About this mod

Adds a small quest that lets the player acquire a summonable and pilotable Vertibird home after helping an old NCR pilot.

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin

This mod adds a small quest that lets the player acquire a summonable and pilotable Vertibird home
after a small quest, which depends on the version you install.


  • Starting the Quest

The quest can be started at the east end of Searchlight Airport. There you will find an old pilot trying to fix up his Vertibird after something flew into it. All he needs are a few parts and it'll be good to go. Check the images for a detailed view of the quest's starting location.

  • Piloting the Vertibird

Immediately after completing the quest, you can ask JNKS to teach you how to pilot the Vertibird, and after a quick lesson, you will be granted the ability to pilot the Vertibird yourself.


  • Starting the Quest

In the TTW version, the quest automatically starts around six in game hours after you've completed The Waters of Life. You will receive a radio transmission on your Pip-Boy so long as you are in the Capital Wasteland, and the quest will start. Give it a listen and the quest will direct you where to go next.

However, if you enter the Mojave before starting the new quest, you can still do the original quest as seen above. Once either quest starts, it locks the other, so do be warned of that.

  • Piloting the Vertibird

This one is a bit different, instead of instantly allowing piloting access, RK-5 will require you to complete the main quest Take it Back! before granting you the ability to pilot the Vertibird yourself. However, after that quest is done, simply ask RK-5 for piloting lessons and he will give them. From there, you will be able to pilot the Vertibird yourself.

  • Additional Travel Points

In addition to all the Fallout 3 DLC locations, the TTW version also allows you to freely fly between the Capital and Mojave once you have unlocked the ability to do so at the Union train station.


  • Vertibird Home

After completing the respective quests, the Vertibird can now be summoned to most locations with a special set of Binoculars. With these you can also call in a bombing run or missile strike as long at it has ammo. Once landed, you can set the current location as the Vertibird's home base. Inside the Vertibird you'll find ample storage for pretty much anything, a workstation that acts as both a reloading bench and workbench, a cooking hotplate, along with a bed. There's even a terminal that lets you set a destination for your Vertibird to fly to, just note that some locations are locked until you reach certain requirements, for example you can't land in the Strip unless you've been there before. However most locations are already open, after all the flight terminal has many recorded previous locations.



  • Some people have reported that while riding in the Vertibird after selecting a destination, the flight will never end. I unfortunately have no idea what causes this.

When manually piloting the Vertibird:

  • If you go up too high and move between world cells the game will force you back down to the ground, but you have to be really high up for this to happen.
  • Attempting to fly through and beyond the world border can result in the game crashing.
  • If kill cameras are enabled, killing an enemy and triggering a camera may result in the player falling to their death randomly. I've attempted to mitigate this, but it seems there are times where it still happens. I recommend turning off kill cams in general if you intend on manually piloting.
  • Some movement mods (JAM or Enhanced Movement for example) can disable certain keys while player controls are disabled depending on how you have them configured. This can result in you being unable to speed up, or even descend while flying. I have attempted to mitigate this as best as I can, but it seems the conflict remains for some people.
  • Some mods can disable your ability to "zoom without a weapon", which in turn prevents you from firing the secondary weapon while flying.
  • Main version:
Anything that modifies the east end of Searchlight Airport will likely conflict.

  • TTW version:
Anything that modifies the area around the unmarked Hilltop Farmstead in the Capital Wasteland will likely conflict.


Johnny Guitar NVSE
ShowOff  xNVSE
kNVSE - Note, not strictly required, but the binoculars will use vanilla animations without it.


  • Ensure that you have the latest versions of the requirements.
  • Install this mod via NMM/Manual/MO/whatever and activate Player Vertibird.esm
  • Download a skin pack for the vertibird. (Optional, note that the skin will only show up after the Vertibird is handed over to you)


If you lose the marker, you can talk to JNKS or RK-5 to acquire another. If you end up dismissing the Vertibird then lose it, use the console command "Player.Additem xx000ADF" to re-add the marker. Replace xx with the mods load order.

For mod authors looking to add support to new world spaces:


By default, any worldspace, or child worldspace whose parent worldspace, that is not part of the "PVHValidWorldspaces" formlist will have severely reduced functionality. The Vertibird can still be summoned to these worldspaces, and a custom home base can be set/flown to, but apart from that no other locations can be selected from the flight control terminal.

In order to add custom support, start with both your plugin and the Player Vertibird.esm file as a master.

Any worldspaces need to be added to the "PVHValidWorldspaces" formlist, which can be done via the following function, note this needs to be ran every time the game is restarted:

ListAddForm PVHValidWorldspaces WorldSpaceID

From there, a new copy of the flight control terminal needs to be made, "PVHTerminal" can be copied as a starting reference point.  To set up a new landing location through the terminal, you need three things; a landing marker, an exit marker, and a numerical ID of your own choice.

Both the landing marker itself, "PVHMarkerLanding", and exit marker, "xMarkerHeading" need to be placed in the world somewhere. Make sure both are Persistent References and give both a unique Reference Editor ID.

The final needed thing is the unique numerical ID to assign to the destination. These are assigned via the terminal result script as specified below, and they only need to be unique per worldspace for the most part, as their only purpose is to prevent you from flying to the same spot you are already at. Try to avoid overlap with the base ones I have chosen for the Mojave though, they can be viewed in "PVHGeneralQuestScript"

After the markers are placed, in the Terminal you can assign each option to reference a particular marker by using the following code in the Item Result Script:

PVHGeneralQuest.Destination = ID ;This is the unique number identifier you choose for this zone.
PVHGeneralQuest.rDestination = LandingMarkerRef ;This is where the Vertibird model moves to.
PVHGeneralQuest.rDestinationExit = LandingMarkerExitRef ;This is where the player exits.
PVHGeneralQuest.iLongFlight = # ;This is explained further down.
PVHGeneralQuest.rFunctionToCall = FunctionEditorID ;This function is called when flight starts.

In the conditions field for this entry, create a new condition, and set it to:

GetQuestVariable PVHGeneralQuest Location != ID ;Replace ID with the same number you chose above.

If everything is set up correctly, after choosing this option and pressing the "Take Off" button, the Vertibird will begin traveling, and will land at the specified destination in 30 seconds.

If at any point the variable PVHGeneralQuest.iLongFlight is set to any non-zero value, the flight will instead fade to black and pass the "iLongFlight" variable as hours in game time before landing at the new destination. Upon landing it will be reset to 0. I personally use this for flying between main/DLC worldspaces, but it can used however you see fit.

If the PVHGeneralQuest.rFunctionToCall reference is set, upon flight starting it will call whatever function is specified and then zero itself out. I personally use this to enable/disable radio stations and a few vanilla tracking quests upon flying from a base game location to a DLC zone or vice-versa, but you may use it for whatever you wish. Just be sure to zero it out if the player changes destination!

Once this is set up, place the base terminal you made somewhere in the game world, be it dummy cell, or even in the Vertibird's own interior cell alongside the other terminals that are off to the side, make it a Persistent Reference and initially disable it. Give it a Reference Editor ID of "PVHTerminalWorldspaceEditorIDREF", so PVHTerminal + Worldspace Editor ID + Ref, for example, the base New Vegas Mojave terminal is "PVHTerminalWastelandNVREF", and Zion is "PVHTerminalNVDLC02ZionCanyonREF".

From there, any time you enter the Vertibird or otherwise change worldspaces, it will update the shown location listings when you access the flight control terminal.

However, if you wish for the Vertibird to be unable to be summoned in your worldspace to begin with, simply add the offending worldspace to the "PVHInvalidWorldspaces" formlist, and again this needs to be ran every time the game is restarted:

ListAddForm PVHInvalidWorldspaces WorldSpaceID

This can be used on child worldspaces as well to exclude only them, while the main worldspace is fine. For example, NVDLC03Higgs is forbidden while NVDLC03BigMt is perfectly fine.

I apologies if this explanation is confusing, I have tried to make it as in-depth as possible, but feel free to ask for assistance if needed.

French version translated by Sylom. (Outdated)

Mindboggles - For creating the skeleton, rigging, and animations for the Vertibird creature used for the pilot feature. 
- For allowing the use of his Vertibird Retextures.
Vivanto - For his fantastic Vertibird Interior Resource.
Weijiesen - For helping with one of the Vertibird attack nifs, the Vertibird interior textures and helping test.
Al Chestbreach - For providing the voice acting of Jenkins.
Henry Martin - For providing the voice acting of RK-5 in the TTW version.
Xilandro - For assisting massively with implementing the HUD.
Sylom - For translating the mod into French.
Hitman47101 - For allowing me to include his Binoculars animation set, and helping test.
Carxt - For allowing me to include an edited version of his Tuneable Radios mod.
NukaCola1989, Aehab, HIIMPIEZ and Bdazzle129 - For all helping test.