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Created by

SilverEzredes and EvilLord

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About this mod

The Killer7 from Resident Evil 4, with a working laser sight and custom stats. REplaces the L.Hawk Magnum.

Permissions and credits
The damage has been increased, while the clip capacity has been decreased.



- Killer7 added.
- Custom Icons added. 
- Custom Stats added.
- Custom Parts added. 
- Custom Ammo Box texture added. 

- Green Laser - 75% variant added.
- Green Laser - 50% variant added.
- Red Laser variant added.
- Red Laser - 75% variant added.
- Red Laser - 50% variant added.
- Blue Laser variant added. 
- Blue Laser - 75% variant added.
- Blue Laser - 50% variant added. 
- No Laser Variant added. 

- The gun has been balanced for Hardcore or higher difficulties.
   So it is overpowered on Assisted and Standard. But it's the magnum so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


- Can I use the laser instead of the crosshair?
-- Yes, you can. It's pretty accurate. 

Known Issues:
- None

Many thanks to EvilLord for helping me with the gun model.