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About this mod

Several tweaks to make X6-88's voice deeper.

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Deeper Voice For X6-88

As requested.  This mod provides a few options for a deeper-sounding voice for X6-88.

Female protagonist voice mods: Higherdeeper.
Male protagonist voice mods: Deeperhigher.
Other companion voice mods: CuriePiperCait (higher)Cait (deeper)StrongPreston.
Other voice mods: Female childrenSuper Mutants.
Other audio mods: IMPACTFUL NUKES.

Q: Why is there no demonstration video?
A: Because I personally have never encountered X6-88, despite having played the game for over 300 hours, including seeing one ending.  I have purposefully avoided a great deal of the game's content in order to save it for the future when the game will be a much more complete experience.  In fact I had never even heard of X6-88 before someone directly requested this mod.  (And I would have preferred remaining ignorant.)

Voice Types:

Voice Type A1: 2.8% lower.

Voice Type A2: 5.6% lower.

Voice Type A3: 8.3% lower.

Voice Type A4: 10.9% lower.

Voice Type A5: 13.4% lower.

Voice Type A6: 15.9% lower.

Installation (as of 2016-3-21):

1. Follow the Fallout 4 Mod Installation guide to learn the latest method for setting up custom mods.

2. Patch 1.3 eliminated transparent support for .bsa archives, and there still is no way of creating .ba2 archives, so here are the options for installing as I understand them (copied from the mod thread).  I have not found the time to test them.

(The following examples assume you want to install "Higher Female Protagonist Voice - Type D1.bsa".  Replace this text with the .bsa filename of your intended mod.)

Option 1:

* Go to your Fallout4.ini under My Documents/My Games/Fallout4
* Under Archive section, find 'sResourceArchiveList=' without the quotes.
* Copy and paste this line and replace the existing line after 'sResourceArchiveList=':

sResourceArchiveList=Fallout4 - Voices.ba2, Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2, Fallout4 - MeshesExtra.ba2, Fallout4 - Misc.ba2, Fallout4 - Sounds.ba2, Fallout4 - Materials.ba2, Higher Female Protagonist Voice - Type D1.bsa

* Start your game and the voice should have change to your desired voice type.

Option 2: 

* If you're afraid of messing up the Fallout4.ini file, you can just place the commands below into Fallout4Custom.ini.  It will leave the original one intact and use the one in Fallout4Custom.ini while avoiding faulty ini file.

sResourceArchiveList=Fallout4 - Voices.ba2, Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2, Fallout4 - MeshesExtra.ba2, Fallout4 - Misc.ba2, Fallout4 - Sounds.ba2, Fallout4 - Materials.ba2, Higher Female Protagonist Voice - Type D1.bsa

* Add the name of the esp file of your chosen voice type (for example: "Higher Female Protagonist Voice - Type D1.esp") to the plugins.txt file, which is typically located in C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Local\Fallout4.

* Extract the contents of the archive to your Fallout4\Data\ directory.

Option 3:

* Use the Bethesda Archive Extractor utility to directly extract the contents of this mod's .bsa archive to your Data directory.


I hope this mod is of use to others.