About this mod
Some people asked me to upload her, so here she is, just after getting out of the cryo pod.
- Permissions and credits
She definitely looks young. As I already beat the game, and was disappointed by the main story, i completely ignore it now, so i assume she never had a child. Some people even say she looks like a Synth, something i never considered. I like it :)
The game is saved right after opening the husband's cryo pod, so you still get to explore Vault 111 and edit her if you wish. She has balanced stats (everything at 4)
You can use this file to play as her or as a source for FaceRipper. FaceRipper does not copy all facial features, though, so i recommend playing as her and edit her name or whatever at the exit of the Vault. You also have the surgeon in Diamond City and the "slm 14" console command.
If you don't find the savegame, you can load it using the console. just type "load holly"
I unchecked all my .esp files at the time of saving, so i hope the save is relatively clean. I run a heavily modified version of Fallout4, so the save might not work for you.
The same as kkj92: Eyes of Beauty and Valkyr Female Face and Body. They are not essential, but she will look different without them.
If you have different textures, please post screenshots with your results :)
To install it, just copy the "holly.fos" file to Documents/My Games/Fallout4/saves.