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================================= =Bounty-regional-countdown v1.2= ================================= ============== =Installing:= ============== Straight into your oblivion/data directory, but you knew that right? ============== =How to use:= ============== Smile and nod while enjoying that turps! It works, honestly! Oh, you want to

Permissions and credits
=Bounty-regional-countdown v1.2=

Straight into your oblivion/data directory, but you knew that right?

=How to use:=
Smile and nod while enjoying that turps!
It works, honestly! Oh, you want to know how to use it for real? Select it with the Oblivion launcher and play the game.

Can now setup the bounty system to your preference. (messages, globalbounty, hourly/daily, or realtime if you use 1:1 timescale)
Polished off a few things, got rid of a few bugs...
Bounty hunters will be on the way soon.

Grey Fox Cowl (paper bags better) now fixed, bounty won't be fucked up anymore and will reset to what it was before you put the cowl on. :D
Slaughter at will, no holds barred, YAY!!!!
Whoops, missed something, when your wearing the cowl, and go over the global 8000 bounty limit, thats where your bounty will stay.Fixed! Of course!

This might be the last version for a while.

Theives guild is most definatly sorted, cleaned up the menu and stuck the topic choices under "pay my fines", so now you have a choice of which area to pay as a response.

I silly error on my part, if your bounty went below 0, it stayed there. Fixed that be, yoda I am not!
(gawd I hate starwars, come on, beat me up or call me a trekkie :P (hate star trek too))

Major fiddling with the Thieves guild, you can now pay off which ever bounty you want.
You have to click "Pay off all my fines" to get the new pay off fines topics added.
A little clumsy, I know, yes I will fix it up a bit better, no you cant slap me in a dress and call me mary...

Refactoring 3500 bounty takes 16 days to decrease.

8000 bounty, 28 days to decrease for the citys.

8000 is also the max before reaching being national wanted, same time to decrease.

Major tweaking of using the Thieves guild to pay your bounties, choice of any city, or all.

Global bounty is cumulative, instead of additive.
Well, the old system, if your bounty was 50, then your global was 50, commit a horse stealing, your bounty in that area is 300, but your global turns out to be 350, murder 2 people, bounty 2000 but global 3000, error on my part.
New system should work like, bounty 50, global 50, steal horse bounty 300:
modGlobalBy = (newbounty - oldbounty)
Global = (global + modGlobalBy)
Makes more sense than those blasted mudcrabs and oversized rats, but not as funny as some of the test stuff in the editor, such as:
Flaming Sheep called "Fleeces of Fire", kinda like Testicles of Fire! Imagine the chicks you could get with that!

Personal change, not writing this while eating steak, keyboards getting grubby!

=What it does:=

-Thieves guild members can choose which region to pay off.
- Makes your bounty in each region seperate to each.
- Global bounty, which, if it reaches the threshold, all cities are alerted and the wild is the only safe place.
- Killer pet monkeys of flaming sheep! (no, i kid you :P but there is a test sheep, a sheep on fire, called Fleeces of Fire, already in the editor)
- Bounty decreases over time, guess the gaurds need more time for drinking huh!?

Ok, heres the gist of this mod.

You now have a different bounty in each city, and one in the wild too.
For example, steal a horse in Skingrad, now your Skingrad bounty is 250, ride off to anvil, passing through the wilderness, your bounty is zero, get to Anvil, pickpocket someone and your Anvil bounty will be 25 or whatever it was, ride off to the wild to hide out for a bit, decide you want to kill someone and a gaurd saw you so your wild bounty is now 1000, hoof it to Bruma and hide out for a bit.

Your bounty in each place drops a bit each day, aslong as your not in that place.
Your bounty in the wild drops each day, wether your in the wild or not, and drops a little faster than the city bounties.

There is a global bounty!
Take the above scenario, your global bounty if that was all done in a day would be 1275, go kill a few people in Bruma, it would be 3275, the global bounty threshold is 2700, once it goes over that, all the cities are alerted to you and that will be your bounty for all cities.
Now your going to have to hide out in the wild and wait for it all to settle down.

There is also a period of time you will have to wait for while out of a city before your bounty starts to go down:
2500=4 days. 2000=3 days 1500=3 days. 1000=2 days 500=1 days.
Bounty under 500 will start decreasing the next day.
It will take around 28 gamedays for a bounty of 2500 and over to disapear completly.

I'm going to need help tweaking how long it takes for bountys to dissapear and how much to drop off each day for each ammount.
And how much the global bounty cap should be.

The other thing I'd like to do is perhaps make bounty hunters that come after you once the global bounty is exceeded.

=Credits and feedback==

Me, me = Luke = Tiddles_is_Psycho = v8motorhead = cumwhateverhaveyouyoubloodyfreak!

The mod that had fixes for a few quests:
CamulosOS, think it was RegionalBounty v0.2

I'm on the forums over at, so post your feed back on there for me, and probably release on the official forums too.

Or, email [email protected]