READ!!!! v2.0 of this mod is here!:
Carpe Diem my friends

Aero Phonics ENB Preset v181.9
-TES4 Oblivion
This is my personal ENB Preset and OBGE SetUp for Oblivion. It bring the visuals into the modern era while maintaining Oblivion's original color scheme but equally has presets and effects of different styles per request ;)
-Orginal Preset
-Cinematic Preset
-Bloom and HDR
-Better/Detailed Actor Shadows
-Better Actor Skin (SSS, SubSurface Scattering) (See Optional Section Below)
-Sun Rays
-Lens Effects
-SMAA (See Optional Section Below)
-FXAA (See Optional Section Below)
-Film Grain (See Optional Section Below)
-Vignette (See Optional Section Below)
-Palettes (See Optional Section Below)
-Darker Nights (See Optional Section Below, use only if you don't use a mod to do the same) (ESp(s) currently incompatible with All Natural, patch soon)
-DOF (See Optional Section Below)
-OBGE with First Person fix (Except Shadow Blur on certian Actors, I've only seen it on Horsesbut there my be other small artifacts as well) and Skin SSS (See Optional Section Below)
-and anything else you see I forgot to mention... ;)

Wrapper vs Injector and OBGE:
The major difference is that the Wrapper version doesn't allow programs that add screen overlay to work, i.e. it crashes Oblvion with them enabled, and to me there is a slight performance increase but by 1-2fps. Injector allows for these programs, like Steam, MSIAfterburner, ect. to be enabled
OBGE causes a slight performance hit, 1-2fps, but otherwise doesn't have much impact. Also all OBGE effect and modules, LLOD, Liquid Water, POM, ect, are incompatible until stated otherwsie (7/14/13)
1-DOF in the srennshots is from Authentik ENB for Skyrim, as such I'd recommend using your favorite DOF from a Skyrim preset (The enbeffectprepass.fx file).
2a-SMAA is located in the options folder, simply extract to your Obilvion Directory with the preset.
2b-FXAA is located in the options folder, simply extract to your Oblivion Directory with the preset.
3-Film Grain is located in the options folder, simply extract to your Oblivion Directory with the preset.
4-Vignette is located in the options folder, simply extract to your Oblivion Directory with the preset.
5a-Darker Nights, enbseries.ini, is located in the options folder, simply extract the Original or Cimatic version to your Oblvion Directory with the preset.
5b-APENB DarkerNights v181.3 Tamriel.esp is located in the options folder, install in the data folder and activate the .esp. It should load after any other light altering mods.
5c-APENB DarkerNights v181.3 Oblivion.esp is located in the options folder, install in the data folder and activate the .esp. It should load after any other light altering mods or APENB DarkerNights v181.3 Tamriel.
5d-APENB DarkerNights v181.3 SI.esp is located in the options folder, install in the data folder and activate the .esp. It should load after any other light altering mods or any combo of pervious DarkerNights .esp(s).
6-Palettes, for slightly tinted scene, simply extract perferred version to Oblvion Directory.
7-Injector version patch-Install Injector version original ENB insted of Wrapper version then install this in your Oblivion Directory.
8-OBGE and Skin, Run the installers, OBGE first then Skin, and extract the INI file to your Oblvion INI and Save Directory.

Oblivion 1.2.416
Shivering Isle (For APENB DarkerNights v181.3 SI.esp)
Oblivion ENB v181 (just the dll)
1.Install Oblivion ENB v181 Wrapper or Injector to Oblivion Directory
2.Copy your perfered preset to Oblivion Directory. Overwrite when prompted
3.(Optional) Install options in the Optional folder of your choice, including Injector patch for Injector version
4.Enable HDR and Actor Self Shadows in Oblivion for ENB to work
5.Set bGrassPointLighting=1, bDrawShaderGrass=1, and bShadowsOnGrass=1 in Oblvion INI to allow proper Grass Render and Shading
1.Remove all ENB files (enbeffect.fx, ect.) and d3d9.dll from Oblivion Directory
2.Run unistallers for OBGE
Boris Vorontsov-For ENB
ShadeMe and the whole OBGE team-For OBGE
Bethesda-For Oblivion
Aero Phonics-For the Preset
Change Log:
-Added FXAA
-Added OBGE to fix First Person
-Added OGBE Skin for Actor SSS
-Slight edit to Fog in Darker Nights
-Added Cinematic version with Darker Nights version
-Added Vignette
-Added Quality versions of both presets for better performance at cost of quality
-Added Injector patch
-Added Palettes
-Small adjustments to original preset's nights for higher quality
-Fixed Darker Nights option missing
-ENB file edit, Darker Night
-Added Film Grain
-Added SMAA
-Added Darker Nights esps for less bright Ambient light
-Initial Release