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About this mod
Extended Game Mechanics is my attempt to coordinate different essential Game mechanics like Fatigue, Encumbrance, Jumping and Food into a single mod, providing best oompatibility and game experience.
- Requirements
Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes Cobl MenuQue - OBSE Plugin - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features without permission from or credit to me
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission or crediting me
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- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
Many Thanks as well to: (Mods included in EGM)
Shads Water Bucket Plus by Shad44
Tchos Breakfast Food by Tchos
Momo77 for Momos Farm Resource
jbvw for Alluring Wine Bottles
Cobl Team
Tejon and Abo2 for motivation
forli, Alent, Saebel for endless feedback!
Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Changelogs
Version 4.30
- added initalization check (avoiding divide-by-zero error)
- added temporary workaround for AV Capper infinite values.
Version 4.29
- revamped Food Module (Fat values, Icons biased to Nutrition and Water values, thresholds)
revamped Food based influence on Fatigue
added ability to drink from Rain and corresponding sound effects
revamped Fatigue mechanics (fatigue compensation due vanilla mechanics)
updated EGM Manual to version 4.29
- revamped Food Module (Fat values, Icons biased to Nutrition and Water values, thresholds)
Version 4.28.6
- revamped Speed Control (Ascent & Descent uses the same function now)
revamped Speed Control (Underwater Speed has been considerably reduced for all Actors)
optimized & cleanup
- revamped Speed Control (Ascent & Descent uses the same function now)
Version 4.28.5
- removed bug from Food module (quenching sound did not play)
activated Luck module
added Events for Bad Luck
updated files & EGM Manual to version 4.285
- removed bug from Food module (quenching sound did not play)
Version 4.28.4
- removed bug from Automatic food (ate all food possible)
changed Fooditems which provide both Food & Water
initial Food values are now set properly after restarting the module from Configuration Menu
added check in Fatigue Module for detection of any movement
optimized DisplayStats checks
- removed bug from Automatic food (ate all food possible)
Version 4.28.3
- revamped Sickness module (Jail, Reset, Update, Initialization, Checks)
added checks for deactivated modules after restarting oblivion
optimized Food module
- revamped Sickness module (Jail, Reset, Update, Initialization, Checks)
Version 4.28.2
- small optimizations, and non-vital fixes (characters bodyweight wasnt initialized properly)
Version 4.28.1
- altered fucntion for querying the Skill Mastery level to depend on gamesettings
added IsRidingHorse check for NPC and Actor to exlude any mechanics if actor is riding
optimizations & cleanup
- altered fucntion for querying the Skill Mastery level to depend on gamesettings
Version 4.28
- changed Status Message (includes Bodyweight now)
changed Food effect penalties
updated EGM manual to version 4.28
- changed Status Message (includes Bodyweight now)
Version 4.27.6
- removed small bug from Food demand calculations
revamped Food mechanics (Fat gain/loss, and random food status messages)
- removed small bug from Food demand calculations
Version 4.27.5
- revamped Food mechanics (many stuff...)
revamped FOOD UI Icons & other textures
removed bug from configration menu (early exit after reset)
add new switch to configuration menu (Use .ini file)
- revamped Food mechanics (many stuff...)
Version 4.27.4
- revised FoodEffects module (correct token check with reference.IsEquipped)
small optimizations & cleanup
- revised FoodEffects module (correct token check with reference.IsEquipped)
Version 4.27.3
- small fix (NPC Faint couldnt be deactivated)
some optimizations and cleanup
- small fix (NPC Faint couldnt be deactivated)
Version 4.27.2
- updated and completed normal maps for all fruit juice bottles (newest gimp plugin)
changed status text messages (default F8 key)
- updated and completed normal maps for all fruit juice bottles (newest gimp plugin)
Version 4.27.1
- removed bug in encumbrance module (calculation of weight, influenced by feather)
Version 4.27
- fixed initialisation process, vanilla and 'alternative beginnings'.
Version 4.26.6
- optimized Fatigue & Faint modules for Player & NPC
added function for Configuration Menu Initialisation (ZERO Check)
- optimized Fatigue & Faint modules for Player & NPC
Version 4.26.5
- removed bug from Fatigue Boost (fatigue boost when sneaking and sheated weapon)
added AV fatigue alteration function (using only ModAV2 for alterations with ZERO check)
optimizations & cleanup
- removed bug from Fatigue Boost (fatigue boost when sneaking and sheated weapon)
Version 4.26.4
- Sickness module changed, evey contraction with a disease can cause Sickness now
Food module changed, activated OnMagicEffectHit Handler for fire damage
some optimizations
- Sickness module changed, evey contraction with a disease can cause Sickness now
Version 4.26.3
- revised backward running (choking is useless now, a AV based timer solves the problem)
revised Food Values and Weight
optimized code (backward running module)
- revised backward running (choking is useless now, a AV based timer solves the problem)
Version 4.26.2
- altered movement formula, second attempt (mass factor for ascent/descent)
Version 4.26.1
- altered movement formula (mass factor for ascent/descent)
Version 4.26
- removed bug from base attribute query function
Version 4.25.9
- added MOO Food, revised Food nutrition values
Version 4.25.8
- activated missing running check (char was faster with weapon drawn)
Version 4.25.7
- altered movement module (speed control), added new query function
Version 4.25.6
- changed movement module (speed control)
changed Faint module (no more fainting when walking)
- changed movement module (speed control)
Version 4.25.5
- removed bug in AVG module
Version 4.25.4
- replaced all ForceActorValue statements with ModAVC (avoids mod conflicts)
Version 4.25.3
- revised backward running module
- revised backward running module
Version 4.25.2
- small initialisation fix
Version 4.25.1
- removed unnecessary check in DisplayStats module which caused an error
revamped initialisation routines for better initialisation process (added "LoadGame" handler)
added new configurable variable fOverweightBias in egm_config.ini
updated egm_config.ini
- removed unnecessary check in DisplayStats module which caused an error
Version 4.25
- optimized for better performance (revamped query function for uav)
updated files & cleanup
- optimized for better performance (revamped query function for uav)
Version 4.24.3
- corrected the query function for biased wieght (worn weight + perk modfiers)
corrected encumbrance calculation (feather spell effects were not added properly)
changed base skill & attribute query function (DRAIN modifications alyways negative)
- corrected the query function for biased wieght (worn weight + perk modfiers)
Version 4.24
- optimized for better performance (Tool used: RuntimeScriptProfiler)
Version 4.23
- removed a bug from encumbrance module, max. overweight was calculated incorrectly
changed the sound effects of the Faint module to play appropriatly at the location of NPC (playsound3d, no ghost sounds of fainting NPCs)
some code cleanup
updated EGM Manual to 4.23
- removed a bug from encumbrance module, max. overweight was calculated incorrectly
Version 4.22
- removed a possible null division bug
some code cleanup
updated EGM Manual to 4.22
- removed a possible null division bug
Version 4.21
- changed initialization process for better compatibility with alternate start mods
updated EGM Manual
- changed initialization process for better compatibility with alternate start mods
Version 4.20
- removed bug from sickness event (timestamp was not initialized)
changed point in time in the game when EGM gets initialized after starting a new game
changed initialization routine
- removed bug from sickness event (timestamp was not initialized)
Version 4.19
- removed bug from visual blur
- removed bug from jump mechanics
- updated EGM Manual to 4.19
Version 4.18
- revamped Configuration Menu
- added Display Info for Food items
- revised Spell Fizzle
- updated EGM Manual to version 4.18
Version 4.17
- changed Sickness mechanics
- removed quite some bugs
- new manual is going to be uploaded with next version (pls look at Beth forum thread)
Version 4.16
- reduced underwater movement speed
- actor value changes are to be reset with every load (in order to minimize aberrations)
Version 4.15
- removed bug from Encumbrance, causing message to be static.
- added Actor Value Check for Speed for all Actors running EGM mechanics
Version 4.14
- improves script processing time of the actor scripts
Version 4.13
- adresses some minor issues in Encumbrance mechanics (messages & burdon effect)
Version 4.12
- maintenance release, revised & cleaned up code, removed some bugs
- small changes in Food, Faint, Encumbrance modules
- updated EGM Manual to 4.12
Version 4.11
- revised encumbrance, fatigue, running mechanics
- bug fixes in movement calculations
- updated EGM Manual to 4.11
Version 4.10
- condition check was missing
Version 4.09
- removed bug from Getter Function for Actor value
- revised Fatigue & Running mechanics for all Actors
- Updated EGM Menu
Version 4.08
- some small changes in Fatigue mechanics, and code cleanup
- updated EGM Manual to 4.08
Version 4.07
- revised Jump mechanics (restored OBSE detection)
Version 4.05
- revised Fatigue mechanics (calculation of forces for encumbered movement)
- updated EGM Manual to 4.05
Version 4.04
- changed Fatigue mechnanics (fFatigueRunBase & fFatigueRunMult)
- updated EGM Manual to 4.04
Version 4.03
- code revision, altered function for achieving unmodifed base actor value (many thanks to tejon)
Version 4.02
- 4.01 was an update on the wrong code revision, which still based on Fundament.
Version 4.01
- improved Jump detection
Version 4.00
- EGM does not require Fundament anymore
- revised Fatgiue mechanics in order to improve setting weight of Actors
- updated EGM Manual to version 4.00
Version 3.971
- fFatigueRunBase excluded from all actors which are managed by EGM Fatigue mechanics
- implemented anaerobic threshold properly working for all actors
- updated EGM Manual to version 3.971
Version 3.99
- Actor Value Guard completely guards now all actor value (without Luck) and 21 Skills
- Visualization of Actor Value Guard in Stats Menu
- revised OBSE Event Handlers
- updated EGM Manual to version 3.99
Version 3.98
- revised Jump mechanics (fFatigueJumpBase is set to 30 default)
- revised Fainting mechanics
- updated EGM Manual to version 3.98
Version 3.97
- revised Fatigue & Encumbrance mechanics
- Code cleanup & debugging....
- updated EGM Manual to version 3.97
Version 3.96
- revised NPC Fatigue script
- removed bug from NPC Fatigue script which kept it from working since aeons
- debugging....(CSE, sometimes it is a bless, sometimes it is a mess)
Version 3.95
- revised all EGM Fatigue, Food and Encumbrance mechanics
- improved compatiblity with AVUncapper and Elys Uncapper
Version 3.94
- revised Spell Fizzle mechanics
- revised Fatigue GMST settings
- updated EGM Manual to 3.94
Version 3.93
- added Waterbuckets for vanilla Landscape and vanilla Cities as additional .esp
- revised Jump mechanics
- removed bug from Info / Status Message
Version 3.92
- full compatibility to Better Cities
- Code Cleanup...
Version 3.91
- maintenance release, revised & cleaned up code, removed very few small bugs
- some cosmetic changes to message format (overweight values)
- updated EGM Manual to version 3.91
Version 3.90
- revised Actor Value Check (is working now)
Version 3.89
- added Actor Value Check
- revised Spell Fizzle mechanics, Food nutrition values
- removed some bugs...debugging...
- updated EGM Manual to version 3.89
Version 3.87
- added Spell Fizzle
- added new Food
- altered Skill ceck (Athletics)
- altered Thirst mechanics
Version 3.86
- revised Encumbrance - Fundament mechanics
- added Hot-Key features for Waterskins
- revised Fatigue related Food mechanics
Version 3.85
- removed Encumbrance/Overweight penalties on Skills
- Code Cleanup...
Version 3.84
- Removed Bug (short variable declared as float) in Speed Mechanics
- Revised Backward Running mechanics
- debugging........
Version 3.83
- removed bug from Backward Speed calculations interfering with general Speed adjustment
- Fatigue related mechanics run now per frame, player & NPC
- revised Speed adjustments
- changed clean up procedures in token scripts
Version 3.82
- revised functions in Bow and Food Mechanics
- completely covered food and potions from Vanilla, COBL, OOO, Better Cities
- updated EGM nutrition table (each Food item with its own nutritional value)
Version 3.81
- corrected Bow check (Disabled Crouch/Sneak functionality after Arrow Dennock)
Version 3.80
- completely revised Bow mechanics
- updated EGM Configuration Menu
- changed sound options and altered correlating mechanics
- updated EGM Manual to version 3.80
Version 3.79
- removed buggy checks on Token, which could cause save game bloat
Version 3.78
- revised encumbrance - speed mechanics for both player & nps (pls read the manual)
- revised fatigue mechanics for both player & nps (pls read the manual)
- updated EGM Manual to version 3.78
Version 3.77
- corrected encumbrance based Speed alterations
Version 3.76
- corrected encumbrance based fatigue expenditure calculations
- changed sound file (male thirsty)
Version 3.75
- removed recurring Bow Sway activation after loading a save game
- altered Water quenching values
- added COBL suppport for cobWater (compatibility with Better Citites / Open Cities)
Version 3.74
- revised Fatigue mechanics (Ascent/Descent ini settings removed, altered movement settings)
removed quirk causing CTD in city or due companion mods ( IsRunning check on NPC's)
updated manual 3.74
- revised Fatigue mechanics (Ascent/Descent ini settings removed, altered movement settings)
Version 3.71
- updated fatigue token script time query functions (from scripteffectelapsedseconds to getsecondspassend, Faint and Blur were missing)
Version 3.70
- all magic effects have been altered to token-based enchantment effects
- revised encumbrance mechanics
- altered bow sway mechanics
- updated manual 3.70
Version 3.56
- changed all drain effects from Hunger/Thirst to script based effects
- changed all Hunger/Thirst effects from disease to ability
- removed bug from Thrist update mechanism
Version 3.55
- - updated speed & endurance basevalue query functions
-every spell with negative effects is changed to type Disease.
- - updated speed & endurance basevalue query functions
Version 3.54
- updated speed & endurance basevalue query functions
- altered random check in overfed event for calculating sickness chance
Version 3.52
- changed speed and endurance query functions to use getBASEAV2
- added some food items
Version 3.51
- altered Fatigue mechanics (fine tuning)
- removed bug from function to retrieve actor speed from game engine
- altered head bobbing
- added head bobbing profile for different movement types
Version 3.50
- removed LAST quirk in automatic speed correction
- revised fatigue mechanics
Version 3.47
- - new head bobbing algorithm
- - revised fatigue mechanics (weight and speed alterations have been made stronger)
- - changed Fatigue and Speed mechnics for swimming.
- - Bow Overdrawing glitch fixed.
Version 3.42
- - updated Food Mechanics and nutrition table ('Chorrol Double Cream' was missing, Water mechanics were deactivated)
- updated Bow mechanics, trained condition in bow does not depend on strength anymore, but actual experience
- updated Automatic Speed Control (Drain effects were used as positive amount, set to negative, works correct now)
- updated Encumbered movement, Speed increase while running down a descent has been corrected, it is now the less the more encumbered your character is.
- updated Manual to 3.42
- - updated Food Mechanics and nutrition table ('Chorrol Double Cream' was missing, Water mechanics were deactivated)
Version 3.39
- - updated Food Mechanics and nutrition table (watermelon was 10x the nutrition, added some missing food items)
- updated Bow mechanics, way better now! Take a look at the manual 3.39!
- updated egm-config.ini & manual
- updated configuration menu
- - updated Food Mechanics and nutrition table (watermelon was 10x the nutrition, added some missing food items)
Version 3.34
- ESP Update, adresses an issue with the water detection when drinking
Version 3.33
- - updated Food Icon Textures
- - Updated Food mechnics
- - updated Fatigue mechanics
- - updated configuration menu
- -updated manual
Version 3.29
- Version 3.29
- updated Food Icon Textures
- updated & altered Food mechanics (Food nutrition values, Food Icon update routine)
- removed Sprint running feature, obsolete due encumbered movement speed control
- altered Speed compensation and encumbered movement speed control
- removed bug in Fatigue mechanics, a variable overflow led to broken stats.
- Version 3.29
Version 3.25
- fixes wrong variable type in Fatigue mechanics
Version 3.24
- last fix for Food Icons (terrible Trial&Error!)
- updated small parts of Food mechanics
- improved Food Icons Textures
- updated Fatigue mechanics, jumping for creatures and npc costs 20 fatigue points
- updated manual
Version 3.20
- - small fix with a huge effect, initialisation routine was only working for a restarted game, not a Load SaveGame. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry
(This error was small and double wired due use of the new PostLoadGame Event! I have tested it before now)
- updated Speed compensation module
- fixed missing pant sounds!
- - small fix with a huge effect, initialisation routine was only working for a restarted game, not a Load SaveGame. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry
Version 3.18
- - improved Fatigue mechanics (Encumbrance influences Fatigue Return Rate, and Speed, all calculations are based on ingame values )
- new Fatigue dependent Jump mechanics!! (I think they fit really well ....)
- Speed is now influenced by encumbrance and ascent/descent for player/npc/creatures
- and hopefully last bug fix with Waterskin! (sorry)
- updated Manual 3.18 (necessary if you ask yourself 'What the heck is this mod doing?')
and some yummy bugs...
- - improved Fatigue mechanics (Encumbrance influences Fatigue Return Rate, and Speed, all calculations are based on ingame values )
Version 3.13
- - Food Icons improved plus bug fix (Food symbols were mixed up after awhile)
- - updated installation procedure
- - Timepassing automatic food consumption (Nirnroot, empty Waterskin, etc)
- - many bug fixes in Fatigue mechanics, reworked fatigue & faint mechnics
- - new Manual
Version 3.08b01
- changed to .esp, added own Water Resources (Waterbucket, Waterskin, and more)
- new Automatic Feeding system for FastTravel/Sleep/Wait ( not tested!)
- revised Running, Fatigue, and Food mechanics, improved loads of code
- Water demands met realism! Check out the updated Manual 3.08b
- This is BETA! Pls post any errors...thx! (Clean save necessary! Remove Shads Water bucket, if used!)
Version 3.07b07
- added drinks like Beer, Milk, Brandy, etc with their kcal values for food mechanics.
- supports now Food/Potions from Vanilla, OOO and Cobl
Version 3.07b06
- changed starvation health penalty to be increased app. every hour instead exactly every hour
- removed redundant code from encumbrance mechanics, 4 Spells deleted
- updated Manual to 3.07e
Version 3.07b05
- small bug removed, due null pointer reference CTD possible after death
Version 3.07b04
- Bug 1 removed: Token distribution works fine now on all filtered NPC's (Hooray!)
- Bug 2 removed: Undead/Skeleton/Horse conditional check was wrong
- Bug 3 removed: CTD after death of actor, Script Effect Finish Block corrected and moved to the end
Version 3.07b03
- in the the Leak of the night swift release
- removed two little bugs from encumbered running and jumping mechanics
Version 3.07b02
- removed bug from Token distribution
- added new switch in egm_config.ini, SpeedencumbMult
- changed Food mechanics Starvation spell (is going to be explained in next the manual)
- removed bug from Hunger/Thirst mechanics, Vampires should be excluded now in EventHandler
- update EGM Icon, updated egm_config.ini
Version 3.07b01
- rewritten Food mechnics / based on real Kcal values of Food
- rewritten Fatigue effects, no more script but token based script distribution
- updated Config menu
- updated egm_config.ini and Manual (3.07a)
- many, many other changes and updates
Version 3.06b03
- completely rewritten Faint mechanics plus code optimizations
- Faint probability depends now on movement Speed, Endurance, Athletics, Luck
- updated Manual to 3.06c
Version 3.06b02
- some optimisations and removed bug from Faint mechanics to prevent from fainting
Version 3.06b01
- new Fatigue mechanics, encumbrance and speed affects now ALL actors!
- new Jump mechanics, every jump is dynamic, based on encumbrance
- removed bug from Willpower influenced Fatigue Loss
- updated egm_config.ini and Manual
- new mechanics measure units in Joule, meters and Kilo. Most accurate calculations.
Version 3.05b01
- Encumbrance Speed modifier added
- updated Config Menu and egm_config.ini
- removed some small bugs
Version 3.04b03
- updated running mechanics to be able to function on their own
- changed speed compensation, using now the lowest possible value -128
- changed speed compensation, draining speed below zero could cause failure
Version 3.04b02
- changed jump recognition to be more precise
- some small changes, nothing of much importance
Version 3.04b01
- updated Config menu
- updated Food mechanics
- updated Icons
Version 3.03b01
- - changed Food mechanics to accept all types of ingredients
- - changed Bow Sway mechnaics, added Event Handler
- - optimized loads of code, updated Config menu
- - updated egm_config.ini
- - updated Manual
Version 3.02b04
- improved Food/Water Icon, no more random icon change on mouseover events. used Eventhandler for Update function.
Oblivion is too easy for you?
You are tired from running around like Conan and decapitating everything without any challenge?
Then EGM is for you!
Extended Game Mechanics is:
- Hunger & Thirst gameplay elements (makes use of Oblivion GOTY, MOO, OOO, Better Cities and Cobl Food & Water)
- Fatigue Effects plus Fainting
- Backward Running & Speed mechanics
- Actor Value management
- Encumbrance with Overweight
- Jump mechanics
- Spell Fizzle
- Bow mechanics
- Head bobbing
- Fatigue and Health Blur
More details? ==> get the newest EGM Manual in the Downloads section !
Installation requires: OBSE 0021+, MenuQue 16, DarnUI/DarkUId and COBL
Bain-Ready for Wyre Bash, just drop into Bash Installers Folder.
Before Installation, please READ the Manual. EGM is a complex mod for the experienced adventurer.
Dont forget to configure the egm_config.ini.
The mod contains 3 .esp files:
- Extended Game Mechanics.esp - main file
- Extended Game Mechanics - Waterbuckets vanilla Cities.esp - use for Waterbuckets in vanilla Cities (not Better Cities)
- Extended Game Mechanics - Waterbuckets Landscape.esp - use for Waterbuckets in Cyrodiil landscape
Additional files are the .ini file, egm_config.ini, and resource files.
DisplayStats by TheNiceOne is included!! Deinstall original DisplayStats if installed.
Use Boss for Load Order (should be placed before Better Cities)
- Vanilla Combat Enhanced by Kobal, Migck's Phixes, Unidirectional Attack by mitzi (recommended)
- Better Cities (recommended)
- MOO, OOO, and Duke Patricks Combat Archery (recommended)
- Inventory is a backpack by kuertee (recommended)
- full compatibility adding daily based fatigue effects! : Real Sleep Extended
- full FCOM compatibility
Please give FEEDBACK and have fun!!
many thx to the OBSE team! without their effort this mod wouldnt have been possible, and all supporters for their feedback!