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MOBS Medieval Oblivion (Equipment) Balance System v1.2 Developed by: ========== Francesco, Jaga Telesin (left the project after the 1.0 release) Credits to Kal, N, and others who\'s inspiration for a true balance system spurred us on! Description: ========= MOBS, aka the \"Medieval Oblivion

Permissions and credits
MOBS Medieval Oblivion (Equipment) Balance System

Developed by:
Francesco, Jaga Telesin (left the project after the 1.0 release)
Credits to Kal, N, and others who's inspiration for a true balance system spurred us on!

MOBS, aka the "Medieval Oblivion (Equipment) Balance System", is a new weapon balance system for use with TES4:Oblivion.
It mainly aims to give weapons a more realistic and credible feeling, while keeping at the same time the fun factor. Check the details section below for a full list of changes.
A spreadsheet containing MOBS weapons stats is aviable inside the archive

1.2 Changelog:
Added MOBS Shivering Isles, this, apart from containing all the changes of the old MOBS esp, deals with all the new weapons of the official expansion.. giving MOBS stats to each of them.

1.1 Changelog:
The 1.1 update mainly has two goals: make two-handed weapons more viable and give a more realistic weight to all the weapons.

Weapons Speeds
Two-handed weaps 8-9% faster
Mace 1-2% faster (depending on material)

dagger /
shortsword /
Mace -8%
Waraxe -22%
Longsword -25%
Battleaxe -29%
Claymore -29%
Warhammer -33%

Fatigue burn
Dagger +20%
Shortsword +20%
Mace +11%
Waraxe -6%
Longsword -10%
Claymore -14%
Battleaxe -15%
Warhammer -20%

Misc changes
Mace +6% health
Rised steel health modifier to be on par with iron (was -5%)

This mod will be compatible with any other mods not touching weapons.

Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod
The latest version of MOBS is already included into Francesco's as an optional component, you should use that and do not need to download this stand alone version.

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul uses its own weapons system, which is similiar in some ways to MOBS but still very different in many aspects. Loading MOBS after OOO will force all vanilla weaps to use the MOBS system instead of OOO one. However.. the new weapons added by OOO won't be affected.

- Unpack the archive into your oblivion\data dir
MOBS Oblivion
- Delete MOBS SI.esp and MOBS SI Optional Combat Settings.esp
- Load MOBS.esp and MOBS Optional Combat Settings.esp (if you want to use the optional settings) in the data/files section of oblivionlauncher.exe
MOBS Oblivion & Shivering Isles
- Delete MOBS.esp and MOBS Optional Combat Settings.esp
- Load MOBS SI.esp and MOBS SI Optional Combat Settings.esp (if you want to use the optional settings) in the data/files section of oblivionlauncher.exe


- Reach, reach has been shortened a fair bit. The reaches in default were too long and it looked weird. You will need to get closer now, but it will look better, as if your weapon is actually hitting the target and as if they can hit you.
- Speed, speed has been reduced to give the weapons more diversity and to give them a more realistic 'feel'. Glass and elven weapons will be faster than those made of other materials (but it will still be worth using higher lev materials like ebony thanks to their uber damage).
- Damage, damage increases in the usual way with new materials. However scaling is now fixed to a percentage basis, rather than the unbalanced default system whereby weapons with lower damaged increased disproportionately. For example in the default daggers damage increases around 200% from iron to daedric but the longsword increases by only about 100%. This meant the daggers became the most powerful weapon late game. Now all weapons increase percentage wise as follows to maintain the balance. Damage in general has been increased.
- Weight, weight is a more important property than in the default because it has much more of an effect on fatigue burn. Steel has been made to be of the same weight of iron, glass and elven weapons are now lighter than the others materials but they have lesser durability too. Weapons in general are noticiably lighter (expecially higher level ones).
- Fatigue, three game settings concerning fatigue have been altered. The base cost of swinging a weapon or fists is reduced from 7 to 5. Hand to hand will be less fatiguing. The effect that weight of a weapon has on your fatigue as you swing it is increased dramatically. The result is that all weapons will fatigue you more, especially heavier weapons.
- Power Attacks Optional, the amount of fatigue you lose from performing a power attack has been reduced from 5x a normal swing to 3.5x to stop them from being overly fatiguing. The speed of power attacks has been increased, so as to prevent them form being too slow with the new slower weapon speeds, and to increase their speed from default. So power attacks will be more viable than in the default, for more interesting combat.
- Melee sneak attack bonuses Optional scale up more smoothly as you become better at sneaking:
Default 3x/6x/6x/6x/6x
MOBS 4x/6x/6x/6.5x/7x

- Damage, the new ineffectiveness of archery at close ranges (see reduced running backwards speed below) allows for arrow damage to be increased alot. Arrows do 1.5x more damage than default. NPC archers will be more dangerous because of this.
- Arrow Speed and Physics, arrows' speed through the air has been increased 1.8x to better reflect the speed of a real arrow.
This will make it easier to hit moving targets and harder to avoid being hit. The way arrows behave, such as bounce off things and arc through the air has been tweaked for more realism
- Arrow Recovery, fired arrows will last longer before disappearing. From 90 to 600. Maximum fired arrows that can exist before they begin to replace each other has been increased from 15 to 50. The chance of recovering a fired arrow from the body of a dead opponent is increased from 50% to 75%.
- Marksman Sneak Attacks, marksman sneak attack bonuses scale up more smoothly as you become better at sneaking.
Default 2x/3x/3x/3x/3x
MOBS 1.5x/2x/2.5x/3x/3.5x

- Reduced backwards speed, the speed you can run backwards is decreased so you can't sprint backwards as fast as you can forwards. Backpedaling archer/mage was too imbalancing and boring, now you will need a bit more tactic in this type of fights.

- Reach, Hand to hand reach has been reduced slighty so it is equal to the dagger.
- Damage, Hand to hand damage is up slightly,.The amount of fatigue damage that hand to hand does has been increased by a factor of 3x. This means that hand to hand will weaken opponents, meaning that they will do less damage and be in danger of collapsing. Hand to hand has been strengthened in many ways because other weapons are more fatiguing and slower. This is where the advantage of hand to hand lies.

MISC CHANGES (Shivering Isles):
- Durable weapons durability modifier lowered from the vanilla uber +100% to a more resonable +50%.