About this mod
If you're anything like myself, when I dropped my ammo to look at the boxes I was in shock that the boxes looked like the stock of a communist country. One cookie cutter color after another, so I took it upon myself to add some different ammunition and weapon manufacturing company logos to the boxes to spice up and vary them a tad.
- Permissions and credits
Two options:
Option 1: Re-brand
- Adds the different firearm and ammunition manufacturers logos to the boxes
Option 2: Re-birth
- Adds brands and complete recolor of ammunition boxes
Click "Download with NMM"
If still installing by hand:
=> Extract the folder "textures" to the fallout 4 data folder:
...\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data
=> Change this line in the Fallout4.ini (locate in : ...\Documents\My Games\Fallout4 )
- sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\
To this, if you haven't already done so...
- sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\
=> Save the ini file.
-Then its all ready to go!
V 1.1
-Added new texture set of total overhaul
-Updated screenshots
V 1.0
-Uploaded to Nexus