About this image
This is a shot of the new worldspace and setting for my upcoming quest mod, The Better Angels, which should be out within a few weeks, or it's not coming out at all. Because FO4.
This is a shot of the new worldspace and setting for my upcoming quest mod, The Better Angels, which should be out within a few weeks, or it's not coming out at all. Because FO4.
All of those but Martin and Esther will be referenced and/or resolved. Esther's story is finished in NVBIII.
Because I'm an all or nothing lunatic. If I mod between FO4's ship date and the release of mod tools, it will be on Skyrim, since FO4 will most likely be using some variant of Papyrus as its scripting language.
Besides, I'm pretty satisfied with how The Better Angels is shaping up. It will be lean, no doubt, but there will be a better sense of overall resolution than what the player experienced in NVBIII.
Even if you spent 3 months playing FO4 from the time of release, how is it that FO4's release would spell the cancellation of The Better Angels? (just curious)
Enjoyed every f*#@ing minute of it too.
Al Swearer is a personal favorite. (I see you're also a fan of Deadwood)
I am so ready for Better Angels.
This and F4 are running neck and neck right now.
This is me you're talking about - not exactly an exemplar of intellectualism. I know it's simple subservience to hype, but I can't help it - even if the dragons are flying backwards and there are a thousand Louis Letrush clones meandering around me, I have to play it because of the urge to explore a new Bethesda world. Additionally, I'll need a grasp of the NPC's, factions, and general worldspace if I'm to set a mod there in 2016.
Yeah, but I may mod Skyrim in the meantime, despite my blood oath made in the midst of sacred rage against the CK. I will need to be more proficient in Papyrus if I'm to hit the ground running when the mod tools for FO4 are released.
I agree with Cavalier753, it'd be a shame not to see this final NV mod from you to wrap up the Someguy Series.
Thanks for all your work so far.