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About this mod

Adds a treasure hunt aimed at magic users.

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Original readme: Hi. This is my second mod(uploaded), this time for Oblivion. It isn't much, just me training a little with the CS. This time it adds a small treasure hunt! The treasure is most suited for mages, but of course the warrior have some use for it too. It isn't this overpowered mega jumbo hyper staff that kills anything in one hit, as I don't like cheating. The first clue is in The Copious Coinpurse, on the counter by Thoronir. It might be a bit hard to see, but just go to the side Thoronir is standing at and you should see it. Please rate and comment if you like it! Please comment if anyone finds the treasure, and tell me how you liked it! PS. You might need to know something about the Elder Scrolls Lore, as in one clue, I used the lore name for a place, which some people don't know what it is. Comment and I'll PM you if you want to know!

Updated readme; This adds a little treasure hunt to Oblivion. The first hint letter is in The Copious Coinpurse, by Thoronir.

Update, version 2.011;
Fixed several bugs and spelling errors, should now work as intended. Bug where second note could not be picked up has been fixed.
Updated spoiler section.