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- Floris Mod Pack
Floris Mod Pack
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Tags for this mod
- Companion/Follower Friendly
- Compilation
- Gameplay
- Lore-Friendly
- Fair and balanced
- English
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- German
- Polish
- Animation - New
- Animation - Modified
- Music
- Sound FX
- Body
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- Modder's Resource
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- Utilities for Modders
- Historical - Dark Ages
- Historical - Middle Ages
- Weapons
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About this mod
Welcome to the Floris Mod Pack. This is a combination of a lot of good mods created by the community, bringing them all together and enhancing your gameplay experience.
- Requirements
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Mods requiring this file
Mod name Notes 15th c mod for Floris Basic Combined Face Replacer and Floris Compatibility Patch Floris Expanded - Guarantee Polearms for Polearm Troops Floris Expanded and Gameplay Spanish Translation La traducción requiere del mod Floris Expanded o Gameplay para funcionar. - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
File credits
Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Spanish
Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Spanish Author:Caffa - TheLordDSK Floris Expanded and Gameplay Spanish Translation - Mirrors
Name ModDB - Changelogs
Version 2.54
- Quests: Raise Troops, now allows partial turn in of the required number of troops with a small boost to your quest duration. The full amount is still required to complete the quest.
- When speaking to the host of a feast the player should gain +1 relation even past 9 relation. (Caps at 50).
- After winning a large battle with allied lords present you will gain a +1 boost in relation with them.
- Disabling companion complaints now also prevents them from leaving.
- Tournaments: upgraded to 1.5.3
- Tournaments: Item prizes should have more appropriate quality modifiers now when awarded.
- Tournaments: When companions win an item prize for placing in the tournament they will give it directly to you.
- Tournaments: Players should now receive a +1 relation boost with any lord attending a tournament they are hosting.
- Tournaments: You will no longer gain a courtship bonus to relation once married with other ladies when you win.
- Tournaments: Relation gains are now limited to +/-1 with lords & ladies for winning a tournament during a feast.
- Tournaments: Refined AI decision making on weapon usage to incorporate current speed and switch away from lances when not moving fast enough to use them effectively.
- Tournaments: Adjusted cash & xp awards to use the global difficulty score created in TPE 1.5.
- Tournaments: Player health is now set to 100% upon entry into a tournament.
- Tournaments: Default level of tournament participants reduced from 24 to 21.
- Tournaments: Level bonus for special troops reduced from +9 to +6.
- Tournaments: Companion & Lord damage soak & boost reduced by 40% previous value.
- Tournaments: Added limitation to how much relation you could gain per tournament with noblemen/noblewomen during a feast. (+/- 1)
- Tournaments: Town relation gain for winning a tournament now caps at +3 per win.
- Sieges should be limited to the number of reinforcement waves as set in Mod Options
- Auto-charge on siege defense disabled for player's team
- Battle Continuation added to village raids and siege defender sallies
- New Mod Option toggle: enable a pop-up message/pause when an enemy party comes into view when fast travelling
- Included a new option in the installer that allows you to install the mod not only in English, but also in German, French and Polish.
- Added Random Bandits Equipment.
- Applied H.T.'s Archery Tweaks.
- The sovereign relations report now truncates the "Grand Pricipality of the Vaegirs" to simply "Grand Pricipality" so that it does not cover the player relation value.
- Sigmund should now show up randomly in taverns changing locations every 3 days.
- Tournaments: Shield bashing should now function in tournaments again.
- Tournaments: Lords should gain a relation bonus with you after you win a tournament they attend (if applicable).
- Freelancer: Bugged quest aborting on enlisted lord defection/indictment for treason fixed; player will change factions with the lord
- Freelancer: Dialog bugs/hangs when dealing with returning from vacation or capture fixed
- Book fixes: the Spotting, First Aid, and Pathfinding books are changed to Reference, not Readable; the Charisma Readable book will now work.
- Completion problem with the Guildmaster "qst_persuade_lords_to_make_peace" quest corrected, allowing further quests from a Guildmaster you took the "make peace" quest from.
- Deliver grain quest will now correctly take grain from player; large bag bonuses apply.
- Reports' presentation script errors should be fixed
- Troop dialog fixed for Gameplay-Expanded Tree Swadian I4 Jacobite
- Minor typo & string errors corrected
- The Estates of the Realm presentation now only displays active kingdoms.
- The missing models for the Vaegir Imperial War Bow in the Gameplay version have been fixed.
- Fixed the installer bug that placed some textures in the wrong directories.
Version 2.53
- Tournaments: The minimum requirement for survivor points be awarded has increased from 3 to 4 participants.
- Tournaments: The difficulty slider settings have been reordered to sort by number of hostile participants instead of number of total participants. This should smooth out betting values a bit.
- Tournaments: Crossbows have had their damage increased.
- Tournaments: You can now tab out of a match after you have been knocked unconcious, however, this will cause every currently surviving participant in that match to gain 3 points. A question prompt will ask to confirm your desire to exit.
- Tournaments: Companions & Nobles now receive a passive improvement to their damage as well as a passive reduction to their damage taken based upon their level. As the troop approaches level 25 their bonus will gradually scale to 0%.
- Tournaments: The final cash payout has been reduced from 7500 to the Floris 2.5 setting of 3000.
- Tournaments: Final prize awarded is weighted by your cumulative difficulty score (the % score reported from each round).
- Tournaments: Item prizes now key off of this value vs. the difficulty slider. Prizes now have enhanced quality.
- Tournaments: On rounds where you are knocked out only half of your difficulty score is added to the total.
- Tournaments: Tournament betting value calculations have been adjusted.
- Tournaments: The difficulty score now has a direct influence on betting values.
- Tournaments: The difficulty slider itself has a minor impact to improve bets received on harder matches.
- Tournaments: Bid values in matches large enough to receive survivor points now factor this in when determining how hard it would be to make your bid.
- Tournaments: The "tournament system settings" camp menu has been removed. These options have now been incorporated into the main mod options page.
- Freelancer: Ability to request "reassignment" to another troop (albeit of a lower tier) added; can reset all the way to a recruit if desired.
- Freelancer: Full explanation of promotion eligibility/ineligibility added to the upgrade tree menu (displayed when XP is sufficient but stats are not).
- New mod options: toggle auto-charge on siege tower reaching a wall; toggle division assignment for allies under your command--with your troops or in 'base' infantry, archer, cavalry divisions.
- Sigmund: Now makes a normal tavern circuit (like booksellers, companions, etc) unless paid to stay (no more repeated re-entry to cause him to spawn). Slightly decreased recruitment numbers when paid to stay in one place.
- Sigmund: Makes use of the 'barracks' improvement to provide more and possibly trained recruits
- Sigmund: Added to staff salaries if kept at your hall (not if kept at a tavern); dialog adjusted to reflect this.
- The base payment for mercenary contracts has been reduced from 80% of upkeep to 75%.
- Slightly changed the equipment of the Slaver Crusher and Slaver Chief.
- Enabled 112 new banners for the player to choose from.
- Tournaments: Tournaments will no longer grant 2 points to people who lost in a round.
- Added hard edges to Muiderslot models.
- Mercenary contracts should no longer get Div/0 errors leading to 4,000,000 denar payments.
- The "black screen of death" caused during character creation since warband's 1.150 update should no longer occur.
- Banner selection will not trigger during character creation any longer, but if you should receive a banner it will allow you to select one as soon as the game starts (at the world map).
- Freelancer: Companions on mission when you enlist should attempt to return.
- Freelancer: Post-Freelancing and serving as marshal no longer bugged due to past defeat/capture.
- Freelancer: Other capture-related bugs corrected: no permanent note on your character page, no duplicates of your character being imprisoned elsewhere, both should fix the money disappearing bug (needs confirmation)
- Report menu options have appropriate mno_ ids in the Dev Suite for translators.
- Bug with some (garrison-selected) patrols not marked as being the player's fixed.
- Custom Battles work again; PBOD orders, formation AI, etc--all in-battle features--active.
- PBOD: All pre-battle orders should function again and "snap" into place on spawn.
- PBOD: Cancelling spear bracing, volley fire, and skirmishing fixed.
- Renamed the Swadian Green Dress (which was actually blue).
- Slightly moved the Yruma Castle map icon, so that it won't collide with trees.
- The following scenes have been fixed: Derchios Castle, Etrosq Castle, Knudarr Castle, Jamiche Castle , Tilbaut Castle, Uhhun Castle, Halmar Siege Scene and Tavern, Rivacheg Siege Scene, Tulga Tavern, Uxkhal Siege Scene.
- Mipmaps added to the normalmaps. (Will fix visual errors on distant armor/mail).
Version 2.52
- Trade penalty for selling or buying the same item in a town reduced.
- Mercenary Contracts: Persuasion benefit towards increasing payment from mercenary contracts improved slightly.
- Mercenary Contracts: You should now receive additional pay based upon your level and the level of your companions.
- Mercenary Contracts: You will now be able to end a mercenary contract by speaking to the ruler of your faction.
- Lowered the speed for the "Two-handed Mace" from 98 to 88.
- "Mamluk's Round Shield" will now spawn in Sarranid stores vs. Nord ones.
- "Horsemans Mace" no longer has a thrust damage value.
- Town/Village upgrade "Barracks" in a town or castle will improve the quality/number of recruits in the villages attached to it. It will also get your towns/castles better reinforcements if you use the Mange this Town/Castle->Recruit some troops option
- Auto-loot will now show what each companion upgraded to when used as it did during the open beta.
- Auto-loot will no longer alter which books a companion is carrying.
- All tiers of Nord troops get +1 Athletics & +1 Ironflesh instead of just the final tiers.
- All shield-bearing Nord troops receive +1 Shield.
- Nord archers now have more power draw and less power throw. Their proficiency with archery has improved and with thrown weapons has been reduced accordingly.
- Starting weapon proficiencies for the Nord have changed so they have +30 one-handed and +10 two-handed (instead of the other way around).
- Changed the damage type several bows from piercing to cutting. This is to prevent low-tier archers from having an unbalanced advantage against heavily armored units while still being very effective against low armored troops. Crossbows haven't had the
- Increased the ammo of throwing weapons.
- Lowered the accuracy of the bows and crossbows with 10%.
- Lowered the stats of the Black Khergit Horsemen.
- Raised the level of the lords and kings.
- View All Items now displays item difficulty requirements.
- Gave the Slaver Chief a bow and adjusted the stats of the elephant.
- TPE: New betting system implemented.
- TPE: You can now designate whether you want to use the native or arena overhaul mod's scene in a tournament on a town by town basis from the tournament design panel.
- TPE: Difficulty scoring implemented. Final tournament payouts now key off of this value.
- TPE: Final monetary reward maximum for tournaments increased to 7500 denars.
- TPE: Extended the cooldown period on the tournament invitation quests to 10 days.
- TPE: Companions will now receive the items they are listed as winning in a tournament.
- TPE: Loot table was refined a bit to provide a more even distribution of value and usefulness.
- TPE: Tournament Play Enhancements upgraded to 1.5
- PBOD: Pre-Battle Orders & Deployment upgraded to 0.92.5
- PBOD: Shield-bash key-configurable
- PBOD: Key-controlled rotated added to mouse-operated DeathCam
- PBOD: Pre-Battle orders 'snap into place' at battle start
- PBOD: Pre-Battle orders now available for alternative divisions activated by splitting a troop type into 2 divisions
- PBOD: Pre-Battle Planning and Tactics 'Info Pages' added for in-game documentation
- PBOD: Some bugfixes (Custom Camera, Formations, and Split Divisions mainly; pre-battle options now work in conjunction with siege defenses)
- Freelancer: If your lord is defeated and you captured, you are no longer relieved of service. You will have 20 days to get back to your lord and resume service (or request to be dismissed) or you will be labelled a deserter.
- Freelancer: Tracking Quests added: your quest log will now show who you are enlisted with, your current rank, and count from the date of enlistment. Vacations/leave, and the need to return to your lord after defeat and capture also can be tracked in the Q
- Freelancer: Pop-up dialog windows will give a more obvious warning 1 day before your leave/capture return is set to expire to prevent "accidental" desertion.
- The script "get_lord_home_center" errors should no longer occur.
- A handful of minor Native coding errors corrected (mainly dealing with campaign AI/marshal decisions)
- Auto-loot should now pick proper helmets for upgrading.
- Fixed a wrong Khergit upgrade path.
- Reduced the price of noble outfits: lords now should think twice about wearing their cloths instead of armor into battle.
- Corrected the stats for the A6 Swadian Yeoman Archer.
- Tournaments: Companions will no longer gain free points following a round they competed in.
- Tournaments: There will no longer be a duplicate 33rd competitor in the post-combat ranking screen.
- Tournaments: You should no longer get script errors spamming during a tournament match after using the 'escape' menu.
- Tournaments: If you own a town, you will no longer attempt to invite yourself to your own tournament.
- Tournaments: Troops will no longer appear naked in the post-combat ranking screen.
- Tournaments: The "apply to all centers" checkbox in the tournament design panel should function properly now.
- Tournaments: Completion of the Tournament Invitation quest should now give a reputation gain with the hosting lord as was intended in 2.5, but only if you were invited.
- Freelancer: Siege defenses work
- Freelancer: Banner bugs (for nobles and defeat/capture) fixed
- Replaced the Lods for the Nord Angle Longsword and all four Khergit Pattern Bows.
- Kings should now display their proper banners in combat.
Version 2.51
- Added Freelancer - the ability to join a lord's army - to the Gameplay edition.
- Fixed three helmets that had no texture.
- Fixed the invisible horses during a tournament.
Version 2.41a
- A hotfix for 2.4 fixing several issues.
Version 2.31
- Corrected some small mistakes in itm_materials.brf.
Version 2.5
- This release has all different versions (Basic, Gameplay, Expanded) in one installer.
- A total of 143 sources have been used.
- A lot of new features, like Moneylenders, Tournament Play Enhancements and Freelancer.
- Complete overhaul of the items.
- The first version to break savegame compatibility.
Version 2.4
- Various bugfixes.
- Reworked the arenas.
- 5 new mods and 22 new scripts added.
- Sea trade added.
- Raised the amount of Sound effects till 1100.
- Made an optional addon which raises the sounds even to 1700.
Version 2.3
- Corrections in the .brf-files.
- Several bugfixes.
- 1 new mod and 2 new scripts added, and updated some mods.
- Some small changes to the troop trees.
- Changes to the reinforcements the AI receives.
- Reduced the amount of units that use shields.
- Raised the armor of several Nord armors.
- Expanded tax system.
Version 2.2
- Several bugfixes in the items, and a restructure of the .brf-files and textures.
- Added 'forgotten' items that floated around in the textures or meshes.
- Corrected some meshes and textures.
- 5 new mods added and updated the mods to the latest versions.
- Several other bugfixes.
Version 2.1
- Made the pack 1.134 compatible.
- Several bugfixes in items and textures.
- Reverted back to the native town siege scenes, since there were problems with the previous ones.
- Corrected the Polished Landscape Trees.
- Adjusted the troop names for Swadia, Vaegir and Rhodok.
- Upgraded the PreBattle Orders to version 0.81.
- And quite a lot more small and big bugfixes.
Version 2.01
- Fixed a tiny bug I found immediately after uploading version 2.0.
Version 2.0
- Bugfix: it appeared that the npc's all started as level 1. That's been fixed now.
- 30 new mods and 4 new scripts added, and updated all mods to their latest version.
- I changed the stats of quite a few items. Take for example the new horses: it now makes a small difference if you take for example a brown or black steppe horse.
- Totally new troop tree.
- A lot of other fixes and small changes!
Version 1.0
- Initial release containing 15 mods.
The new 2.54 patch was released! Get it now!
(Click the latest version number to check out the change log.)
Floris Mod Pack
Welcome to the Floris Mod Pack. This is a combination of a lot of good mods created by the community, bringing them all together and enhancing your gameplay experience.
Originally this pack started as a side project of my After Action Report (AAR) Me, Floris, but soon it had grown into a very big package in its own right. Due to all the different mods and features this pack has grown quite large in size and asks a lot from your computer. To make Floris available to as many people as possible, we made several different versions:
Here are some general notes:
This version is NOT savegame compatible with Native nor any versions previous to 2.5.
We've crafted a handy installer for you, which allows you to install all versions of your choosing after just one download. Just download the two parts, unzip it, and give the installer a swing.
Floris Mod Pack
Version: 2.53
Compatibility: 1.153
Download size for:
Installer: 1.12 GB
7zip Package: 1.0 GB
Installed Size for:
Basic: 2.06 GB
Gameplay: 1.23 GB
Expanded: 2.31 GB
Dev Suite: 2.47 GB
Total size when all versions are installed: 8.08 GB
For more download mirrors, have a look over here.
To get an impression of the pack, you might have a look at the screenshot topic.
There are quite some mods, scripts and other sources used, sometimes partially, in the Floris Mod Packs. For a full overview of the sources included, and an overview of all the features, have a look over here.
The new 2.54 patch was released! Get it now!
(Click the latest version number to check out the change log.)
Floris Mod Pack
Welcome to the Floris Mod Pack. This is a combination of a lot of good mods created by the community, bringing them all together and enhancing your gameplay experience.
Originally this pack started as a side project of my After Action Report (AAR) Me, Floris, but soon it had grown into a very big package in its own right. Due to all the different mods and features this pack has grown quite large in size and asks a lot from your computer. To make Floris available to as many people as possible, we made several different versions:
- Basic: This is just Native gameplay with some added music, sounds and items. If want to play Native with a little extra, this version is the one for you!
- Gameplay: This version is a downgraded version of Expanded, allowing people with lower computer specifications to still experience Floris.
- Expanded: This version contains everything Floris has to offer.
- Dev Suite: If you're a modder yourself and you'd wish to fiddle with Floris, this is what you need: the source and all resources you'll need to build your own version(s).
Here are some general notes:
- Since Floris is quite large, it might strain slower pc's. If Expanded tends to run slow on your machine, you might try the Gameplay or Basic version.
- Because of this enormous size, the loading time of the mod is longer than you are used to. Have patience!
- The basic version is compatible with any native savegame. Gameplay and Expanded are NOT savegame compatible with Native or any older version of Floris.
- If you have any request for an additional mod to be added, just head to the Suggestion topic, and I'll see what I can arrange for the next version.
- If you discover a bug, you can report it in the bug topic.
- If you might help or if you run across problems, you should first read the FAQ. If no solution is provided over there, you can always ask at support.
- If you want to use this pack in your own mod, you'll have to ask the authors of each mod in this pack for their permission (check the respective topics!). For the stuff created by me: you can use it as long as you give credit. It would be nice to let me know you've used it.
- Always make a backup of your native files, so you can easily revert back if you want to.
This version is NOT savegame compatible with Native nor any versions previous to 2.5.
We've crafted a handy installer for you, which allows you to install all versions of your choosing after just one download. Just download the two parts, unzip it, and give the installer a swing.
Floris Mod Pack
Version: 2.53
Compatibility: 1.153
Download size for:
Installer: 1.12 GB
7zip Package: 1.0 GB
Installed Size for:
Basic: 2.06 GB
Gameplay: 1.23 GB
Expanded: 2.31 GB
Dev Suite: 2.47 GB
Total size when all versions are installed: 8.08 GB
For more download mirrors, have a look over here.
To get an impression of the pack, you might have a look at the screenshot topic.
There are quite some mods, scripts and other sources used, sometimes partially, in the Floris Mod Packs. For a full overview of the sources included, and an overview of all the features, have a look over here.