About this mod
District 9 comes to New Vegas with new Armor, weapons locations, quests, characters, creatures, items and more! If you like District 9 or the Poleepkwa, be sure to check it out!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod has been abandoned and is no longer being supported. Don't expect any problems or bugs you find to be fixed. However, don't just assume that this is the last that you'll see of the Poleepkwa in the Mojave ;).
More pictures and a better description coming soon.
Transformation bug fixed! The final transformation stage now happens. Download is highly recommended. :}
A man carrying a makeshift weapon passed through Goodsprings spouting off crap about creatures near the Repcon facility. He headed off to the west and no one's seen him since. Maybe you can find him, see what he knows.
A small group of Non-Humans has moved to the Mojave. Will you aid them in their struggle for survival and integration, or wipe them out as those before you have? Or might you decide to join them?The decision is up to you.
Teaser Transfer:
If you're currently using the teaser version of this mod and want to keep your items and progress, be sure to grab the optional teaser update under the downloads section. It will automatically transfer your obtained items from the teaser to the full mod, making it safe to deactivate and uninstall the teaser mod. Just follow the readme and you'll be all set.
Future Additions:
>Project Nevada Compatibility Patch: will add vision modes and visor overlays to the new armors
>Voice acting
>Actual Quests
>More weapons, including some from the movie
>More armor
>More colors for Prawns and Prawn suits
>Will Finish Non-Human settlement
>Much more
What's What- Items & Ingame tips:
So far this mod adds a small settlement of prawns to the Mohave, along with some new items to go with them. The settlement also has some simple trade/barter and repair services. Eventually it will include quests, more new locations, etc.
now, here's a quick runthrough of most of the items added by this mod. There are a few spoiler items that are not listed.
-[Description] Misc. item used to craft other items in this mod.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items, no schematics required.
-[Varitations] Available in the following colors: Yellow, Black, Green, Blue, Red
>Prawn suits:
-[Description] Lets the player dress up as a prawn without actually being one.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items and paints(also made at workbench) after player has obtained the schematics (location of schematics in spoiler section of readme).
-[Varitations] Color depends on paints used to make. Can be any of the following: Yellow, Black, Green, Dark Blue, Red, Orange, Teal, Gray, Pink, Tropical, Lime, Blue, Blue-Green
-[Notes] Allows player to wear most armor that is made to fit Non-Humans, but does not allow player to opperate Non-Human weapons.
>T-51 Active Filter Mask:
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items, no schematics required. Can also be found at various vendors.
-[Varitations] None
>NHT-51 Active Filter Mask:
-[Description] Same as T-51 Active Filter Mask, but only fits Non-Humans.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items, no schematics required.
-[Varitations] None
>A27 Modular Air Tank:
-[Description] Adds an underwater breathing ability to any power helmet, including the T-51 Active Filter Mask
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items, no schematics required. Can also be found at various vendors.
-[Varitations] None
>MNU Combat Armor:
-[Description] A variation of the standard combat armor for post-war MNU agents.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items and paints(also made at workbench), no schematics required. Can also be found at various vendors.
-[Varitations] None
>I <3 Prawns Shirt:
-[Description] A black t-shirt printed with "I <3 Prawns" and a pair of cargo pants. All proceeds go to supporting Non-Humans.
-[Location] Can be found at various vendors.
-[Varitations] None
>Huge cargo Shorts:
-[Description] A giant pair of cargo shorts with lots of pockets, only fits Non-Humans.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items, no schematics required.
-[Varitations] None
>Giant Baseball Cap:
-[Description] An large baseball hat with an alien symbol on it, only fits Non-Humans.
-[Location] Can be found at various vendors.
-[Varitations] None
>Non-Human Combat Armor:
-[Description] A standard set of combat armor modified to fit Non-Humans.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items, no schematics required.
-[Varitations] None
>Non-Human MNU Combat Armor:
-[Description]A set of combat armor for post-war MNU agents modified to fit Non-Humans.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items and paints(also made at workbench), no schematics required.
-[Varitations] None
>Non-Human NCR Trooper Armor:
-[Description]A standard issue NCR armored vest modified to fit Non-Humans.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items, no schematics required.
-[Varitations] None
>Non-Human NCR Combat Armor:
-[Description] A set of NCR Ranger Combat armor modified to fit Non-Humans.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items, no schematics required.
-[Varitations] None
>Non-Human Powder Gang Vest:
-[Description]A standard Powder Gang armored vest modified to fit Non-Humans.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items, no schematics required.
-[Varitations] None
>Non-Human Khan Vest:
-[Description] An extra large Great Khan vest for Non-Humans.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items, no schematics required.
-[Varitations] None
>Non-Human Legion Armor:
-[Description]A standard Legion armored vest modified to fit Non-Humans.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items, no schematics required.
-[Varitations] None
>Modified Combat Helmet:
-[Description] A standard combat helmet modified to fit Non-Humans.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items, no schematics required.
-[Varitations] None
>NH-TacOps Headset:
-[Description] A multi-function head mounted personal targetting system.
-[Location] Can be purchased at main vendor in Non-Human settlement. Copies can be crafted at workbench after obtaining if player's inteligence is at least 8.
-[Varitations] None
>Zap Rifle:
-[Description] A custom made, fully automatic laser rifle. Has IGD, only useable by Non-Humans.
-[Location] Can be crafted at any workbench with standard game items. Schematics can be purchased at main vendor in Non-Human settlement, along with fully assembled Zap Rifles.
-[Varitations] Normal, modified and one Unique Version
-You can turn yourself into a prawn in a similar fashion to the movie. Just look for the fuel can.
-Once/if you are a prawn, you can use a special paint gun in the Non-Human settlement to change your color, using the same paints used for crafting the suits.
-the main vendor in the Non-Human settlement has some special items (not listed above) that he might sell you, if you can talk him into it.
-Be sure to have fun!
1. Launch the .FOMod file.
2. Follow Onscreen instructions.
3. Activate the newly added package.
4. Activate .esp's
5. Start game and enjoy.
1. Unzip with your favorite zip program and place in the New Vegas Data directory (usually C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\data\).
2. Active using New Vegas launcher, FOMM or you preferred method.
3. Start game and enjoy.
1. Unequip any of this mod's items and save your game
2. remove the mod's files from Data
3. All done
- incompatible with any mod that makes major changes to SLAbandonedShack02int or SLAbandonedShack02 and immediately surrounding areas. (I'd tell you the ingame name, but that'd be a spoiler)
- some armors have clipping issues with the Pip-Boy Readius. Activate the included "NV Prawns- Readius fix.esp" to correct most of these.
- this mod places random things all over. Some mods might make those objects impossible to get without console commands, but these objects aren't terribly important.
Known Bugs:
- while wearing a prawn suit or playing as a prawn, most unarmed weapons will replace your right hand with a human hand. (currently no way to fix)
- sometimes the Prawns' right arms will appear sort of blackish. This is random and usually goes away.
Questions, bugs or problems:
I know I didn't catch all the bugs that got into this thing, so if you find any, be sure to let me know. Also, please point out any typos I've made, I seem to have been making a lot recently.
See readme
Also, many thanks to the following for helping me out with a donation or two:
-Morosicity on DeviantArt
-Myuutsuu85 on DeviantArt