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About this mod

English and German Version

Makes the Boots of Blinding Speed less overpowered by removing their effect when the player has a weapon drawn, his hands raised to cast a spell or sneaks.

Permissions and credits
Better Balanced Boots of Blinding Speed (BBBBS) v1.0

A TES III:Morrowind Mod by Pherim

The Boots of Blinding Speed are probably one of the most infamous items in Morrowind - originally they were probably intended to be some kind of easter egg, but in the later stages of the game it becomes way too easy to neutralize the blinding effect of the boots and use the immense speed increase without any disadvantages. As this gives the player an immense advantage in fights, I have added a small script to them that automatically reverses the speed increase whenever the player

- has drawn a weapon
- has raised his hands to cast a spell
- sneaks.

So the boots are still useful to flee or avoid battles, but hopefully this change makes fights a little more challenging again.

Just copy the esp file into your "Data Files" folder inside your Morrowind installation folder and activate it in the launcher or your mod manager.

Just deactivate and delete the esp file. This should have no negative impacts on your savegame. It is recommended not to wear the boots while the plugin is deactivated and to repair the savegame with Wrye Mash.

This will only conflict with mods which modify the Boots of Blinding Speed.

The mod was cleaned with tes3cmd.

Version History
v1.0 Original Release

If you have any questions or Problems concerning the mod, you may contact me via the Bethesda Forums: