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About this mod

-=Plot=- The Altessians were an exceptionally powerful band of mercenaries. They were efficient, deadly, and willing to do anything for the right price. Their abilities in combat were unmatched. One day, the entire mercenary band disappeared without explanation. Legend has it that to become one, an initiate must endure a gruelling series of tes

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The Altessians were an exceptionally powerful band of mercenaries. They were efficient, deadly, and willing to do anything for the right price. Their abilities in combat were unmatched. One day, the entire mercenary band disappeared without explanation.

Legend has it that to become one, an initiate must endure a gruelling series of tests that not only challenges their combat skills, but their mental strength as well. To complete the trials, one must have a strong arm, keen eyes and a quick mind.

Now, the trial grounds have been uncovered. Do you have what it takes to join the ranks of the greatest fighters ever? Begin your search in the Arcane University campus of the Imperial City.

This file contains two sets of new armor, both important to the quest. By completing the trial, you will be able to earn yourself a suit of Altessian armor. However, the armor you recieve from defeating the final boss is not the fully powered set. There is something else that needs to be done in order to unlock the powers of the suit, but how you do that will be up to you to find out.

All enemies are scaled, except the final boss. He is not exceptionally strong, but he is extremely durable and during your fight there will be nowhere to run.

The quest system has not been used at all in the making of this. No markers, no entries. Just message boxes.

The armor is slightly weaker than Daedric armor, but much lighter. The warblade is also weaker than Daedric, but much faster.

Bug finding and balance issues are currently top priority. Please report any bugs you find via a comment. Comments about difficulty or balance or anything else is welcome.

Updated on 18/04/2006, fixes some minor bugs and adds more lighting. Also tweaks the difficulty of the trials.