booster v3.4 or 3.5 beta (not the new one which has another name now). Use the Game Booster's Tweak function as also customized the list of programs and services to shut down. Use CleanMem to optimized the memory consumption as also to clean the cache. Probably flushing the DNS helps to have a better performance with Steam connection (at least I flush the DNS even for mmorpgs and steam and other online services). Set the
Also might help to temporary disable the anti-virus before running the game client. Defrag your hard drive with a defragmentation software like Ultra Defrag. About defragmentation, Hiren’s BootCD 15.2 could be a good option to defrag the hard drive without your installed OS running. Most probably the hard drive must be set to IDE, through the BIOS in order to be detected by Hiren’s BootCD 15.2.
Before the defrag process starts, it will be better to do a hard drive cleaning and delete the virtual memory file in order to force the OS to create a new and less fragmented virtual memory file. The performance will be increased if the virtual memory file is created in another SATA or SSD drive. For those with 8Gb (like me) or more RAM, a small 512Mb virtual drive can be created to redirect the TEMP files but that could be an issue to compress and descompress large files. Set the virtual memory file to 8192Mb or 8196Mb as minimun as also as maximun.
Delete the old packages, in case that those are still present in your DATA folder. Which were/are formed with one plugin filed called Wasteland512.esp and eleven Wasteland512 BSA files. These are not longer useful.
For the new packages, descompress the compressed files into the Fallout 4's DATA folder or through Nexus Mod Manager.
falloutleech recomended this FALLOUT 4: Installing Mods on PC (MANUALLY) as a tutorial about how to manually install mods like these packages that this mod has. Thank you, falloutleech and Gopher.
To extract the .7z files, the lastest version of 7zip is needed to be installed. Winrar or any other compressor software could have problems to descompress the files or descompress corrupted files.
Dubioza said:
I think I figured out what makes the game start with infinite loading black screen - I saw a lot of complaints in quite a few mods. It's not
this one or any other mod, I reinstalled whole game and got that screen
even on vanilla game. It has something to do with intro movies, so I
fixed my issue with adding these lines under [General]:
in Fallout4.ini
in Fallout4Prefs.ini
Nvidia Profile
This is only for NVIDIA users. My personal Nvidia Profile for Fallout 4. Customized settings that might help some players struggling with low performance. At first glance it looks like a regular nvidia profile but it is not. I used the same method that was used with Tomb Raider 2013. I used another game nvidia profile which has a modified and reduced Tessellation value. In the present, NCC does not offer the option to modify the Tessellation's value.
Recommended to install the lastest Nvidia Driver which has better optimization for the lastest games, included Fallout 4. Before installing a new driver, is better to use Display Driver Uninstallation to remove all previous files and registry entries and then install the new driver.
In order to import the settings from my Fallout 4 Profile, Nvidia Inspector is needed to be downloaded and installed/descompressed. One Nvidia Inspector is installed/descompressed, double click my profile file and the OS will ask for the application to open the file. Redirect the OS to the folder where nvidia inspector was installed or descompressed and select the file nvidiaInspector.exe. These steps will easily import my customized profile. Also could be imported through the manager by following Helifax19's tutorial.

Final Notes
Some Nexus members requested me to extend this to cover other texture categories. I am willing to do it in case that I see this package to get more endorsements, which will be the way to know that it is worth to extend the work.
Save your complains about using a plugin and BSA files and nobody is forcing you to like the method that I choosed. Anyone has rights to chose whatever one prefers.
I won't answer comments or questions related about other mods as either request to make my mod compatible with others. Appreciate that I do this and do not demand things that shouldn't be even asked. Do not expect any answer from me from those kind of comments or questions. Either will respond comments or questions or complains about low performance in those cases that the issues described by users clearly show a local computer issue due poor hardware, bad mantenance, lack of knowledge or OS issues.
Indal, on 22 Nov 2015 - 06:23 AM, said:
How the hell did you manage to optimize the entire game long before every other modder out there. Torcher is taking too long and his mod has a s*** load of bugs. I tried this mod with an Nvidia GT 430 as well and it runs smoothly,no other retexture mod has achieved your speed and fps boost i have. This should be at In at least top 10. Nexus community is f...ing stupid
This is not an official file from Bethesda. Credits to Bethesda for the original files and this great game.