About this mod
Version 2.0 Beta of Rust Town. Now bigger, better and with Quests.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

Version 2.0 BETA (Refer to older version readme.txt or old description at the end for additional information)
Before reading the description below, please take into account this version had been for some time a team effort to provide you with Quests. Evertaile was scripting and evolving quests and extra material for Rust Town in order for us to supply you a complete mod filled with everything. Right now and for some time I have lost communication with Evertaile, for reasons still unknown. For over 6 months developing was into stalemate. Taken that into account, a small part of some of the quests are unfinished. I lack the ability to script, so not only I could not effectively beta test current working quest scripts, but also have not been able to alter them in any way whatsoever in fear I brake something beyond repair. So, please feel free to provide feedback and bug reports, so I can write them down for future repair when I will be able to get some help.
For downloaders familiar with the old version 1.2: Rust Town has been expanded and is now more than doubled in size and number of interiors as I have also created a second district similar to the original but with a different theme. Quests are mostly taking place in vanilla Rust Town in which more interiors have been integrated and there shall be no inaccessible doors left out of use (main Rust Town). For a complete list of the interiors and places to visit please refer to the list below in section 1.X
Rust Town Version 2.0
1.0 Overall Features
2.0 Quests (spoiler free)
3.0 Merchants
4.0 Population
5.0 Dev Team
6.0 Installation
7.0 Bugs and feedback
8.0 Old Versions notes

1.0 Rust Town:
1.1. Main Rust Town District
This is the downtown part of the Rust Town. It is updated and now features better A.I. behavior and, as requested by the community, Quests. This is the main area originally created in Version 1 of this mod but not left unchanged, so in this update it all-around features:
Five residences as in version 1 but now respected residents feature Quests
Hubology Temple newly added environment and features Quests and some surprises. Also you may train stats and become part of the hubology cult.
Restaurant (as in version 1.2)
Rebel Bar (as in version 1.2)
Wildlife Exhibition Gallery (updated, expanded and now features Quests)
Elementary School (newly added)
Community Hall (as in version 1 but now features Quests)
Rust Town Sewers (newly added, Quests related environment with hostile creatures)
Town s Archive (newly added)
Sheriff s Office (as in version 1.2 but now related to Quests)
Barracks and Armory (as in version 1.2)
Power Station (as in version 1.2)
Player s house (as in version 1.2)
Merchant Shops
Boat House
Train Station
Trailer Residences
1.2. Slums District:
Slums District is the run down, junkie, gun-totting part of Rust Town, it is a whole new massive area with a different theme featuring Quests, population and hostile NPCs depending on the choises of the player. Currently in beta as described in prologue.
Commoner Houses
Slum Gang Base
Guard Tent
Platinum (an adult Strip Club, Quest Related)
Liquor Store
Lukes Fine Attire
Shady Business
Drug Lab (in a mysterious underground environment)
Secret Storage Room
Created with love, and a certain vision of Den (fallout 2) in conjunction to Mad Max films.
Crazy Ol Bill s makeshift fortress
Guard Tower
Back Alleys
Smitty s Car

2.0 Quests
There is a massive number of Quests featured in this mod by now. The community asked for quests, so we delivered. For the number of quests I cannot clarify nor provide you with much help for debugging -see prologue-. Also, there are many quests mostly related with the Slums district that are currently left on paper.
Quests will be initiated either by finding and commencing dialogue with certain NPCs, asking around, and there is also a number of quests in the form of bulletin board notes located into the community hall for easy finding.

3.0 Merchants
3.1. Lena, trades alcohol and soft drinks
3.2. Restaurant cashier, trades food
3.3. Tom the handyman, trades crafting materials and repairs equipment
3.4. Eustathius, trades creature products and crafting materials
3.5. Rust Town addict, trades medical equipment and drugs
3.6. Vlad, trades alcohol
3.7. Luke, trades clothes and hats
3.8. Gun merchant, trades weapons and armor

4.0 Population
Older versions of Rust Town consisted of 28-32 npc population. At this update, the number have reached above 80.
5.0 Dev Team
Obliviongr,Evertaile & Lingwei
If you have any questions related to this mod you can contact me and I will try to assist. If you are having issues related to quests, contact Evertaile though I cannot promise a response at this point. Also, as I have said before, my ability with scripting is zero.

6.0 Installation
Delete old version file which came as an .esp. Insert into data folder the new .esm master file along with the extra .esp. When more development is complete, everything will be contained in a master file and from then on .esp as patches.
7.0 Bugs and Feedback
7.1. Everataile has managed to fine tune the mod to run more decently at lower end machines. Most bugs, where could be found, in old version were fixed. Issues we had trouble replicating are still a mystery. Also, Evertaile have contacted other mod authors to fix some compatibility issues our mod was having. Most of which are now resolved except one. Rust Town still has issues when running the same time with the mod: “Vault32fix”. Also take into account current state beta testing is somewhat lacking due to loss contact with Evertaile. –said that again didnt I?
7.2. Seems like since Quests came into play, for unknown reasons, some weird AI behavior have been observed. Minor things though, like some residents will occasionally sleep in random places instead of their owned houses.
7.3. Doctor Tara is still broken and will not heal you whatsoever, so do not waste your buck.
7.4. I have witnessed certain door teleporters vanish out of a sudden but all should be working by now. All of the doors should take you somewhere as I have made use of all of them.
7.5. There has been effort to correct any grammatical and spelling mistakes in dialogues to some extend, but since English is not my first language the occasional weirdness will probably strike you.
7.6. Some characters will not initiate dialogue with player and may cause weird behavior.
7.7 Strip Club is lacking background music files, will be updated.
7.8 Normally, since i stopped working on the mod since March, there is bound to be some incompatibilities I am not aware of.
7.9 First of the bat, incompatible with a mod called Warzones. (noted)
I will keep the above list updated and add bugs you report.
Past / Old Description (January 2011)
Rust Town. It is a lore friendly town complete with everything one will ever need. It is packed with amenities and numerous places of interest to explore and immerse yourself.
My goal while working on this project was to provide a realistic town, full with detail and a unique fallout feel.
Version 1.10
As of version 1.1, I fixed some bugs and minor issues and added some extra vendors and a thing or two.
I would also like to thank the community for its support and the people that pointed out bugs and suggested some extra stuff and features.
1. Fixed Paula s dialogue and behavior
2. Fixed a particular door that used to lead into nowhere
3. Some weird behavior some items had in the players house.
4. Replaced the sink in players house and is now useable and the toilet is as well rad-free.
Added content:
1. Tom, the town engineer, now sells spare crafting materials.
2. Eustathius the entomologist now sells some particular items like poison glands e.t.c.
3. Added a chemistry set in the clinic, for people with mods that make it useable.
4. Added dialogue to 5 more npcs.
5. An addict in town now sells spare medical equipment.
Cut non visible-references:
As people suggested I have cut down some references that were not visible but where left for future implementation and were behind some inaccessible doors. As the mod is heavy as it is, all added content from now on will be located in extra interior cells.
NOTES: [UPDATE 18.01.2011]
1. As of 16th of January I have teamed up with Evertaile in order to implement quests and provide you people with better content, quests, material and of course more places to explore.
Current version is apparently sometimes conflicting with: the mod "armoror" and "vault32fix" Respected authors have been contacted and next update will be issue-free.
Unpack archive, copy the extracted RustTownV1-1.esp file into your Fallout New Vegas DATA folder and enable the .esp using the vanilla launcher or FOMM. If you have previously downloaded Version 1.00 delete old file first.
Just delete RustTownV1-1.esp from your data folder
The town is currently located to the far South West of the map west of Mojave Outpost. You can not reach it by foot at first because of the blocked road, but only by train.
Travel to the Vanilla EMERGENCY RAILWAY STATION, located in your pipboy. It is just southeast of POWDER GANGER CAMP SOUTH, and follow the railway tracks. A train will be waiting for you in the station to take you to Rust Town. After one trip, you can use fast travel to travel fourth and back, or keep using the railway stations. Walk to the second wagon behind the engine train and interact with it to travel. (I have included an extra, ready to use explored, map-marker near the station for those who might be having problem locating the vanilla one.)
Current population: 28
So far, current .esp consists of:
1. Rust Town Outdoor Environment. Full of detail, themed lighting, dark mood, and lots of beautifully created unique environments and sections all packed in a single monstrous cell, fully navmeshed.
2. Dynamic NPC Population. A wide variety of NPCs, like Sheriff, Deputies, Merchants, Barkeepers, Guards, Residents, Engineers, Doctors, Bums, dogs e.t.c., most of which keep an everyday schedule and some of them have extensive dialogue.
3. Services. Certain NPCs will offer services (Buying/Selling, Repairing, Healing e.t.c.)
4. A Restaurant, to sit and grab a bite. Pick your table.
5. A Bar, to sit and enjoy your cocktails while admiring the view.
6. A Clinic, to stop by and heal your addictions, cleanse your radiation or patch up your crippled limps.
7. A Wildlife Exhibition Gallery, to check out captured wildlife, like cazzadors, geckos, mongrels, ants, rats etc.
8. Players House of course, for you to store your fancy equipment and get some rest.
9. Sheriffs Office with Jail. Behave and leave the prisoner alone.
10. Community Hall. This is where the townspeople meet and discuss their issues.
11. Barracks and Armory. All the guards and deputies need some rest too, right? Now with an implemented armory but not easy to reach.
12. Power Station. The town requires a steady supply of electricity. An engineer attends to this place everyday.
13. Five (5) unique Resident Houses (for the lucky ones that managed to secure a place with a roof, the rest have other means of housing)
14. Livestock Pen. Provides a steady supply of milk and meat.
Also, as a necessary part of the mod, i included:
15. Train Station with guess what… a train fully operational so one can travel back and forth to the city if you don’t want to make use of fast travel. (Currently the train station is located in the Mojave Region, at the vanilla EMERGENCY RAILWAY STATION outer cell, which I had to modify a little and bring it back to life in order to accommodate the train wagons). Also you’ll have to use it at least once to unlock Rust Town’s map marker.
16. Rust Towns Train Station and outer Gate, trains need to travel from station to station right?
While travelling with the train to Rust Town, and upon arrival, your companions will spawn at some distance outside the Town Train Station for some reason. SOLUTION: Just fast travel to your current location (RustTown mapmarker) and they will spawn right next to you. Same if you travel back to Mojave. I will need to look more into this.
On a side note:
1. As the city is heavily populated and full of detail I experienced some small frame drop issues while beta testing in certain parts of it. Though take note, my computer is two years old. I expect some feedback on this frame drop by you guys. Maybe I will add a lighter version too if enough downloaders request it.
2. Because of the Cazadors behavior and flying animation they sometimes seem to momentarily noclip through their holding tank. But it’s just visual, they can’t get out.
3. The doctor goes to her resident every night to rest. Check back in the morning if you need her services.
4. Tom the handyman, does weapon and armor repairs, if you need his services he will either be wandering, sleeping or, during morning hours, working in the power station.
5. The merchants, barkeepers and restaurant cashiers work 24/7.
6. There are no quests involved as i am not familiar with scripting. Maybe if i get some help something can be worked out.
7. A workbench and a reloading bench can be found inside the Power station.
8. Some doors in the town are inaccessible as I have future plans implementing more stuff.
9. Town lighting is part of the mood I wanted to create. Though screenshots may seem darker than the actual environment, if enough people request a brighter environment I may upload an extra .esp file.
10. The lawmen in the town are a little toughened up in comparison to usual vanilla npcs, so take notice.
11. I excluded npcs carrying energy weapons and spiced em up with wild west weaponry as part of the town’s concept.
12. I had to place a few collision markers in some tight spaces that would get player character stuck behind houses and walls at the outer perimeter of the town. I would have closed all gaps with visual references but, by the end, the mod had already become a little heavy for my cpu and maybe for others.
13. Zero use of scripting. Use of G.E.C.K. provided tools only. I wish I did use scripts for the mod to be more interactive and dynamic but I’m not familiar with scripting.
Things to come:
1. More dynamic NPC behavior, more dialogue. Also, maybe voice overs (if I have the time and courage. The voice actors are no issue as I have already gathered enough candidates).
2. Right now I am planning on paper for an adults only kind of themed interior cell and the Town Library, maybe later a place of worship and an underground cemetery.
3. Possibility of extending current town infrastructure to the third level up. Of course if, as is, the town is giving people bad frames per second I will scrap that idea.
4. Extending the Wildlife Exhibition Gallery to contain more animals and insects, add more rooms and sections.
Personal notes:
The heaviest work: Town inner outdoor Environment (not taking into consideration the inner cells) ~ 8 straight hours working on paper, ~118 straight hours to complete in G.E.C.K. Not a stone unturned.
The best way to create new environments is: (A) Plan ahead, draw your ideas on the paper considering what assets the game can provide. (B) Knowing exactly the vanilla assets. Knowing where to find what you need and the variations of it. (C) Master the controls of G.E.C.K. (D) Do not let yourself down.
Working with G.E.C.K. is surely creative and gravely time consuming. If you love what you’re doing, believe in it, and want your imagination to come to life through a game mod, you occasionally find yourself working around the clock creating unique environments, doing night swifts.
I hope at least some of you guys provide feedback, suggest ideas, point me my mistakes and tell me how to make my mod any better. Take into account this is my 1st mod I ever uploaded, though I fiddled with G.E.C.K. back in Fallout 3.
Contact me if you need anything or have any questions.
English is not my first language, I am sorry for any grammatical and spelling mistakes. Thanks in advance.