Non Bullpup SA80

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Would make quite an interesting model....


  1. Lt Albrecht
    Lt Albrecht
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    nice job but the whole idea of the sa80 is that it has a really short barrel to make it easy to use in cqc

    The barrel's not short, the weapon is. It runs through the body of the weapon to the mechanism at the rear instead of the middle, where it usually is. This saves weapon length (making it easier to use for mechanised infantry who have to spend a lot of time getting in/out of or sitting in armoured vehicles) and retains barrel length (essential for accuracy and range).
  2. Ayleidsrus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    nice job but the whole idea of the sa80 is that it has a really short barrel to make it easy to use in cqc
  3. Spaceritual
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  4. TheBackfiringVirus
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    • 4 kudos
    @kaiotie1 you should've read the description, this is what it would look like if it wasn't a bull-pup
  5. kaiotie1
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    the model of the SA80 is whron im British and it should look like this sorry if the model was suppost to be like it is
  6. greywaste
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    • 9 kudos
    Was a long time ago when I last fired one but I recall back then the back end did feel a little too heavy, but yeah, wonder just how much effect it would have had. I preferred the L1A1 big time anyway ^^. Nice job though.
  7. Jachilles
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Interesting.. Although I have to admit impractical. Moving the magazine forward would (suprise, suprise!) result in moving the firing mechanism system. Which, in turn, would result in a complete redesign of the butt stock to bring it into a more practical use. Either to equalise the weight problem or to have more features - like the M- series rifles used by the Americans.

    Nice idea though!
  8. Boogie1669
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Lol nice image somewhat impractical tho as it would shift the point of balance too far forward ,weirdly enough it took me several looks before i noticed the change tho 8-Z.