About this mod
This mod adds 95 Unique Collectibles to the game. Some Collectibles give a bonus when found. They can all be displayed in your player home. NO-BONUS and NO-PERKS VERSIONS are also AVAILABLE! Check out the bonus Packs as well.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Spanish

Feb 2,2012 : I have removed the option to install with the NMM on the main file. The reason for this is the file contains all versions of the .esp. Please manually install the version you want after the download completes. Bonus packs will install fine with NMM as they do not contain different versions with bonuses.
The Ultimate Nes Collection Bonus Pack is now Available
New Version 1.5 is now available.
CHANGELOG for version 1.5
*Updated all normal maps(objects will not reflect as much light now)
*Added missing train tracks and Rock cliffs in Nipton.(they were previously deleted by mistake)
*Added a Nes Advantage Controller Collectible
*Added a Nes Zapper Pistol(fires .22 rounds)
*Added locations of Zapper and Advantage to the Spoiler.txt
*Used FNVEdit to Remove Identical to Master Records(This should fix the CTD issue some are having)
*Changed Message Box Messages in the NO BONUS version(Its just a general message now "You Have Found A Unique Item")
*All versions are now included in one download(use the one you like)
*The vanilla "sinking item" problem can be resolved with the mod Feng Shui. You can find it on Nexus at: Feng Shui
*Includes all previous fixes from version 1.4
Posted: September 30,2011
Visit my new website dedicated to the New Vegas Modding Community(currently under construction)
Clintmich Mod IslandPosted: April 27,2011
A New Bonus Pack is now available. It includes 30 new vinyl albums and a stereo system to find.POSTED: March 31,2011
VERSION 1.4 NOW AVAILABLE! This new version includes fixes for clipping, texture fixes, and fixes for a few more bugs. also 4 new NES games have been added.POSTED:March 30,2011
Requests for new items are welcomed(Your idea may end up in the next bonus pack!) post requests and ideas in comments section.POSTED:March 28,2011
Version 1.4 is in the works. This new version will include some bug fixes,clipping fixes, and texture touchups. Release date is not known at this time.POSTED:March 28,2011
A Bonus pack with 10 additional NES games is now available.(SEE PIC IN IMAGES SECTION) POSTED:March 26,2011
A NO-BONUS VERSION IS NOW AVAILABLE(see below for details)POSTED:March 10,2011
A New Weapon House
105 Unique Skill Books and Magazines
31 New Food Items
Introducing Nuka Beer
HI-RES Chems and Health Re-Texture
The Fabulous Texture Shack
[size=15]ATTENTION COLLECTORS!!!![/size]
Have you been filling your player home with ugly repetitive junk? Are your shelves over loaded with Nuka-Cola truck toys, Garden gnomes and useless Dinosaur souvenirs? Well if they are, then this mod is for you! Even if you're not a collector, this mod will most definately add more variety to your gaming experience.
I tried to keep the items as lore friendly as possible. The exceptions might be the laptop,New Vegas Lunchboxes, and the NES and accessories. But they're all still cool!
There has been 95 New Unique items added to the game of Fallout New Vegas. All items have been placed in exterior and interior cells.(meaning you can find these new items outside or inside)Some of the items are hidden well, others are right out in the open for you to see. All are scattered throughout the wastes.
If you find and pickup one of these Unique Items, you will instantly be shown a message saying you have found a Unique Item. If the item has a bonus attached to it, you will be notified of this as well.Bonuses will add points to your skills, or grant you a new Perk upon adding it to your inventory.
Once you have claimed posession of a Unique Item, and have it in your inventory, you can do whatever you want with it. You could sell it, keep it, or you can take it to your favorite player home and put it on display.(see DISPLAY THE UNIQUES below)
All the Unique Items have been set to PLAYER OWNED. This means no matter where you find these items you won't have to steal them. THEY ARE YOURS TO FIND AND KEEP! You WILL NOT lose Karma by taking them.
All Unique Items have their own unique icon image you can view on the pipboy screen when you view it.
The Unique Items are:
Nes Zapper...................Fires .22 Rounds
Nes Advantage...............No Bonus
Banjo.....................Gives Banjo Man Perk
NukaCola Trash Can........No Bonus
Bible.....................+1 to Luck Skill
Bongos....................Gives Bongo Bongo Perk
Catcher in the Rye........+1 to Intelligence Skill
Cat in the Hat Book.......No Bonus
Dracula Novel.............No Bonus
Ivanhoe Novel.............No Bonus
Tom Sawyer Novel..........No Bonus
Mini Cannon...............Gives Cannon Man Perk
Toy Car...................Gives Speed Racer Perk
Gold Crown................+1 to Charisma Skill
Contra Game...............Gives Contra Perk
Mario Bros. NES Game......Gives Super Mario Perk
Mario Bros. 2 NES Game....No Bonus
Mario Bros. 3 NES Game....No Bonus
Metal Gear NES Game.......+5 to Sneak Skill
Metroid NES Game..........No Bonus
Ninja Gaiden NES Game.....No Bonus
Tetris NES Game...........No Bonus
Unique Gnome..............No Bonus
Golden Egg................Gives Eggstra Healing Perk
Gold Goblet...............Gives Lucky Strike Perk
Gold Nugget...............No Bonus
Golden Skull..............Gives Heads A Roll Perk
Harmonica.................Gives Melodic AP Perk
Lava Lamp.................+1 to Perception Skill
Laptop....................Gives Freaky Computer Geek Perk
Lunchboxes 1-6............No Bonus
Meteorite.................Gives Meteorite Man Perk
Mug.......................No Bonus
NES Box...................No Bonus
NES Console...............Gives Nintendo Man Perk
Nes Controlers 1-2........No Bonus
Rad Rod...................Gives Rad Rod Redemption Perk
Marble Gnome..............No Bonus
Scepter...................+5 to Speech (cannot be used as a weapon)
Tank(Unknown Contents)....Gives Radioactive Man Perk
Teddy Bear................No Bonus
Bowling Trophy............Gives KingPin Perk
Ice Cream Truck Toy.......No Bonus
Portable TV's 1-5.........No Bonus
Violin(autographed).......Gives Violinists Arm Perk
Autographed Guitar........+5 to Melee Weapons Skill
Gold Wrench...............+5 to Repair Skill
Genie Lamp................Gives 50 Caps(see THE GENIE LAMP for more details)
Poker Chips 1-17..........No Bonus
Poker Chip 18.............+5 to LockPick Skill
Poker Chip 19.............+5 to Medicine Skill
Poker Chip 20.............+5 to Unarmed Skill
Boxes of Chocolates 1-4...No Bonus
Demon Blood Whisky........Same effects as whisky, just twice as strong. Also gives temporary boost to Agility
Demon Drink Whisky........Same effects as whisky, just twice as strong. Also gives temporary boost to Endurance
Demon Kiss Whisky.........Same effects as whisky, just twice as strong. Also gives temporary boost to Health
Devil Girl Whisky.........Same effects as whisky, just twice as strong. Also gives temporary boost to Luck
Devils Belt Whisky........Same effects as whisky, just twice as strong. Also gives temporary boost to Perception
Devils Love Whisky........Same effects as whisky, just twice as strong. Also gives temporary boost to Speech
Satan Gold Whisky.........Same effects as whisky, just twice as strong. Also restores all Body Parts
She Devil Whisky..........Same effects as whisky, just twice as strong. Also gives temporary boost to AP
TurnBulls Whisky..........Same effects as whisky, just twice as strong.
Boxes of Chocolates and Whisky Bottles behave just like vanilla ingestables. Using one will cause it to dissappear from your inventory, and be gone forever. So you have a choice with these items. You can use'em, and lose'em. Or keep them as a collectible.
These items are great collectibles and look cool! But the games are NOT playable. I know it would be awesome to go back to your player home with your new found NES, and hook it up and play Contra. But that simply ain't gonna happen. The NES, Controllers, and Games are display items only. There are 2 reasons why you are not able to play the games. 1.Copywrites-most of these games are all made from different gaming companies. I don't think they would be very happy with the use of a working product in a Bethesda game. 2. Scripting a NES game into another game is a very difficult task. Only an experienced scripter could do it. And thats not me!
The Nes Zapper is a special Unique item. It really works! Except you don't plug this sucker into your Nes Console. It's a real weapon.It fires .22 rounds! It's more powerful than a normal .22, and alot louder. During my testing process this gun became more and more fun to use. Theres just something about the Nes Zapper! haha Hope you enjoy!
THE GENIE LAMP(Special Item)
The Genie Lamp is a very special Unique Collectible. Upon finding the Genie Lamp you will instantly be granted 50 caps. But the cool thing is, if you drop and re-pickup the Lamp, you will receive another 50 caps. You can keep doing this over and over again.(This is not a glitch) This Lamp can very easily be abused to make your player rich beyond belief. I DO NOT suggest using it this way. If you are an honest player, I trust you will RESPECT the Power of the Genie Lamp. Use it sparingly, and only when absolutly necessary. CHEATERS NEVER PROSPER!
All perks have their own unique icon image you can view on the pipboy screen when you view it.
The Perks are:
Banjo Man..............Increases your Good Karma
Bongo Bongo............Increases the amount of experience you get every time you gain experience
Cannon Man.............Accuracy in V.A.T.S increase when using a pistol
Contra.................Faster AP regeneration and more critical hit damage
Eggstra Health.........Regain more heath from health sources
Lucky Strike...........More chance of getting a critical hit
Heads A Roll...........Weapons do 20% more damage to enemies
Melodic AP.............10% boost to AP generation
Freaky Computer Geek...20% bonus to computer hacking
Super Mario............Maximum carry weight increases
Nintendo Man...........Better shooting accuracy
Radioactive Man........More rads you have the more health you regain
Rad Rod Redemption.....25% more rad resistance
Meteorite Man..........Increase carry capacity(similar to Super Mario)
Speed Racer............Run a bit faster
KingPin................Bigger explosive radius for weapons
Violinists Arm.........Throw harder and faster by 20%
To put a Unique Item on display, simply drop the item from your inventory in the location you wish to display them. Point your crosshair over the item and press the "Z" button.(just press it, don't hold it) Then you can drag the item to the location of your choice. Re-Press the "Z" button to let go of the item once it's placed where you want it.(This may take a bit of practice at first to get your items placed just perfect. Remember you can use your "Z" button at any time to re-grab and re-position your item if it's not to your liking)
Only Unique Items with no skill bonus can be dropped from your inventory and re-picked up.(meaning - dropping the item and taking it again, instead of placing it on display)
If the item has a skill bonus, .MAKE SURE YOU DROP IT IN THE LOCATION YOU WANT TO PLACE IT! Because you WILL NOT be able to re-add it to your inventory. I scripted it this way so you don't keep receiving a skill bonus over and over again by dropping the item and re-taking it.(There is one exception to this rule, see THE GENIE LAMP)
Its great to have a set display stand like the one for snowglobes. But with 89 items to display, I chose not to go this route. The Lucky 38 has been modded and changed to many times for me to even think of putting a display stand in there.(There would be too many incompatibilities)
All gamers have a preference to which player home they use on a regular basis anyway. So enabling the Unique Items to be put anywhere was the most logical solution. If you have numerous player homes, you could decorate them all differently. Variety is the spice of life.
I have included a Spoiler.txt document in the download. In this document you will find all the locations of all the Unique Items you can find. I didn't give the EXACT locations. I just give a vague one. So you will still have to search a bit for the Unique Items.(I can't make it too easy)
Lunchbox#5 - ElDorado Sub-Station
You don't have to use the spoiler.txt. Actually I would recommend not using it. I like surprises!
All the names of the items have been given the prefix "Unique". They should all show up together on your pipboy display.
I have included a NO BONUS version, and a NO PERKS version of this mod as well. The only item WITH a bonus in the No Bonus Version is the Genie Lamp. The Genie lamp will only effect your number of caps. I decided to keep this item because it doesn't effect any of the players stats or skills. And, it is kinda the featured item of this mod.
Also in this version since no items have bonuses, ALL items can be picked up and droped from your inventory anywhere. You can then re-pick up the item without a problem.
The NO PERKS version has all bonuses,just with no perks.
ALL VERSIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN ONE DOWNLOAD (use the version that suits you best)
-Nes Games Bonus Pack- It adds 10 additional hidden NES games to the wastelands. Find them and keep them as collectables. They function exactly the same as the other NES games.
-The Vinyl Collection Bonus Pack- It adds 30 vinyl albums and a complete stereo system to find and collect.
-The Ultimate Nes Games Collection- It adds 44 additional hidden NES games to the wastelands. Find them and keep them as collectibles. They function exactly the same as the other NES games. (This pack does NOT include NES Games Bonus Pack)
These are NOT replacers for Unique Items & Collectibles. They are seperate .esp files that run along side of it.
These are compatible with all versions of Unique Items and collectibles. There are no skill/stat bonuses in these bonus packs.
1. Copy and paste meshes,textures,and .esp files into your Fallout New Vegas Data directory
2. Check off the Unique Items & Collectibles.esp file in the Data section when you first start your game. Or check it off in your mod manager if you use that.
3. Install Complete, start your game.
Lord Inquisitor - For the Gold Skull of Bling Resource( Thanks! Your Mesh was better than mine so I couldn't resist)
Sardonnicus - For the idea to include a Vinyl album Bonus Pack(Thanks for the great idea!)
Bethesda - For another great game
Gamers - For downloading, endorsing, and playing the mods I create. Kudos to all of you! Thanks for keeping me motivated.
My girlfriend - For putting up with my many hours of modding(She hates it when I credit her, but I am anyway)
me - clintmich
Version 1.5
If you like this mod, Endorsements are appreciated. Thanks