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Dragorian and Dranaugh Races Reworked ver. 1.2 by gulogulo DESCRIPION: First of all this is my first mod and sorry for my english. This is a modified version of Dragorian and Dranaugh Races by BlackStorm945 The aim of the mod is to make all three races and their abilities more biological and less magical. I removed the fire breat

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Dragorian and Dranaugh Races Reworked

ver. 1.2

by gulogulo

RECENT CHANGES(in ver. 1.2)
1) thermal column effect moved to smell ability
2) now thermal column can have value 0.4-1.0 (weak: 0.4-0.6, average: 0.6-0.8, strong: 0.8-1.0)
3) strenght of thermal column is displayed when using smell ability
4) now when using smell you can detect targets only in specific vertical angle (previously only horizontal angle was taken into consideration)
5) now when using smell you must take into consideration thermal column
6) range of smell increased: Max distance - when no wind: 5000, when wind: (30000 + (wind speed*30000))
7) reduced fast swimming for Dragorian & Hybrid by 25% due to wings
8) while starting to fly weapon that is out is automatically being hidden in order to allow specific flying animation while crouching.
The weapon is out again after landing.
9) new ability - sharp vision - if you press and hold activate (use) control and you aim at nothing with your crosshair or nothing is in range of your
crosshair you start zooming in if you press and hold the control again you start zooming out. Works only in 1st person view. If you press 1st/3rd person
control or aim at something with your crosshair and it is in range to activate it and you press the activate (use) control you reset your view to normal
10) when flying or gliding if you press cast spell control you automatically press always run control, if you press ready weapon control you automatically
press sneak/crouch control
11) when in third person view while using lock on target the script chooses target that is in the direction the player is currently looking (+/- 15 degrees).
12) while using lock on target when using zoom the distance when lock on target automatically deactivates is significantly larger.
The greater the zoom the greater the distance
13) while flying as Hybrid if claws are equipped and you ram target a poison is appied to the target. The same happens if you grab a target and release
it by pressing grab/attack button
14) removed night vision from Dragorian
15) removed small bug in collision detection
16) smell - now you can learn scent of NPC you are aiming at with cursor if he/she is within range, the name of NPC is displayed when you know him/her
17) lock on target - display name of NPC when you know him/her/otherwise just the race, displays other usefull informations
18) smell - displays whether NPC is male or female
19) now in order to start flying you must be in air (you must jump) if you press jump in air you start flying, if you press jump while flying you start gliding,
if you press jump while gliding you start flying
20) during every grab you have 25% od chance to advance hand to hand skill by 1 and if claws equipped also advance blade skill by 1
21) during every grab if claws equipped you injure target by 5 (just remember to drop the body before landing or it will stuck in the ground, somehaw I cant fix that)
22) every 120 seconds of flying (1 hour of Oblivion time by default) gives you 1 point of athletics and every 120 seconds of flying/gliding/falling gives you 1 point of acrobatics
23) if you start flying always "walk" mode and "sneak" mode is forced

RECENT CHANGES(in ver. 1.12)

1) fixed a bug during landing o ground - you should no longer fly through ground from time to time
2) fixed change of animation during landing on ground

RECENT CHANGES(in ver. 1.11)

1) fixed crash during collision with objects
2) fixed landing on ground
3) improved collision detection
4) fixed (hopfully) a bug causing a sudden and unexpected loss of altitude
5) fixed change of animations on commands

CHANGES in ver. 1.1:

1) added a reset of wings animation if you press 1st/3rd person button
2) when flying if you press right button you start rotate to right, if you press left button you start rotate to left
Usefull when trying to stay in one area and watching it via free camera (while pressing 1st/3rd person button)
3) camouflage - when raining correction value is increased by one
4) camouflage - now the effect is gradually enabled and disabled but not when equipping/unequipping clothes or rain starts/stops
5) gliding (new animation) - when flying press ".". In order to fly again press ",". You can also start gliding when falling - just press ".".
You automatically start gliding when you are flying and your fatigue is below 20
When gliding you cannot "run" You always "walk". When gliding you can land while sneaking (crouching) otherwise you will crash just like when flying.
Gliding speed is 70% of flying speed.While gliding you slowly lose altitude but your fatigue isnt damaged
You can ramm targets while gliding just like when flying. You can grab targets while gliding just like when flying but in that case you will start flying.
6) falling - If you press "." while gliding you start falling. You start falling automatically while falling from height (which is logical)
When falling you cannot "run" You always "walk".
When falling you cannot "sneak" (you always crush when landing). When you fall you gain very high speed so contact with anything is a fatal experience.
when starting flying or gliding while falling you do not automatically sneak.
7) Flying speed has been increased by 50%. When you fly/glide up you move slower, when you fly/glide down you move faster (but not when you "walk" and "sneak").
You can glide up only when you move at high speed and only for a moment since you will quickly loose your speed.
The change od speed of flying/gliding/falling is gradual. You loose speed faster when sneaking.
8) new animations and sounds of flying depending on speed
9) While ramming target you infllict damage depending on you current speed.
10) When wind is blowing it affects the direction of your movement when flying/gliding/falling depending on the strenght and direction of wind.
11) When flying in sneak mode you do not make sound but your speed is halved. When flying in run and sneak mode you have speed as if you walk and not sneak.
12) When you are flying in sneak and run mode adrenaline rush is being automatically deactiveted due to strange animation issue.
13) Collision detection system improved - now you shouldnt fly through ceillings rocks or walls. It also allows precision landings on roofs, rocks
or even walls and pillars. You may have problems when trying to start flying especially in interiors.
In order to avoid them run forward jump and then press the fly button.
14) Strange and dangerous bouncing during landing on roofs and rocks has been fixed
15) New requirement - Sky Dive Jump mod for falling animation
16) Now you can find thermal columns. These are special places when hot air goes up allowing you to quickly gain altitude while gliding. Thermal columns
can be found south of Skingrad between 10 am and 5 pm while the weather is good (no rain and a lot of light) only on land and only when the land is not to high.
The farther to south and the lower the land the greater chance. They work only to certain altitude.
17) smell - fixed bug of change of wind during sleep/wait/fast travel
18) Chameleon - if during save chameleon effect was visible the effect will be visible right after loading game
19) added customisation of keys and customisation of light threshold of automatic night vision ability

CHANGES in ver. 1.01:

1) alternative/additional button (block button) for lock on target while flying
2) alternative/additional button (attack button) for grab
3) while pressing grab button player is automatically set to "sneak" and "walk" mode
4) now also an alternative version in which you can equip all cloths - Dragorian and dranaugh(all cloths).esp (unrealistic for me but here you go)

DESCRIPION (of ver. 1.1):

First of all this is my first mod and sorry for my english.

This is a modified version of Dragorian and Dranaugh Races by BlackStorm945

The aim of the mod is to make all three races and their abilities more biological and less magical. I removed the fire breath ability as obviously of magical nature.
I changed the invisibility ability to chameleon (Dranaugh&Hybrid), so you no longer disappear. The new Camouflage ability drains your fatigue.
If you have any cloths or weapons (except for you claws) equipped or its raining the ability will be weakened or disabled. As you reach new levels tha ability is getting stronger.
The chameleon effect is activated/deactivated gradually.
Your claws are now poisonous (Dranaugh&Hybrid). Every time you equip them or strike with them they are being poisoned.
Poison is slow but last for very long. As you reach new levels tha poison is getting stronger and eventually it will paralyse victims after some time.
I have added the Adrenaline rush ability that temporarily boosts your stats while damaging your fatigue. As you reach new levels the ability is getting stronger.
I also added slumber ability, which regenerates your health and in case of Dranaugh&Hybrid cures poisons and diseases after some time.
All three races have now toggable night vision. You can activate/deactivate night vision manually. You can activate/deactivate night vision automatic mode.
Night vision automatic mode automatically activates/deactivates night vision depending on the amount of light on player.
All three races have now smell. Active smell means you probe the air when hitting button. You can activate/deactivate passive (automatic) smell.
Passive smell probes air every 5 seconds. Smell depends on direction and strength of wind if there is one.

Secondly I wanted to rework the flight system in order to make it even more realistic (I really liked the idea of fatigue damage while in flight in the "vanilla" mod).
The flight has now collision detection, but be warned: it is not perfect. You will occasionally fly through roofs or rocks while landing or through
ceillings while flying in interiors. Now flying is a serious business. It damages your fatigue. The faster you fly the more quickly you get tired. You must be carefull now
when landing. If you land with high speed you crash and get damaged. Landing in water is for obvious reasons less risky. In order to start flying you must be running or falling.
You can now start flying while in water but it is more costly. While running forward in adrenaline rush you gain temporary water walking ability.
While flying you always move forward. No more strafing or flying backwards or hovering above ground.
You can now ram target while flying knocking it down and inflicting damage.
You can now grab target in the air and drop it to its death, but it is costly in terms of fatigue.
You can also glide. While gliding you donot loose fatigue but you slowly loose altitude. Gliding is slower than flying.
You can now start falling while high in air. You can fall till you touch ground.

I also added a lock on target ability which forces you to turn in the direction of current target. The ability is added even if you play vanilla race.



1) Dragorian
Strenght 60
Inteligence 40
Will Power 30
Agility 40
Speed 20
Endurance 60
Luck 50
Personality 20
Acrobatics 10
Blade 10
Athletics 5
Hand to Hand 5
Destruction 5
Block 5
Blunt 5
Dragorian Nature:
Resist Normal Weapons 10
Flight (because of wings nad tail you cannot equip items that occupy upper body, tail and ammo slots)
Claws - without poison (because of claws you cannot equip items that occupy hand or feet slots)
Night Vision
Adrenaline Rush
Slumber - without Cure Poison and Cure Disease
Water Breathing
Weakness to Fire 25 (no thermoregulation)
Weakness to Frost 25 (no thermoregulation)
Fast swimming

2) Dranaugh
Strenght 50
Inteligence 50
Will Power 30
Agility 50
Speed 20
Endurance 40
Luck 50
Personality 30
Acrobatics 5
Blade 10
Sneak 10
Hand to Hand 5
Alchemy 10
Marksman 5
Security 5
Dranaugh Nature:
Resist Disease 50
Resist Poison 85
Claws - with poison (because of claws you cannot equip items that occupy hand or feet slots)
Night Vision
Water Breathing
Weakness to Fire 25 (no thermoregulation)
Weakness to Frost 25 (no thermoregulation)
Fast swimming

3) Hybrid
Strenght 60
Inteligence 40
Will Power 30
Agility 40
Speed 20
Endurance 60
Luck 50
Personality 20
Acrobatics 10
Blade 5
Sneak 10
Hand to Hand 5
Alchemy 10
Block 5
Blunt 5
Hybrid Nature:
Resist Disease 50
Resist Normal Weapons 10
Resist Poison 85
Flight (because of wings nad tail you cannot equip items that occupy upper body, tail and ammo slots)
Claws - with poison (because of claws you cannot equip items that occupy hand or feet slots)
Night Vision
Adrenaline Rush
Water Breathing
Weakness to Fire 25 (no thermoregulation)
Weakness to Frost 25 (no thermoregulation)
Fast swimming

Racial Abilities:

1) Cloak - toggle button ";" (Dranaugh&Hybrid)

Applies chameleon effect depending on level of player:
Level 0 - 12%
Level 1-5 - 24%
Level 6-10 - 36%
Level 11-15 - 48%
Level 16-20 - 60%
Level 21-25 - 72%
Level 26-~ - 84%

Damages 5 pt of fatigue per second.

Is being automaticaly deactivated if you enter into slumber.

Is being automaticaly deactivated when your fatigue drops below 21 pt.

Is being automaticaly deactivated or weakened when you wear clothes, armour, weapons (except for your claws!), shields or arrows (the ability lies in your skin. it's not magical).
Rings or amulets are irrelevant. Here is how it works. If you wear any item correction value is applied. If item occupies one slot the correction value is increased by one. Only in case of cloths that occupy
upper body slot (like shirts), lower body slot (like pants) or tail slot (like capes) the correction value is increased by three. If current item occupies two slots the correction value is appropriatly increased.
For example robes occupy upper body slot and lower body slot which results in correction value equal 6. When raining correction value is increased by one.
If correction value is equal one you end up with camouflage lowerd by one level. If correction value is equal two you end up with camouflage lowerd by two levels and so on.
If correction value is equal or greater than current camouflage level the ability is deactivated.

The chameleon effect is gradually enabled and disabled but not when equipping/unequipping clothes or rain starts/stops.

You cannot fast travel, sleep or wait while using Camouflage.

2) Adrenaline rush - toggle button "-" (To compensate for your slowliness. Unlocks certain aerial abilities. Only Dragorian&Hybrid)

Fortifies skills and attributes depending on level of player:
Level 0 - Speed(125), acrobatics(125), block(25), blade(25), blunt(25), hand to hand(25)
Level 1-5 - Speed(130), acrobatics(130), block(30), blade(30), blunt(30), hand to hand(30)
Level 6-10 - Speed(135), acrobatics(135), block(35), blade(35), blunt(35), hand to hand(35)
Level 11-15 - Speed(140), acrobatics(140), block(40), blade(40), blunt(40), hand to hand(40)
Level 16-20 - Speed(145), acrobatics(145), block(45), blade(45), blunt(45), hand to hand(45)
Level 21-25 - Speed(150), acrobatics(150), block(50), blade(50), blunt(50), hand to hand(50)
Level 26-~ - Speed(155), acrobatics(155), block(55), blade(55), blunt(55), hand to hand(55)

While running and moving forward (and not crouching and not flying) you gain temporary water walking ability (it enables you to start flying sequance).

Damages 10 pt of fatigue per second.

Is being automaticaly deactivated when your fatigue drops below 21 pt.

Is being automaticaly deactivated if you enter into slumber.

You cannot fast travel, sleep or wait while using adrenaline rush.

3) Slumber - toggle button "+" (because as a lizard you should be albe to regenerate)

Restores 1 pt of health per second.
After 60 sec (half an hour of in game time) cure poison is applied.
After 90 sec (45 minutes of in game time) cure disease is applied.

You cannot activate slumber while flying.

You cannot fast travel while in slumber.

You cannot do anything while in slumber - paralysis

You can wait or sleep while in slumber to speed up the time

You cannot activate slumber while in lock on target mode

4) Flight - fly button ",", glide/fall button "." (Reworked, because you are large heavy lizard)

Damages 10 pt of fatigue per second but because you are always moving forward it damages additional fatigue points depending on whether you "walk" or "run".

You can activate adrenaline rush which will damage even more additional fatigue points.

You cannot activate slumber while flying.

You cannot fast travel, sleep or wait while flying.

In order to start flying sequance you must be running forward (and not crouching), jump and then press the fly button.

You can start flying while in water. In order to do so you must be running forward with adrenaline rush (temporary water walking ability is gained).

You can only fly forward. No more strafing, flying backwards or hovering above ground in one place.

You can now fly also in interiors.

Changed of the way you increase or decrease speed. No more page up, page down.

If you "walk" speed adjustment is 3 (quiet fast).
If you "run" speed adjustment is 6 (very fast).
if you "walk" and "croach" speed adjustment is 1.5.
if you "run" and "croach" speed adjustment is 3.
if you activate adrenaline run current speed adjustment is doubled (for example when "running" and not "crouching" speed adjustment is 12!).

When you fly/glide up you move slower, when you fly/glide down you move faster (but not when you "walk" and "sneak").
You can glide up only when you move at high speed and only for a moment since you will quickly loose your speed.
The change od speed of flying/gliding/falling is gradual. You loose speed faster when sneaking.

Every speed of flight has appropriate animation and sound.

At the beginning of the flying sequance "walk" mode is forced - speed adjustment equals 3.
But if you start flying while you are in interior "walk" mode and "sneak" mode is forced - speed adjustment equals 1.5.

When flying in "sneak" mode you do not make sound but your speed is halved. When flying in "run" and "sneak" mode you have speed as if you walk and not sneak.

When you are flying in "sneak" and "run" mode adrenaline rush is being automatically deactiveted due to strange animation issue.

Landing - now serious (even deadly) business

Landing on ground:
If landing while "walking" and "sneaking" - you end up in croached position and not moving.
If landing while "walking" and "sneaking" with adrenaline rush - you end up running forward with adrenaline rush.
If landing in other cisrumstances - you crash (fatigue below zero) and get damaged.
The greater speed the higher damage.

Landing in water:
If landing with low speed - you end up not moving.
If landing and greater speed - you end up swimming with great speeed (running)
If landing with very high speed - you crash (fatigue below zero) and get damaged.
The greater speed the higher damage.

If you crash adrenaline mode is automaticaly turned off

If you crash Camouflage is automaticaly turned off

COLLISION DETECTION IN FLIGHT!!! - Now you can crash with different objects (including walls, ceillings, rocks etc).
If crashing while "walking" and "sneaking" - you are not harmed but you stop flying.
Otherwise you get damaged as if you crash landed.
If you crash with NPCs or creatures they are being knocked down and receive damage. Damage = current speed * 10 If not detected by victim the damage is doubled (good way to start combat).
Disposition of NPC toward you lowers by 20.
Your number of assaults, murders and creatures killed increases.
If you are detected (not by victim) and harm neutral NPC you get 40 bounty and if you kill neutral NPC you get 1000 bounty.
Lock on target is automatically deactivated.

You can now grab NPC or creature (with base scale = 1.15 and not horses or giant creatures) while in flight and drop it to death while high in air. To do so you must press grab or attack button (while flying/gliding).
If you press the grab button you activate grab mod. Now you have to target appropriate NPC or creature. If you do so you end up flying up
in adrenaline rush holding the target, but your speed is halved (speed adjustment = 1).
You can drop it any time by pressing grab button, turning off adrenaline rush or changing speed (not "sneaking" or not "walking").
Either way you end up without adrenaline rush.
If you are detected (not by victim) and grab neutral NPC you get 40 bounty.
If you are detected (not by victim) and drop neutral NPC from certain height you get 1000 bounty.
Lock on target is automatically deactivated.
You can load a save file when grabbing object

Appropriate PCAMurderer, PCFactionMurder, PCFactionAttack value is tweaked.

Be warned: collision detection doesnt work perfectly (although in ver. 1.1 it has been vastly improved). Remember to aim at objects or you may get stuck. Big rocks, roofs while landing and ceillings are especially tricky.
Try to aim at something under minimum 15 degree

Be warned: While landing you may occasionally end up trapped in flying animation while in 1st or 3rd person. In that case just hit 1st/3rd person button.
I have written special script that resets animation when this button is pressed. That should solve the problem. Else type in console Player.Pickidle

Added a reset of wings animation if you press 1st/3rd person button

Gliding - now you can glide. In order to start gliding when flying press ".". In order to fly again press ",". You can also start gliding when falling - just press ".".
You automatically start gliding when you are flying and your fatigue is below 20
When gliding you cannot "run" You always "walk". When gliding you can land while sneaking (crouching) otherwise you will crash just like when flying.
Gliding speed is 70% of flying speed. While gliding you slowly lose altitude but your fatigue isnt damaged
You can ramm targets while gliding just like when flying. You can grab targets while gliding just like when flying but in that case you will start flying.

Falling - you can now fall from high altitude till your very death. If you press "." while gliding you start falling. You start falling automatically while falling from height (which is logical)
When falling you cannot "run" You always "walk". When falling you cannot "sneak" (you always crush when landing).
When you fall you gain very high speed so contact with anything is a fatal experience.
when starting flying or gliding while falling you do not automatically sneak

When flying/gliding/falling if you press right button you start rotate to right, if you press left button you start rotate to left
Usefull when trying to stay in one area and watching it via free camera (while pressing 1st/3rd person button)

When wind is blowing it affects the direction of your movement when flying/gliding/falling depending on the strenght and direction of wind.

Now you can find thermal columns. These are special places when hot air goes up allowing you to quickly gain altitude while gliding. Thermal columns
can be found south of Skingrad between 10 am and 5 pm while the weather is good (no rain and a lot of light) only on land and only when the land is not to high.
The farther to south and the lower the land the greater chance. They work only to certain altitude.

5) Claws - toggle button "/" (because you are a great lizard)

Now poisonous! (only Hybris&Dranaugh)

Every time you equip them or strike with them they are being poisoned.

The strenght of poison depends on the kind of claws which in return depend on level of player (dont forget to equip them again if you levelup):
Level 0 - damage health(1pt per sec), damage fatigue(2pt per sec), damage magica(3pt per sec)
Level 1-5 - damage health(1pt per sec), damage fatigue(4pt per sec), damage magica(6pt per sec)
Level 6-10 - damage health(1pt per sec), damage fatigue(6pt per sec), damage magica(9pt per sec)
Level 11-15 - damage health(1pt per sec), damage fatigue(6pt per sec), damage magica(9pt per sec), silence(after 15 sec), paralysis(after 20 sec)
Level 16-20 - damage health(1pt per sec), damage fatigue(6pt per sec), damage magica(9pt per sec), silence(after 10 sec), paralysis(after 15 sec)
Level 21-25 - damage health(1pt per sec), damage fatigue(6pt per sec), damage magica(9pt per sec), silence(after 5 sec), paralysis(after 10 sec)
Level 26-~ - damage health(1pt per sec), damage fatigue(6pt per sec), damage magica(9pt per sec), silence(after 3 sec), paralysis(after 5 sec)

Poison lasts 999 seconds! Victim dies slowly.

6) Nighr vision (Night Eye) - toggle button "[" (because you are a great lizard and good diver)
If you press the button activate or deactivate night vision.
If you hold the toggle button and then release it you activate/deactivate night vision automatic mode.
Night vision automatic mode automatically activates/deactivates night vision depending on the amount of light on player.

7) Smell button "]" (because you are a great lizard)
Press the button to show direction and strenght of wind and detected NPCs/creatures.
If you hold the toggle button and then release it you activate/deactivate passive smell. It notifies you about random detected target every 5 sec.
In case of NPC race is provided. In case of creature - it's name.

The ability depends on the direction of wind. There are 16 directions. For example north wind means it blows from north.
Every time player sleeps/ waits or fast travel the direction of wind changes.
The direction of wind changes also after 120 * 6 seconds (120 seconds of real time = equals 1 Oblivion hour) or during waiting/sleeping

The strength of wind affects how distant targets player can smell. The stronger the father.
Max distance - when no wind: 3000, when wind: (8000 + (wind speed*8000))

The strength also affects the angle of detection. You can detect ony targets that lie in the direction of wind.
Max angle = 45 - (22*wind speed). When no wind or in interior or under water you detect everything around you.

Levels of wind's strength:
1) (wind speed > 0) && (wind speed 0.2) - weak
2) (wind speed >= 0.2) && (wind speed 0.5) - average
3) (wind speed >= 0.5) && (wind speed 0.8) - strong
4) (wind speed >= 0.8) - very strong

Doesn't detect ghosts.
If being is dead for more than 1 hour the smell ability detects it.
Detects whether being is a vampire.

If player is under water only water targets are detected. If player is not under water player cannot detect underwater targets.

8) Fast swimming - while swimming speed is fortified by 80 (because of large feets and tail)

Other Abilities:

1) Lock on target - toggle button "'" (while flying/gliding also block button)
Is automatically added to the player no matter the chosen race (even vanilla or from other mods)
Forces player to look in the direction of chosen target. The cursor is locked only in horizontal axis (usefull limitation when flying).
In order to lock you must look in the direction of target and hit the button. Alternatively you can hold the button and search the area with mouse.
If you are near the target it will be locked even if you keep pressing button.
Hit the button second time and your cursor is locked also in vertical axis (usefull to hit the target when flying in 3rd person).
Hit the button again and the mode is deactivated.
The script chooses target that is in the direction the player is currently looking (+/- 5 degrees).
Actors that are willing to attack player, actors that detected player and closer actors have priority. Dead actors are skipped just as too distant actors.
In order to lock on target it must be in line of sight.
Automatically deactivates when target too far from player or dead. Automatically deactivates when you fly/jump above/below target
Automatically deactivates when player ram or grab a target. Automatically deactivates when no line of sight.

You cannot activate lock on target mode while in slumber

You cannot wait or sleep while in lock on target mode

You cannot fast travel while in lock on target mode

You can load a save file when you are locked on target

Mod Customisation
DD Settings should have been added to your inventory. Activate it to open menu. The menu allows you to:
1) Customise keys,
2) Customise the amonut of light which triggers automatic night vision,
3) reset all mod's abilities.

1) OBSE - newest + Pluggy - newest,
2) Dragorian and Dranaugh Races mod & it's requirements,
3) Sky Dive Jump mod - for proper falling animation.

1) Chameleon-NoRefraction - my mod contains special script which immediately applies the effect, so you no longer must take on and off clothes or switch between 1st and 3rd person mod and back
2) Nighteye Shader Replacement
3) Valenwood Improved, Elsweyr Anequina - more places to fly!
4) Island Stirk - small and peacfull island, perfect place for a killing spree!
5) Bananasplit Better Cities or Open Cities - so you can land in the city
6) Really AEVWD - to see more objects from distance
7) Realistic Fatigue - for immersion
8) Survival Suite Hunger thirst sleep - for immersion
9) Flying camera mod - great for taking shots
10) Duke Patricks - Actors Can Miss Now - to give you better chances against archers and increase immersion

1) Install vanilla Dragorian and Dranaugh Races and overwrite it with my files (choose only one .esp file).
2) install Sky Dive Jump mod,
2) delete Oblivion\Data\Sound\fx\Dragorian\BSwingflap.wav
3) see bug section below

If you want to load a save from previous version of my mod you can do so provided you have landed and deactivated all my mod's abilities
1) remember about new requirement - Sky Dive Jump mod - for proper falling animation
2) Load a save
3) see bug section below

If you want to use unnecessary violance 2 or deadly reflexes 6 use the 1st person skeleton in files

There is a strange bug when you load the mod for the first time. It doesnt matter whether you start the game from the beginning or you load a save.
You simply end up surrounded by strange void. Wait until you get DD Settings in your inventory, then equip it and reset the abilities twice.
The bug can occure again once you change world space, but it shouldnt happen more than once again.

1) Bethesda - for great game,
2) Creators of OBSE - they rule,
3) blackstorm999 - for providing me with gliding animation and additional flying animations for this mod and for his inspirational mod - Dragorian and Dranaugh Races,
4) All those that contributed to Dragorian and Dranaugh Races mod, especially Drake the Dragon for his support and for his 1st person skeleton

I will appreciate constructive comments, especially concerning bugs or inconsistancies.

Choose Dragorian or Hybrid, go to Sideways cave, reach the Hidden Lake level and using your wings show those pathetic imps who is on the top of the food chain!