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[Update: 2012-10-13] The mod now has perk checks and skill checks, it has dialogue options exclusive to certain player made choices and reputation statuses.
There are a few incomplete areas, like Terrifying Prescense and the quest option. Those will be fixed later on.
[Update: 2012-10-09] I've added a branching dialogue for Nicholas, I plan to have more content to him, like a handful of small quests, a dialogue option which grants legion rep and a dumb/intelligent dialogue option. Just as soon as I figure out how to do them I will implement them and update the mod. Until then, those who want a little flavour content for Legion can enjoy this semi-decent branching dialogue
This mod adds a simple survival merchant to the Legion Raid Camp. Nicholas deals exclusively in Survival ingredients and tribal remedies but also has some Nuka Cola for sale. He is a friend of the Legion and will attack you if you are hostile with the Legion, he will also attack any NCR that patrols near his camp.
He wields a Brush Gun with around 50 ammo. His stock cannot be pickpocketed but his ammo can.