I recommend a fresh install. It is compatible with MGSO 3.0 but this mod will make most of the functions obsolete. A more detailed Morrowind install guide is being planned. The time it takes to update MGSO 3.0 properly makes it pointless when playing with The Symphony. If you use MGSO then once you install The Symphony you can never use the MGSO Options again because the utility programs linked in this guide are the updated versions. If you use MGSO Options you will be reinstalling all the older versions of the utility programs. Don't do that.

The Project actively uses all known ability of the game engine.
Scripts, effects, textures and animations.

The Project will employ all powers of the game-engine, which could not be used in those early years.

The Project is recommended to be used with the MCP, MGE XE and 4Gb patch.

*MCP - activates a number of important scripting functions of the engine. 

*MGE XE - includes shadows and other visual effects.

*4Gb patch - project actively uses a RAM. In normal mode, more than 1.7 GB.

The project can be used in conjunction with the UMP, although ideally, it is necessary to conduct separate sync.Also it is recommended to reset the caches of cells in MW.ini. This reduces the flow of RAM.
Interior Cell Buffer=0
Exterior Cell Buffer=0

Step 1:
Make these ini changes before you forget.
The ini file is in the Morrowind directory, where the Morrowind exe file is. Path should be something like this; C:Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind

Download the following programs; Morrowind Code Patch (MCP), MGE XE, 4GB Patch, Mlox, BSAReg,
Wrye Mash Stand Alone, 7Zip

Step 3:
Ok so download the 3 files: part 1, 2 & 3

Rename the files to this:
Symphony (1.5) Part1.rar
Symphony (1.5) Part2.rar
Symphony (1.5) Part3.rar

Create a new folder titled, "I'm a floosy"... or you can just name it, "Symphony" and move all 3 parts into your new SYMPHONY folder.

Now click on the archive, "Symphony Part 1"

When it opens you will see another archive in side and just double click on
it... and it will take a minute to complete and if you are lucky a
folder will appear. YaY!

Drag that folder out of the archive into your new SYMPHONY folder.

Step 4:

Ok you you should see a blue square... click on it and open the FILES folder.

Open BSA folder and copy all of them to your Morrowind Data folder. The path
should be something like this: C:\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\data

Next, open the ESPs folder and open the, "All(NotNeed Translate)" and then copy everything into the same Data Morrowind\data

Next, open the EN folder and ONLY COPY THE Symphony test 70% esp (leave the other one alone unless you don't want the FULL
version of the mod. ) *explained in more detail further down* but I'll offer an explanation here too. The FULL mod is only 70% translated into English. The FULL mod is recommended however if the Russian language really bothers you then you can choose the other file named

@_SuiteLite(EN).esp. This is 100% translated into English but it is not the complete mod. This is not recommended but it is your choice.

OK, now click back two times and you will see a folder called: SNDs (Sounds)
open it now.

Open the Data Files folder and copy everything into your Morrowind\data Files folder.

Then... go back and open the EN folder, click on Data Files and inside you will
see a sound folder... copy that to your Morrowind\data Files
and overwrite when prompted.

*Basically the first folder had the Russian sounds and now you have English sounds.*

Step 5:

Ok so Wrye Mash
open the archive
inside is an wrye mash install EXE (say hello to it and be nice, Wrye Mash is your friend)

Soooo now you want to drag it to your Morrowind folder (not data files), the
one where your Morrowind exe. is. Path should be something like
this--> C: Bethesda Softwoeks\Morrowind...

If you did it correctly a Green Checkmark Box will appear. Pat yourself on the back, you have done well for yourself.

Now click on the install exe and click next , next... until you get to the
option of DESTINATION FOLDER. Make sure the path is the same, basically
you want to install Wrye Mash into your C:Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind
folder (the same as before)

Once that completes then leave it alone for now.

Step 6:
***If you have MLOX then run that now. You should have Mlox http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43001/?

Step 7:

Okeedokee... where were we... right, you were about to donate to my Paypal account... I'll PM you those coordinates later. Right now look
for the "Mopy" folder (C:Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\Mopy) and inside
look for the Mash.exe and make a short-cut to your desktop and then
click on it.

Wrye Mash is open. Whrye Mash is the single greatest utility mod ever made. It is soooo good that it took 10 years
for somebody to make something comparable like Mod Organizer. Still with
that being said, MO still requires a Batched patch that only Wrye Bash
can do and that is why Wrye Mash is still #1 (Mash for Morrowind, Bash
for Oblivion, Fash for Fallout...)

Ok so now that it is open don't touch a thing... hehehe except for you should have seen a warning
pop up about dates and times... just ignore that. We are going to fix
that now.

So it should open with the mods tab and right click on the top FILE bar, a drop down menu will appear and go to SORT
BY and then to LOAD ORDER: click that. A check mark should appear. That
will place all the ESPs in the order that the game will load them in.

Just scroll down to the bottom and you should see 4 ESPs with the @ sign. We
need to get them into this order: *remember these always have to be

@_arrowSpeed.esp ;optional
@_Sympfony_theTEST(EN)70%).esp (or @_SuiteLite(EN).esp)
@_effct.esp ; highly recommended.

***EDIT*** CHOICE TIME******
If you want to try the entire mod will all the bells and whistles
(recommended) then choose the above four. Only 70% of this set up is
translated into English. So if that bothers you you can choose
@_SuiteLite(EN).esp instead of @_Sympfony_theTEST(EN)70%).esp

If you want to try a simpler set up then just install @_SuiteLite(EN).esp
and @_scripted_lightings(Symphony)(EN).esp

So we are going to start with
Click on the box so that the esp is activated and the whole line is BLUE,
look up to the top right corner and you will see the esp there with The
Symphony and also a DATE and TIME
***This is what we are going to change***
Change the DATE to 2030, then SAVE the changes. The
save button is at the bottom right and once you change the date or time it will
pop up and you then click it.

now change the date for @_effct.esp to 2029
-and click SAVE at the bottom right. There is a SAVE button. Click it.

-and change the date for @_Sympfony_theTEST(EN)70%).esp to 2028 and SAVE.

-and finally change the date for @_arrowSpeed.esp to 2027 and SAVE.

Wrye Mash will automatically change the order of the ESPs as soon as the date changes.

HEY YOU! Make sure you click all the boxes so that the ESPs are activated.

***Now for the... MOST IMPORTANT STEP***

Go back to the top and right click on the top FILE bar again click on LOCK TIMES.

A check mark should appear

YOU ARE DONE! (sorta... not really)

Here's the tricky part. You now can't run Mlox now. If you add a mod and want
to run Mlox then you have to UN-CLICK LOCK TIMES. Then you can run MLOX
but here's the sucky part... you may (most likely) will have to change
all the DATES again. It is really not such a big deal.

So now look at the top of Wrye Mash and to the left of the Mods tab you will see an INSTALLERS tab. Click on it... stuff will start happening.

HOLD YOUR BREATH!.. seriously, I always like to see if I can hold my breath
until it finishes doing whatever it is doing. And all it is doing is
refreshing everything. This is really for the Mod Installer feature
refereed to as BAIN. We are not using that today so don't worry about
it. But you should learn how to use it one day... but not today. Still I like to think it does something.

When it finishes click on the Mods tab...

Now close Wrye Bash.

WOOOOHOOO! You are now a Wrye Mash user! Welcome to the club. Of course this is
just one of many incredible features that Wrye Mash is able to do.

Step 8:
Now BSAReg... I gave you the wrong BSAReg although both will work, I prefer this one
Just dump the thing in your Morrowind\data files folder or in the Morrowinfd directory (where the Morrowind exe file is)
Now click on it and it will show you all the BSAs that are not registered and register them.

YEEHAWW! Your Morrowind ini is now up to date. Without this step you would not see any textures or meshes and that would suck!

Start a new game and make a test character just to make it into town to see if the game works.

If you have any problems then I'll be at the complaint department. Just post in the comment section and I'll or someone else will smack some sense into you. And you'll LIKE it!

Step 9:

So some people when they installed Morrowind they made the error of installing it to Program Files and not to their C: drive... then they just copied the entire folder to their C: drive... and that is KooL... sorta... not really.

Well not any more it isn't because in your windows registry it is marked that Morrowind is installed in Program Files soooo
the BSAReg won't work because it uses the registry to find the
Morrowind install path.


You can try the first BSAReg program I listed but I never really used that one. Still it is made by
KINGPIX who created MGSO so I am sure it works great...

Or you can move your entire Bethesda Softworks folder back to Program Files and then
run the BSAReg and after it finishes move the entire game folder back to
your C: drive...

Or you can register the BSAs manually in you Morrowind ini. (recommended)

Step 10:
nce you open Wrye Mash it will change the dates of any ESPs that are dated past the year 2038 to an earlier time because Wrye Mash only goes up to the year 2038... so it changes those ESPs to that date.

Most mods don't date their ESPs that high so most likely the ESPs from The Symphony will automatically be
placed last. (But in the wrong order.)

If you open Wrye Mash and notice a different mod at the bottom of the list then:

Make sure the mods are listed by LOAD ORDER. Just right click on the MODS tab and go to SORT and then click LOAD ORDER. A check mark should
appear. If there is still a different mod below any of these 4
@_arrowSpeed.esp ;optional
@_Sympfony_theTEST(EN)70%).esp ;or @_SuiteLite(EN).esp
@_effct.esp ; highly recommended.

Then you will need to change the date to an earlier time. Just check the
date of @_arrowSpeed.esp and choose one year earlier. Remember to click
SAVE at the bottom of the Right Pane.

For example: If you use Lights_300 and install The Symphony then you will see that Light_300
is last in the load order. So you would have to change the date or
times of all the Symphony ESPs and then change the date or time of
Lights_300 so that it loads before any of the Symphony ESPs.

Did you get that? I tried to make it as confusing as possible!

Did I make a mistake? Is there an easier way. Comments are welcome.
Thanks to
HedgeHog12and the Symphony team. This mod changes everything.
It is brilliant... a masterpiece!

Thank You

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  1. Psijonica
    • supporter
    • 103 kudos
    ****OMG I forgot to write about the Morrowind Code Patch****
    Ok so there are different instruction if you are using MGSO 3.0
    First get the updated version linked above and run it. It doesn't make a difference when you do that but you want to do it before playing the game. So on the top of the MCP list you want to click on bump\reflection map. This will make the armours a little less shiny. If you want the armours shinier then turn this feature off. But I like it on because I use other mods that nee this feature. Personally I like this on. I also like to have all the other features on as well except for the Over the shoulder camera, hidden locks, and well english speaking users need not worry about the international section so don't click on any of those. Those are language packs I thunk
    Here's a pic of what I am talking about:

    MGSO 3.0 users need to then run the Exe Optimizer. Get the latest version here:
    This link will not work so just navigate to the main page and on the left you will see a section called Morrowind Stufff and exe optimizer. Download the latest version 1.9. This version has newer features that are NOT included in the version MGSO 3.0 uses. This is why it is important NEVER to use MGSO Options again. If you turn that on and start it all the older utility programs will immediately override the new ones and you will have to update everything again. This is why is the soon to be released, "Beautiful Morrowind Play Guide" MGSO 3.0 will not be included but the guide will give you an even greater looking end result.

    Ok so now you need to place that on your desktop. Make a new folder and name it PATCH exeOpt and make another folder and name it PATCH MWexe. Put the exeOpt.exe in the PATCH exeOpt folder.

    Go to your Morrowind install folder and COPY your Morrowind.exe file. I suggest you make 2 copies. Put one in a safe place like where to keep your library of mods and put the other one in your new PATCH MWexe folder.

    So you should have two folders on your desktop.
    Go into the PATCH exeOpt folder and run the exeOpt.exe and when it asks you for the Morrowind path to the Morrowind exe than lead that to your new PATCH MWexe folder and patch the Morrowind.exe.

    So this is a tricky process. It doesn't always work. It may crash and error pop ups may appear. If the program crashes just start over. If it happens a few times try restarting your computer.

    Sometimes you may get pop ups telling you that there was a crash and do you want to continue. IGNORE THEM and click the X buttom top right and just let it continue. You may get a bunch of them in a row. Don't panic... DON"T PANIC!!!! Just try to get through it.

    Sometimes it works flawlessly and others it is a major pain. Recently I created 3 new Morriwind Installations for different set ups and each time I did this step I had a different experience. My latest try at this was a nightmare! I kept getting pop up after pop up but I just kept pressing the X button and finally I got the message that the Morrowind exe was patched!

    When you too get this message CUT your new patched Morrowind.exe and paste it where it belongs in your Morrowind directory. That is where it originally came from! DUH!

    Ok finally MGSO 3.0 users need to re-run the 4GB patch. The link is given to you above and just run it and lead it to your Morrowind.exe file.

    ***truth is that everyone playing Morrowind should be following these instructions***

    Optional files.
    @_AboutCreaturesBK.esp - 50 volumes about the creatures of the province.
    Books placed in the world. There is a small quest to collect them.
    Language - Russian. The total amount of text, over 140 pages in MSWord.
    @_AboutWeaponsBK.esp - 25 volumes about the Weapons of the province.
    Books are added from starting script to certain traders.
    Language Russian. More then 50 pages in Word.
    @_BM_armorPatch.esp - added a new warm armor to Imperial Legion's in Solstheim.
    @_Sympfony_BKs.esp - patch for Russian books only.
    Only for Russian version!
    @_Sympfony_theDCR.esp- decrease the armor level of a some creatures. Optional. Only for Full version of the Project!


    All files from here are optional and not required to correct work the Project!
    Some models with different settings of reflection.
    They are not better or worse, just different.
    If you want to experiment, you can try to install them.

    But look at @_patches\@Rain_Enchant_Anim folder.
    Here is:
    - new mesh to journal\book menu.
    - new textures to enchanting.
    - tweaks the base animation files.
    - the rain. Some separate models.


    A small addition to the main Project was added!

    This "patch" eliminates the contrast with third party plugin`s objects, that be use the default meshes of weapons and creatures.

    It`s replacing the original meshes!
    Pay attention to it and make copies of folders R and W! If You have it, of course!

    This meshes files only! Textures are used from the Symphony`s BSA archives.

    These meshes have some changes relative to the base meshes of the Symphony`s Creatures!
    - some keys of the animations was removed.
    That made them are not dependent on the Master Files of the Project.

    These models can be working without Project`s ESP files.

    also fixed a broken TXT_files archive.


    As of April 2016 the translation has been increased by 10% so if you are using the recommended complete mod then this is your new esp order:

    1) @_arrowSpeed.esp ;optional
    2) @_Sympfony_theTEST(EN)70%).esp (or @_SuiteLite(EN).esp)

    3)* @_Sympfony_the(scripts(EN)+10%).esp ; is very recommended! !!! Only if "(EN)70%).esp" are used!

    4) @_effct.esp ; highly recommended.
    5) @_scripted_lightings(Symphony)(EN).esp
    *This is a rough translation of text messages in the scripts. It`s +10 to translation.
    *It`s highly recommended to activate! Because it fixed the bug with incorrect displays of the ru-fonts.

    As of May 4, 2016
    With all the updates and optional files these are the new instructions regarding LOAD ORDER from HH

    1) @_arrowSpeed.esp ;optional
    2) @_Sympfony_theTEST(EN)70%).esp (or @_SuiteLite(EN).esp)
    3)* @_Sympfony_the(scripts(EN)+10%).esp ; is very recommended! !!! Only if "(EN)70%).esp" are used!
    4) @_effct.esp ; highly recommended.
    5) @_scripted_lightings(Symphony)(EN).esp

    Correct. It`s without changes!

    Patch 001, 002,003, 004

    They have not the Master Files for loading and order of installation is not important.

    It`s only meshes fixes without priorities.

    Just drop them in the game folder.


    if you don't want to see more the default models of creatures and weapons

    Optional. No priority.

    As like that, drop in to Data Files Folder.

    But It will be replace the Original meshes if they are out of the BSA archives.

    Just for information.
  2. EklMortain
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So when i run exeopt i get a "Finished. Applied 0 patches" is that correct?
    Also, where or what, or have you even writen? A section for the actual install of Sympohny_The?
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 103 kudos
      My reply comes only 27 years too late HAHAHAHAHAHA

      sorry but that pesky thing called life dragged me away :)

      But if you scroll all the way up... like all the way and even way higher then you will see all that text written in PiNK and BLU3, all the instructions were written by... hmm... wrote all that? Oh ya, it was meeeeeee! :))

      But 27 years later i think the info is most likely outdated so you will have to ask questions to HedgeHog himself. Sorry but you know, it was fun while it lasted. CHEERS!  :)
  3. SolarFlare13
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, I'm having trouble getting this to work. I think it's because BSAReg doesn't do anything as it just thinks everything is fine and dandy, so what lines will I need to add into the Morrowind.ini manually?

    I'm sure it needs something added to archives as I did this for Tamriel Rebuilt but symphony has a confusing BSA list that doesn't correspond to an esp with the same name like TR.
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 103 kudos
      Well, if you got to step #8 and run the BSA reg it will show you which BSAs are not registered! I have been using this BSA reg for years and so do most long time users so I know it works...

      But you can check it manually too. Open your Morrowind ini and scroll all the way down until you see the ARCHIVE list that shows all the BSA that are registered. You should see a bunch with an "@" sign. The Symphony BSAs and ESPs all have an @ sign before them.

      So this is what mine looks like. Just remember I have some updates you may not have installed yet but you should have the meshes and textures. If not add in archive 6-12 and try that.

      Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa
      Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa
      Archive 2=Flora Glow.bsa
      Archive 3=TR_Data.bsa
      Archive 4=RR_Telvanni_Lighthouse_Tel Branora.bsa
      Archive 5=RR_Telvanni_Lighthouse_Tel Vos.bsa
      Archive 6=@_01ICNSRT.bsa
      Archive 7=@_02MESHES.bsa
      Archive 8=@_03MESHES.bsa
      Archive 9=@_04MESHES.bsa
      Archive 10=@_05TEXTURES.bsa
      Archive 11=@_06TEXTURES.bsa
      Archive 12=@_07TEXTURES.bsa
      Archive 13=@_dgFl.bsa
      Archive 14=Arvs-Spelun.bsa
      Archive 15=Stav_MaGAO.bsa
      Archive 16=@_North_armor.bsa

      If the BSA is not registering your BSAs then are you sure you even have the BSAs in your Data folder?
    2. SolarFlare13
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the reply and the help, I got it to work

      Just wasn't sure how to add in the archives so I added it in like this which might be crazy but in the TR installation instructions it said make the bsa archive number the same as your load order number so I did it like:

      Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa
      Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa
      Archive 2=Flora Glow.bsa
      Archive 3=@_01ICNSRT.bsa
      Archive 4=@_02MESHES.bsa
      Archive 5=TR_Data.bsa
      Archive 6=@_03MESHES.bsa
      Archive 7=@_04MESHES.bsa
      Archive 8=@_05TEXTURES.bsa
      Archive 9=@_06TEXTURES.bsa
      Archive 10=@_07TEXTURES.bsa
      Archive 11=@_dgFl.bsa

      So far it's looking great. Looking forward to your Beautiful Morrowind guide if it's still coming out, I found a video of it the other day when searching through Mods!
    3. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 103 kudos
      Ha! That's very sweet of you and I am glad you figured everything out but the Beautiful Morrowind guide has been put on permanent hold. I now highly recommend that people follow this guide instead using MGSO 3.0 which is highly outdated. I do plan on writing an appendix for the authors of this guide soon that will include different (better) options than they recommended but overall their guide is well done.

    4. SolarFlare13
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ok I'll have a look at it thanks. I'd like to see what I can do without MGSO as it is great but a little clunky in places.
    5. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 103 kudos
      Well the MGSO 3.0 is a marvel of scripting and an incredible acheivement. KingPix is a living genius however the mod is old and all of the programs that it uses have been updated so if you wanrt to use some modern mods you can't unless you update all the utility programs like for example Morrowind Code Patch (MCP) which the updated version has many new functions. These new functions are required to fix the bugs in many of the old mods used in MGSO 3.0 so after you install you then have to update the entire program and that is a major pain in the butt. I know I have done it many times so by the time it takes so update everything you might as well spend that time just installing everything yourself! I mean of course it takes a lot longer but it is also a lot more satisfying.

      I will be writing some install instruction for ReShade so stay tuned and track me. Here's a sneak peek.

    6. Aidanbird
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hi, I've tried everything suggested here, but I can't get my game to look as beautiful as your screenshots. Does this mod conflict with other mods that change textures? Or is there another way to get the same look? Thanks!
  4. dragonfire3405
    • member
    • 45 kudos
    Just something I want to mention about the Exe Optimizer:
    2 out of the 3 times that I ran the Optimizer, my antivirus perked up and decided that one of the files (I don't remember which one, sorry) generated by Exe Optimizer during patching process was unsafe.
    A false positive. This resulted in my antivirus immediately deleting said file, however since the file was in use by Exe Optimizer - it just corrupted it instead of actually deleting it. As you can imagine, the patching process failed.
    So, before you run the Optimizer... it might be a good idea to temporarily disable your antivirus.