A lot of people ask me about save game compatibility between patches. It's actually not a problem if you use Wrye Mash. So what's Wrye Mash and why should you get it? Here's a short description from the UESP Wiki

"Wrye Mash is a general purpose utility for managing and repairing mods and savegames. Currently it is the only tool that systematically prevents NPC doubling. It combines multiple mod-management capabilities making it one of the most strongly recommended utilities for both modders and players".

Download the program here: then follow the steps down below.

How to update your save-game to a new version using Wrye Mash

Here are the recommended steps from the Wrye Mash readme:

• You only need to do this if the new version of the mod adds or removes references from the game!

• Put both new and old versions of the Mod in the Data Files directory.

• Go to Mods tab (in Wrye Mash), right click on the new mod and select "Updaters...".

• Click on the "Add" button, select the old mod and click Open.

• Close the Updaters dialog.

• Go to the Saves tab, and select the save game that you want to update.

• Right click on the top of the Masters List, and select "Update".

• Right click on the old mod and select "Change To...".

• Select the new mod in the file dialog and then click "Open".

• The renamed master should turn bright green (instead of the usual pale green).

• Click Save.

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