Technically does not contain assets from any other mod, only relies on them. By definition this means you can do whatever you want with this as long as you credit all of us for our respective work, but I frankly don't see how this can be iterated upon any further.
File credits
Credit goes to Ghostifish's original WMVM mod, and also to con's Reorganized mod that I used to base this off of.
Donation Points system
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Version 1.0
Initial Release
Initial Release
Adds one WMVM (Weapon Mod Vending Machine) each to the Sierra Madre Villa Fountain, Angel Cave in Zion, The Sink at Big MT, and Hopeville in The Divide.
Goes without saying, but this requires the original WMVM mod. I did happen to base this one off of the WMVM Reorganized NV version, so it may or may not only work with that one. Don't blame me if it does, as that version is mandatory for WMVM users.
I may also consider doing this for popular mods that add their own worldspaces, like Salt Lake Stories and Havasu Blues, and if I'm ever in the mood to reinstall F:NC or The Frontier (translation: probably never), those would be included to.