Adds 70+ unique paintings, each of them in 2 different sizes in various shops of MW The regular paintings can be placed / rotated / moved The miniature paintings can be placed on shelves and tables.
DLC requirements
DLC name
Permissions and credits
Author's instructions
Modify my mod, but credit me as the original creator as well as the people mentioned in the credits section Dropping me a line would be nice.
File credits
- For the meshes and texures: Tommy Khajiit for the painting meshes. Both can be foud <http: programs myo.html> .<br>Dracus for the painting script (to place/rotate paintings)<br>Silaria for the original paint brush and paint pots meshes that I modified to create new meshes.<br>Archange, creator of the French mod: La colonie Angelusienne for the easel mesh, also modified my me.<br>- For the sceenshots:<br>Bahamut, C.Mireneye, Dragynlord. Jaffah, Jermex, Krzymar, Mr Swiveller, MrBee30, MrKWmonk, MrTomnus, Murezor, Phal, Povuholo, <br>Skydye, Teclis, Vality, Vtastek, Vurt, Zackg, Zeroed<br>- Tools:<br>tes3cmd<br>Nifscope<br>Gimp<br>Thanks to Bethesda Softworks for developing Morrowind and the Construction Set.<br>Thanks to Brucoms for developing the readme generator this readme was based on.</http:>
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Adds 70+ unique paintings, each of them in 2 different sizes in various shops of MW.
The regular paintings can be placed / rotated / moved
The miniature paintings can be placed on shelves and tables.
The paintings are screenshots taken by the community (see credits section for details) and were originally uploaded on Planet Elder Scrolls website as Picture of The Day.
There are 3 esp. to choose from (use 1 only):
- POTD Paintings.esp: Adds the paintings to shops across the land. Traders will have paintings of their region.
- POTD Paintings-easels: In addition to the paintings in the shops, 17 easels have been placed across the land. With paints and paint brushes (bought from Ravir in Balmora), you can create your own paintings. The easels disappear once the painting is done.
- POTD Paintings-resource: Adds nothing to the game. The CS has a new cell called POTD paintings with all the paintings as static objects. The miniatures are in the misc tab.